Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 186: There is so little truth in the world

Gong Chenying's move did not attract too many people's attention. After all, many people knew the relationship between Gong Chenying and Zhao Min. Zhao Min raised her head and looked at Gong Chenying who was going away. Her expression returned to calm, but she was still as aloof and indifferent as before. Then she glanced at Li Yan casually, and then walked towards the exit path of the bamboo forest.

Li Yan stood not far from Zhao Min. Although he did not hear what Gong Chenying said, he knew everything after seeing Gong Chenying and Zhao Min. It seemed that he had lost a layer of protection in his heart, which made him feel lost. At the same time, it seemed that his heart knot was opened at the same time, which made him breathe a sigh of relief. These two thoughts were intertwined. He didn't know what he was thinking for a while. One was a person he had been in contact with for several years. Although he couldn't be called a confidant, he was also the person he talked to the most besides Lin Daqiao. The other was a person who suddenly broke in and implanted him in his heart without any preparation. Li Yan didn't dislike Gong Chenying, nor did he say that he didn't love her in his heart. It was just that she came too suddenly, disrupting all his life. For a while, he was full of thoughts.

"Why don't you leave quickly if you are waiting for the killing? Do you want me to drive you away?" A sharp child's voice sounded, full of impatience. As soon as Elder Peng and his men left, a strong breath surged on the Heavenly Monument, and waves of pressure spread from within.

"Junior brother, let's go." Li Wuyi walked over. He had just seen Gong Chenying and Zhao Min whispering, but he didn't care. But after hearing what Gong Chenying said, Zhao Min left directly without even saying hello to them. He also saw Li Yan staring at Zhao Min's back in a daze, but he felt a little surprised.

"Let's go, let's go. We are going to your courtyard to have a gathering tonight. Why did Junior Sister Min leave alone? Didn't she say before that she would go to Junior Brother's courtyard to have a gathering together?" Li Changting also walked over with a puzzled look on his face.

"Oh, we should leave quickly. It seems that we can't stay here any longer." Li Yan was in a trance for only a moment before he regained his clarity. He shook his head and looked around. Wang Tian and Wei Feng had already gathered with their mountain people and flew away directly. Feeling the bad breath on the heavenly monument, he also said hurriedly.

Li Wuyi and Li Changting walked in front of Li Yan, Wei Chituo and Yun Chun followed behind. As they walked forward, Li Changting asked with a puzzled look, "You really don't know?"

"How should I know." Li Yan couldn't help but turn around and said.

"That's right. Since you came out, I haven't seen you say anything to Junior Sister Min. Could it be that Junior Sister Gong has something to say to her alone later, or that you got some treasures in addition to the rewards in the Wheel of Life and Death, and Junior Sister Gong wants to give it to Junior Sister Min alone. If so, it is possible given the relationship between the two of them." Before Li Yan continued to answer, Li Changting had already talked to himself, and he was getting more and more sure of what he said.


r\u003e  This made Li Yan feel relieved. He really didn't know how to explain to this difficult Senior Sister Li.

"By the way, Junior Brother, when you enter the Wheel of Life and Death, do you have something good to give to Senior Sister?" Just by saying the word "Senior Sister", she couldn't help but blush, feeling extremely shy.

Li Wuyi's face twitched as he listened to it. He was looking forward, his steps were firm, his eyes were not sideways, and he walked forward step by step, as if he didn't hear it.

Li Yan's heart was bleeding when he heard this. He thought to himself, "You asked for something from Junior Brother? Those are all spiritual stones." But his face was full of smiles. He said to Li Changting, "I also got some things. They are all things from the other cultivators. The best ones are some magic tools. Senior Sister can pick one or two."

"Hehe, I can see the pain in your eyes. Don't worry, Senior Sister doesn't want your things. I was teasing you just now. By the way, tonight Senior Sister has risked her life to bring out a few jars of good wine that she has collected for more than 20 years. This is not something that anyone can enjoy. This time, for your sake, I will give it up once." Li Changting patted Li Yan's shoulder with her jade hand and said with a smile.

Li Yan couldn't help but feel embarrassed. He didn't expect that his hiding skills were so poor that people could see his pettiness at a glance, but then his face drooped like a bitter gourd.

He had been thinking about something before, and just now he noticed that this Senior Sister Li had mentioned several times about a small gathering in his bamboo courtyard. Now he remembered that it seemed that before he entered the wheel of life and death, he said that he wanted to drink the wine she prepared. Now Senior Sister Li actually took it seriously, and even took out a stronger wine. He felt his stomach sour and bloated, and he couldn't help but look up at Li Wuyi in front of him, with a pleading look in his eyes. But what disappointed him was that at this moment, the senior brother, with his cultivation, seemed to have no sense of anyone looking at him at all, and was walking firmly on the bamboo forest path, with a heroic and high-spirited look, and he didn't even look at him.

What Li Yan didn't know was that Li Wuyi had wanted to slap him to the ground a long time ago. Now Li Yan still wanted him to help, which was absolutely impossible.

Wei Chituo, who was walking behind, heard that it was a good wine that had been treasured for decades, and his mouth was already drooling, and his eyes looked at Li Yan with a little more appreciation. "It seems that this time, I really relied on Junior Brother's help, but Senior Brother still doesn't seem to appreciate it. Bah, if I could beat him, I would definitely help Junior Brother teach him a lesson. He took advantage of me but still looks unwilling to accept it." Thinking of this, he couldn't help but curl his lips.

As they walked, they had already reached the halfway point of the mountain. Li Yan saw a fork in the bamboo forest. Suddenly, he was moved, but he was a little hesitant and didn't know what reason to find to leave temporarily. Then, a voice like a yellow warbler sounded, which was really pleasant to the ears, and this crisp voice was filled with joy.

"Big Brother, it's you. I heard that you were back in the Spiritual Object Garden just now, so I rushed over." Li Yan and his friends looked up and saw a ray of light flying quickly in the sky. It landed in front of them in a flash. A quiet girl stood there. It was Miao Wangqing in yellow clothes.

Miao Wangqing's big watery eyes swept around, and her eyes first fell on Li Changting's face who was looking at her with a smile. Her face changed, and then after scanning everyone, she asked in a strange voice, "Why is the sixth junior sister not here?"

"Oh, it turned out to be the fourth junior sister. The sixth junior sister is fine, don't worry, she went to Laojun Peak with Master Peng to discuss matters, and will be back soon." When Li Wuyi saw that it was Miao Wangqing, he first showed embarrassment on his face, and then said with a serious face.

"Oh, that's good, that's good." Then her eyes fell on Li Changting who had been staring at her.

"Senior Sister Li, don't you need to go back to see Li Changting after the trial? You haven't been at home for a while, and your junior brothers and sisters are in a mess." ??

"It's okay, it's okay, anyway, it doesn't matter for a while, let's talk about it tomorrow, and I have to get together with Senior Brother Li and a few others tonight and drink some wine." After that, she turned her face and looked at Li Wuyi happily.

Miao Wangqing's face suddenly became ugly. "It's okay if you don't leave the peak. There are many things to do in Xiaozhu Peak. Senior Brother, Master is in seclusion. You leave all these things behind. How can I handle them? You... If you don't care, don't expect me to handle the affairs of the main hall in the future." As he said this, tears welled up in his eyes, which was very touching.

"Your senior brother just came back..." Li Changting rolled his eyes and continued.

Li Wuyi was overwhelmed at once. Seeing the two of them standing on the path and chattering, he waved his hand quickly.

"Stop, stop, stop, I'll go to the main hall to handle the affairs of the peak first, and you guys can chat first. Oh, junior brother, I'll find you in the evening." As soon as he said this, he turned into a streak of light and flew down the mountain quickly. In the blink of an eye, he disappeared. He was really as powerful as thunder.

"Li Wuyi, where are you going?"

"Big Brother, wait for me, I will tell you what happened in the peak recently..., Li Changting, what are you doing here, the things in Xiaozhu Peak are not known to outsiders..."

"I don't want to listen, I just want to see if there is anything about me not leaving the peak, and deal with it by the way, otherwise you don't have to go alone to inform me..."

Li Changting and Miao Wangqing saw that Li Wuyi left without giving anyone a chance to speak, and they couldn't help but said anxiously, and then they turned into two rays of light and flew after him. The sound of the two people, one hurried and one slow, could be heard faintly in the air.

Li Yan stared blankly at everything in front of him, thinking that everything happened too fast. The fourth sister didn't even say hello to the people behind them, and left again in a moment.

Just as he was stunned, a rough voice came from behind him, "Tsk tsk tsk, Big Brother is mighty, mighty, hahaha..." It was Wei Chituo who was gloating and slowly walked over with Yun Chun.

"Second Senior Brother, let's go too." Yun Chunqu had returned to his attitude of keeping strangers away since Gong Chenying left, and said to Li Yan with a faint glance.

"Oh, good, good, well, it's still a while before night, little Junior Brother, you go back to rest first, I have to send your Third Senior Brother back to the courtyard first, and then go there in the evening." Wei Chituo thought about it.

"That should be the case. If Third Senior Brother is convenient in the evening, come with me, and I will go to find Senior Brother Daqiao later." Li Yan clasped his fists to the two of them. He was just thinking about how to get rid of the two of them.

After Wei Chituo took Yun Chunqu away, Li Yan looked at the empty path, turned his footsteps and walked towards the fork.

Li Yan was very familiar with this bamboo forest path. His mood along the way was very different from before. In the past, he came here to practice immortal arts or sit on it and look at the direction of his hometown, thinking about his thoughts in silence. At this moment, looking at the winding path and the thin bamboo blocking the view ahead, he felt a little hope and uneasiness in his heart.

The path that branched off had an end. After a few turns, Li Yan saw the familiar platform and the suddenly open view. The mountains in the distance were as undulating as before. They were far or near, big or small, green near and dark far.

But at this moment, Li Yan didn't care about these. He saw a figure in a dark green robe on the platform. It was a slender back, sitting on the edge of the platform, with a pair of long legs hanging in the air outside the platform. Below was a bottomless cliff valley. A pair of jade hands were supported on the stone floor of the platform on both sides of the buttocks, revealing white wrists, facing the sunset, like jade. The long ponytail naturally drooped to the ground on her back. She half raised her head and looked at the distant sky. The sun shone on her face. From the back, the side of the flawless white jade face was slightly exposed, and the round edges and corners of the jade were soft and gentle.

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