Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 2043 Mountain Village, Fields

Looking at the mountain village in front of him, Li Yan felt excited in his heart. His consciousness suddenly spread out, covering an area of ​​dozens of miles in an instant. After a moment, a smile appeared on his lips.

"It turns out they are all busy in the fields." In his consciousness, he instantly found the location of his family, but there was a young woman and a child in that group of people whom he didn't recognize, but he immediately thought of the Blood Leaf Sect monk just now. After what Xu said, he thought that it should be his sister-in-law and nephew.

Taking a deep breath, Li Yan looked at the two women beside him and pointed to the side of the mountain village in front of him, "Where are we going?" After saying that, he took the lead and ran quickly with ease at his feet.

After Gong Chenying and Zhao Min glanced at each other, they knew that Li Yan had found his relatives, so they quickened their steps and followed him. However, when they thought about meeting Li Yan's family, the two girls felt uneasy. The heartbeat accelerated rapidly, especially Gong Chenying's body felt a little trembling.

Under a row of thick shades in the field, Chang Bo and the others had finished their lunch. The woman named Xiaoyu and Li Yan's mother were clearing away the dishes. Chang Bo was teasing his grandson, while Li Wei and the people passing by Saner's neighbors were whispering about this year's harvest and situation.

At this moment, three people were walking towards us from a distance, which attracted the attention of the nearby villagers and Li Wei. Because the clothes of these three people were completely different from them. Even though they were far away, they could still see each other. I found out that he was a man of noble clothes.

Li Wei stopped talking to the three people around him. At the same time, some villagers in the distance who were standing upright in the fields and wiping the sweat from their foreheads also noticed the three people walking over. Except for Li Yan's mother and Xiaoyu who were lowering their heads to clean up the dishes, they didn't pay attention. Even Chang Bo picked up Xiao Wu and looked at the person coming.

The mountain village is remote, and few outsiders come there on weekdays, so once a stranger enters the mountain, it is easy to attract the attention of the locals.

Here, the current commander-in-chief of Qingshan Pass sent a general here a few years ago, nominally to check the number of people in the village. What is strange is that this general actually proposed to go to the village ancestral hall to see where Li Yan left After looking at the belt for a long time, the general issued a strange order to Li Guoxin, ordering his village to only pay 40% of the tax every year. This order immediately stunned all the villagers. Living here will save 60% of taxes. For mountain villages, this is not just as simple as having more food to store, but the benefits will multiply dramatically. Especially with the long-term accumulation in the future, their place will be better than other surrounding villages. They were richer, but these villagers were not stupid. Seeing that the general said this after seeing the belt Li Yan left behind, it means that this matter must be related to that belt.

After the general left a message, he left. This incident immediately made the village lively. Even the belt, which should have been gradually forgotten with the passage of time, was valued and mentioned again, but Chang Bo When the family found out about this, they were not happy at all. Instead, Li Yan's mother ran to the ancestral hall and cried bitterly for a long time looking at the belt.


A few days after the incident, no official announcement was posted at the head of the village. This made Li Guoxin think that the general just said it casually, or forgot about the incident and did not notify the local county government, but he did not dare to He went to the county government office to ask how serious the tax reduction was. He couldn't explain it in a few words, but it would affect the village. As a village leader, he was a tax-resisting rebel, so it would be extremely serious if he was arrested and put in jail. Easy.

However, when the harvest season came and people from the county government came to collect grain, everyone in the village seemed to have forgotten about it. However, the government official who came took out a notice and posted it at the head of the village, which stated that only grain was collected. In previous years, the 40% tax payment was not signed by the county government official, but by the commander-in-chief of Qingshan Pass.

This caused a sensation in the mountain village, and Li Guoxin was even more excited. After the government officials left, Li Guoxin thought about it for a while, and then issued two orders in the village. One is that from now on, every household in the village must pay for their harvest in summer and autumn. One stone is given to the Chang Bo family; the second is to go hunting in the mountains. Even if Li Wei follows the Chang Bo family, the Chang Bo family will get a share of the harvest in the mountains every time. After his order came out, although some people in the village were silent at first, there was no objection later. Everyone knew it well, not to mention that one stone per family was too little to save taxes.

But after everyone agreed to Li Guoxin's order, Chang Bo quit. He was upright and stubborn by nature, so he went directly to Li Guoxin and said that his ancestors had lived here for generations, but when he came to him, he lost his moral integrity because of a small profit.

As the village chief, Li Guoxin was well aware of the great origin of this blessing. After repeated persuasion, Chang Bo finally considered that he was old and Li Wei was half-disabled. It was not easy to feed a family. Finally, he took the first point into account. The changes were made, and no grains were divided among any families, but five more acres of land were requested. As for the hunter who went into the mountains to hunt, Li Wei really couldn't accompany him, and the young and old in the family also wanted to eat meat, so he agreed. Chang Bo's move increased his prestige in the village several times, and every year since then, when he worships his ancestors, he will also go with him. A forgotten belt will also have wine and meat tributes placed in front of it.

The impact of this is far more than that. As the life in the mountain village gets better and better, its reputation is also getting bigger and bigger. Even neighboring villages with a radius of a hundred miles are aware of it, and many villagers are aware of it. I hope that my daughter can marry here, so I keep asking matchmakers everywhere, hoping that I can get a big gift and that my daughter will have a good home. For a while, the unmarried men in the village have become popular.

During this busy farming season, a stranger came into the mountain, which was also extremely eye-catching. This made the villagers who discovered it look at the stranger with confusion.

As the three people on the path continued to approach, even Xiaoyu and Li Yan felt the difference in the atmosphere, and then they raised their eyes and looked at everyone in confusion.

"Grandpa, grandpa, who are they? Their clothes are...

…It was so dazzling that Xiao Wu couldn’t see clearly. "While everyone was watching, a clear child's voice sounded. Xiao Wu blinked his two big eyes, broke away from Chang Bo's arms, pointed at the three people who were coming, and said, this is his first time. Seeing such beautiful-colored clothes, which were completely different from the khaki coarse cloth clothes in the village, shone with the unique luster of silk and satin in the sun, which made his eyes dazzle.

"Xiao Wu, be good, don't dare to talk nonsense." After hearing this, Chang Bo hurriedly covered Xiao Wu's mouth with a big rough hand. He was a person who had been here before. He knew that those wealthy young men had extremely domineering tempers. He didn't know when Then he would get furious, how dare he let his grandson continue talking.

The surrounding villagers all thought the same thing, but soon some people's expressions changed drastically, because Xiao Wu's voice suddenly appeared, and it was very loud when everyone around him was silent. The three young men headed by him, He obviously paused for a moment, then quickened his pace again and went straight to the fields of Chang Bo's family.

When Li Wei saw this, sweat immediately broke out on his forehead. He didn't know why the other party listened to Xiao Wu's words and came straight to his family. The purpose was very obvious. Although he complained in his heart, he was filled with anger. , limp, took a step forward, and was already standing in front of his father and Xiao Wu. Xiaoyu on the other side turned pale at this time. They had all heard of the evil deeds of some noble sons, and they only acted according to their own likes and dislikes. , which makes no sense at all.

Li Wei stepped forward. Although there was fear in Chang Bo's eyes behind him, he could only sigh in his heart. He put Xiao Wu in his arms on the ground, and then pushed Li Wei's shoulder, trying to push him behind him, but at this moment But Li Wei seemed to have taken root. With one move from Chang Bo, he only moved his shoulder slightly.

"Dad, it's okay. It's just a child's words. I'll just talk to him." Li Wei turned around and smiled at Chang Bo, then looked at the person again.

While Xiao Wu was being placed on the ground, Xiao Yu had already hugged her into her arms. She was trembling as she looked at Li Wei in front of her, her eyes full of worry, but she bit her lip.

Chang Bo also slowly walked to his son's side. The villagers who were chatting with Li Wei hesitated for a moment, thinking of the benefits that Chang Bo's family had brought to them, and they slowly gathered around. The dozen or so villagers in the field had already stopped working and kept looking over here.

Li Wei looked at the first person, who was almost a head taller than him, with long hair shawl, and a burly figure. He had an indescribable elegance in his rich clothes. He had already strode over. In just a few breaths, he was almost there. In front of him, Li Wei took a deep breath and saluted the visitor with cupped fists.

"This young master has invited me, my son is young, just now..." Just as he was speaking, his words slowly stopped, and there was a look of doubt on his face, because he had already seen After seeing the appearance of the person who came, he had an excited face and a smile in his eyes.


A scowl? And he found an extremely familiar feeling on this man's face.

"" Li Wei was confused, and carefully looked at the person in front of him. His mind was shaken, and the doubts in his eyes became more intense.

"Third brother, it's me..." The man stopped in front of Li Wei, his expression became more and more excited, and then he spoke, but his voice was choked. After he spoke, his eyes fell on the ricket next to Li Wei. Old man, at this moment the old man is looking blankly at the visitor.

"Dad, I am Lao Wu, Lao Wu." Li Yan had a lump in his throat. He looked at the old man who was much shorter than himself, had many wrinkles, and was much older. With a "pop", he was already kneeling on his knees. On the field stalks covered with wheat stubble and dust, his face was instantly covered with tears.

His two very short words and his kneeling made the surrounding people hear pindrops, as if the whole world had stopped.

Li Wei still maintained the gesture of cupping his hands, but his head moved involuntarily with Li Yan. His face was full of disbelief. He looked at the young man so close to him, and his mind was in confusion. After Chang Bo was stunned for a moment, he rubbed his eyes hard with his big rough hands. He did this action countless times in his dreams, but every time he woke up, it was just a dream. When he woke up, I always feel extremely disappointed and burst into tears.

Just when everyone was stunned, a heart-wrenching cry came from behind Chang Bo, and then an old woman stumbled over and ran over, "Wu'er, are you really the fifth child?"

The old woman stumbled and jumped over the crowd like crazy. When she saw the young man kneeling on the ground and looking up at her, she recognized Li Yan at a glance. It was her. She thought about the fifth child she cared about in her dream, no matter how much Li Yan had changed, she recognized him at a glance, and with a hoarse cry, she had already thrown herself on Li Yan.

"Lao Wu, it's really Lao Wu, my Wu'er... Wu Wu Wu..." As she rambled, her eyes became hazy, and suddenly she stretched out her withered old hand and stroked Li Yan's face. He kept chanting in his mouth.

"God, you can't wake me up from my dream. Please let me do it for a little longer. This, this, this is Lao Wu, these eyes, this nose, this mouth, this is Lao Wu, this is Lao Wu, wu wu wu …”

The cries echoed in the air, like weeping and complaining, and the loving mother's tearful eyes were helpless...

"Lao Wu, Lao Wu, it's really you!" Li Wei had woken up from his confusion and walked up to Li Yan, looking at his mother's face that was already covered with tears.

"Third brother, it's me, it's really me." Li Yan choked with sobs and turned to look at Li Wei with tears in his eyes.

"Little bastard, little bastard, you little bastard..." Chang Bo stood there without moving, just looking at Li Yan in front of him infatuatedly, the turbid tears on his face were flowing down, and they were already like dry ditches in the northwest. Feng Yu kept murmuring a sentence in his mouth.

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