Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 203: Resurrection

The sixth step turned into rubble in the blink of an eye and fell into the endless void. Immediately afterwards, a series of cracks like spider webs began to appear on the seventh step amidst a series of shattering sounds like porcelain.

Li Yan could feel the half of his body that was still on the seventh step beginning to sink. He couldn't help but feel a shiver in his heart. Without thinking, he leaned forward violently and raised his hands together. There was madness in his eyes. Just before his hands While he was resting on the eighth step, the seventh step suddenly shattered and turned into debris and flew away in an instant. Li Yan, a gorilla who was climbing a tree with his body bent, climbed on the eighth step with both hands and feet. Above the edge of the steps, the other leg was hanging in the bottomless black sky below.

Li Yan was anxious, looking at the large pieces of falling white jade steps below him, and looked around hurriedly. After he glanced at them, he couldn't help but feel relieved. The cracks that quickly shattered the steps stopped at the seventh level. There were no more cracks on the eighth step. Li Yan let out a long breath. He also knew that this was only temporary. It might be because he did not set foot on the eighth step, or because he did not trigger some rules.

Now he is in the same situation as the previous level, once again on the edge of the steps. Who knows when the fragmentation will happen, and then he will really have nothing to do, and does this count as stepping onto the eighth level? He didn't know the steps either.

Pingtu looked at the eighth ray of light that had just appeared on Li Yan's forehead. It seemed to be disappearing at any time. He couldn't help but condense his eyes again. "He has stepped on the eighth step. It just seems that the situation is not good. He may fall at any time. This It should be that the steps started to break apart, causing him to step on the eighth step in a hurry before he was ready, which is why this happened. "

Pingtu has lived for millions of years and knows all about this small foundation. He also sees that Li Yan is in the same situation, but this is a secret realm, not the fairy world. Some pills are No, his cultivation level has not recovered, he can only sigh in despair, unable to intervene.

After Li Yan was sure that he was okay for the time being, he breathed a sigh of relief. He was now in the middle between the seventh and eighth steps, neither up nor down. Here, he could also feel the coercion coming from the eighth step. Although he had already expected this coercion, when he actually came into contact with it, he couldn't help but feel a sense of powerlessness deep in his heart. He had not yet stepped on it, but he was just in the middle of the second step. It felt like being knocked down immediately.

His body was constantly shaking under the strong pressure from above. Li Yan took a deep breath and was about to use all his spiritual power in his body. When he rushed up, he couldn't help but froze. He suddenly found that his hands were grasping the edge of the eighth step. Above, but in fact, relying on the temporary grasping force of only two hands and the power of one foot, these spiritual powers should not be able to resist the pressure from the top of the eighth step. The reason why he is still like a gorilla The reason for the three-legged stance is that traces of mucus were produced between the soles of his hands and feet and the steps.

Li Yan was not unfamiliar with this mucus. He had used spiritual power to practice during the Qi Condensation stage. However, the amount of mucus at that time was very small, at most a thin layer.


It was just a layer, but now it has condensed into a large piece of water-like substance.

"Is this the 'Long Staying Together' of Zhili Twelve?" Li Yan said to himself a little uncertainly. He didn't use this poison much, so the poison had no direct effect on the enemy, but it had a strong sticky effect. Sex will stick different items together, but it will not corrode, nor will it turn into poison into the body. Its biggest function is to stick items together. After twelve hours, there will be Assimilation, each other will be firmly integrated together. Li Yan has verified it several times during the Qi Condensation stage. For example, if a piece of black bamboo and a stone are glued together, after twelve hours, a hammer-like shape will be formed. It is something that is made of bamboo, and there is no trace at all on the bonded part. It is as if it was born this way. It is so ingenious that even if Li Yan deliberately split it from the bonded part with his spiritual sword, a large piece of bamboo would come out from the head. rock.

After Li Yan tried it a few times, he lost interest in the poison. He couldn't kill people quickly. It was of little use to a monk in the Qi Condensation stage. If he couldn't kill his opponent quickly, he would be the one who died. Qian, if it takes too long, any accident can lead to Li Yan's immediate death, but now that its characteristics have been discovered, it has also become known as "Stay together forever".

In a desperate situation today, he couldn't help but move his spiritual power, and poured enough poison into his hands and feet. He didn't expect it to have such an effect. Looking at the mucus under his palms, after his spiritual power turned into liquid, even Zhili Twelve began to change a lot. He actually helped himself in the foundation building. Of course, Li Yan didn't care how many hours. Even if he hung like this for twelve hours, it would not be assimilated with the steps. These venoms were originally transformed by his own spiritual power and could be retracted and released freely. , not to mention that the body is not here.

In fact, all this became clear just as Li Yan's thoughts were turning. He knew that this was not the time to think about this. He immediately felt the power of the foundation-building pill in his physical strength. At this time, about 60% of it had disappeared, but according to what he felt now, At this position, with 40% of the potency remaining, plus my own spiritual power, there is still hope for an impact. I should just go up to the eighth step with all my strength.

Li Yan's heart sank. Just as his spiritual power roared from the inner cauldron in his dantian and twisted into several spiritual power pillars, his body suddenly shook violently. As if he had been hit hard, there was an unprecedented feeling in his consciousness. The tearing pain that he had experienced came directly, and the aura in his body was even more chaotic. The originally very obedient spiritual power, like a wild horse that had lost its restraint, ran rampant in Li Yan's body.

Li Yan was hit by this sudden change and his energy and blood surged. He was shocked and forced himself to concentrate, but this power became more and more chaotic and complex. He had begun to lose control of these spiritual powers. " No, Zhili Twelve is about to break through."

At the time of danger, Li Yan became calmer and calmer, barely keeping his mind clear, and thinking quickly.

Although there is not a lot of relevant knowledge introduced in the introduction, there is still some information about the promotion of the poisonous body. The description says that usually monks will achieve breakthroughs in the poisonous body after they have made a big breakthrough in their cultivation. It usually appears after the cultivation realm has stabilized for a period of time. Whether there is such an unexpected appearance today is not very clear in the classics. After all, since the establishment of the Sprite Sect, the three major poisonous bodies that have appeared are no more than a few people. They The poisonous body breakthroughs all occur after the cultivation is stable.

Li Yan's sudden change may have occurred because he accidentally used his fragmented poison body when he was attacking the ninth level of foundation building, thus triggering a full-scale outbreak.

When Li Yan thought about this, he felt like he wanted to cry without tears. The force he grabbed just now in desperation was just an instinctive reaction after long-term practice. He thought that it would not have caused such a result, and he was now attacking the ninth level of foundation building. At this moment, if the spiritual power is out of control, not only may he fall directly back to the seventh-level foundation-building realm, but in his current state, it is difficult to say whether he can make the fragmented poisonous body break through normally in reality.

After thinking and thinking, for a while, this matter was not something he could control. Although there was no sweat on Li Yan's forehead, anxiety began to appear in his eyes. He tried his best to calm down, but his body was already a mess. After the twelve pieces were torn apart, They began to gather together again. This gathering was not urgent, but it blocked Li Yan's newly expanded meridians. Li Yan only felt that his spiritual power was weak, and what was even more terrifying was the energy coming from the eighth step. The coercion, if the siege logs came one after another, Li Yan's body continued to fall, and even the "Long Stay Together" mucus on his palms and the sole of his right foot began to stretch, showing traces of concern. state.

Pingtu looked at the light that seemed to appear faintly just now, but now it began to disappear, and it was almost completely invisible. This was a sign that was being bombarded by the eighth step. His heart was also sinking a little bit. Li If it ends like this, then he will be building a seventh-level foundation. Although this is excellent for many monks, for the sparsely populated Five Immortals Sect, it means that there is one less powerful person.

Looking at the longer and longer sticky threads, Li Yan's entire body had changed from the initial hunched-over three-point tilt to a continuous tilt, which made him fall faster and faster. The most disgusting thing was that he was falling from his side. The pressure and bombardment almost left Li Yan breathless, and his heart was beating at a terrifying speed. At this moment, Li Yan was afraid that his heart would explode directly from his intestines.

At the same time, enduring the pain of being peeled off again after the body had just fused, Li Yan's body kept twitching. In just two breaths, he was falling with his head down and his feet up. The sticky thread has been stretched to two inches. As the sticky thread continues to stretch, many of the sticky threads have begun to be broken, then reluctantly shrink, and finally turn into a drop of water at the origin. The traction force of Li Yan's body continues to decrease.

At this time, Li Yan's mind had begun to become chaotic. The slight clarity just now was being occupied by the huge pain of being separated from his body. There was only one thought in his mind.


He wanted to get out of this painful state as soon as possible, but his body continued to fall, making him unable to practice with peace of mind. Subconsciously, he suddenly assumed a posture, which was exactly what he could do in his current state.

When he assumed this posture, a powerful force suddenly emerged from his body. This force did not come from his Dantian and Purple Fu organs, but from his muscles and bones. As soon as this force was born, it was like thousands of troops, directly It filled Li Yan's entire body, and directly broke the fragmented poisonous body that was slowly separating into dozens of pieces.

But this sudden impact was too violent. Li Yan, who was sitting cross-legged in the secret room, suddenly opened his mouth and spurted out a large amount of blood, like a blood arrow, directly rushed several feet away, but then Pingtu's eyes lit up. When he got up, the light that had almost disappeared on Li Yan's forehead slowly lit up again.

Li Yan only felt that his internal organs were being hit by a sudden and powerful force, and his internal organs seemed to be stirred directly by someone's hands. He almost fainted, but after practicing under this familiar pain thousands of times, his instincts They had all formed a habit. Amid the muffled hum, he felt his mind suddenly clearing up. At the moment of clarity, he found that although his hands were still on the eighth step, his body was weirdly twisted, as if he was hovering. In mid-air, at this moment, there is a surge of surging power in the body, and then the re-aggregated fragmented poisonous body is instantly broken into dozens of pieces, and even the spiritual energy in the muscles and veins that had dried up is flowing at an alarming speed. Recovering.

Looking at his strangely twisted body, Li Yan's eyes flashed, "Qiongqi Purgatory Technique? I didn't expect that this technique can also generate power here."

However, this was not the time for him to think too much, and he had no time to check the status of the poisonous body in his body. When he felt full of energy, Li Yan clenched his hands into fists and grabbed the remaining long sticky thread. At the same time, the one that had started to move away from the steps His feet were wrapped around his ankles, and hundreds of sticky threads were wrapped around his ankles. As he yelled, he exerted force on three points at the same time, and pulled upwards. The already inverted figure with his head and feet resisted the pressure. He straightened himself back up at an incredible speed, and at the same time, the other foot stepped on the eighth step from the air. This process was very short, and the sticky threads had already broken under the strong pull. Waiting The moment Li Yan's body straightened, he held less than fifty sticky threads in his hands. However, Li Yan did not stop. He stood up straight despite the pressure like a knife and roared. At the same time, the Guishui Scripture and the Qiongqi Purgatory Technique were running simultaneously in his body. He raised his leg fiercely, and amidst the loud rumbling sounds suppressed by the rules of heaven and earth, he actually stepped on the ninth step again.

At this moment, a cold voice sounded in Li Yan's ear, "You ant, how dare you!"

This voice was as cold as eternal ice. Li Yan suddenly felt like he was falling into the dark world. His rising figure suddenly stagnated, as if he was frozen in mid-air. The voice gave rise to a feeling in Li Yan's heart that made him helpless. The feeling of rivalry seemed to suppress everything, and at this sound, the eighth step under Li Yan's other foot was broken again.

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