Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 1784 Jun Xingyuan (IV)

The thin cold light was the sharp axe blade. At this moment, the huge axe blade turned into a thin blade, accurately slashing the tip of the long whip.


When the two collided, countless starlight burst out from the collision point, and Mu Sha, who was pressing down in the air, paused immediately.

But his attack was smooth and flowing, and his wrist shook along with it. In the countless starlight, the whip body undulated in a wave, unloading the opponent's huge force.

The sharp blade that was slashed head-on, like an extremely sensitive snake head, slid past the axe of the giant axe.


The sharp blade on the tip of the long whip immediately drew a golden light on the axe, and then turned like lightning and hit the throat of the Mountain-Opening Flame Demon, the speed was amazingly fast.

"This man's strength is really amazing!"

The Flame Demon of the Mountain saw that he had made light of a heavy weight and hit the opponent's magic weapon accurately with an axe. The opponent suddenly had a continuous change of strength. He was surprised by the speed of his reaction.

When Mu Sha was hit by his axe, he immediately adopted the method of making light of a heavy weight, and his attack instantly changed from agile to heavy pressure.

The heavy blow of his axe did not break the opponent's magic weapon.

Then Mu Sha changed to making light of a heavy weight again without any pause. With a strange change of direction, the sharp blade of the whip reached his vital point.

This made the Flame Demon of the Mountain think of the information he had investigated about the opponent.

"Mu Sha, a mid-stage demon general, has a physical body at a normal level, and is fast and agile...Combining his previous battle records, his real strength should have reached the peak of the mid-stage demon general..."

But although there is such information, which demon general's physical body is not strong?

In addition to their natural physiques, which one of them did not practice the body-refining techniques of the clan? Moreover, the techniques of the clan in the upper realm are many times stronger than those in the lower realm, and the techniques are more extensive and profound.

The other party has only been here for a few years. Even if he changes to practice the techniques of the upper realm, it will take a long time to polish. His physical body can also cross the level and compete with some late-stage demon generals.

Although the thoughts of the Kaishan Flame Demon were flying, it did not affect his attack at all. His body instantly took a step diagonally to the side.

In a roundabout step, he was behind Mu Sha in an instant.

His huge body was so flexible that it gave people an illusion that he could not exert force.


The long whip that Mu Sha hit with a sharp whistle directly penetrated the afterimage of the Kaishan Flame Demon and hit nothing!

At the same time, Mu Sha's body fell from the air and fell in front of the Kaishan Flame Demon in an instant. The giant axe was still behind his head.

The bodies of the two people teleported almost at the same time, and their positions were staggered.

As the Mountain-Splitting Flame Demon took a step sideways, he suddenly pulled the palm of his hand holding the giant axe downward.


The axe handle of the giant axe slid through his palm in an instant as if it had been lubricated with oil, and the sharp axe handle at the end, like a spear tip, instantly smashed into Mu Sha's back.

At this time, the Mountain-Splitting Flame Demon's palm suddenly clenched and exerted force, and it was held between the axe head and the axe handle.

Both parties were masters of close combat, but in a flash, the two of them attacked in a continuous and swift manner, and a blurred shadow appeared on the ring below.

Mu Sha's whip style was already old at this time, and it was too late to rewind and entangle the opponent. At the moment when the opponent's axe handle stabbed out, his falling body suddenly shrank into a ball.

At the same time, his wrist trembled, and the long whip in his hand actually slid backward from his holding hand like the Mountain-Splitting Flame Demon.

Like a slippery snake, it shot out from his palm backwards.


A loud noise erupted between the two.

Mu Sha's ball-like body just flew forward, and the sharp axe handle that stabbed his back collided with the handle of the long whip that slid out.

A gleam of light flashed in the eyes of the Kaishan Flame Demon. He didn't expect Mu Sha to learn and use the moves he just used to break his lightning-fast counterattack.

He used 70% of his strength in this move, but the opponent blocked it again.

In the explosion, the magic power in the Kaishan Flame Demon's body was madly infused, and Mu Sha in the air also had a bright light on his body, and he didn't retreat at all.

This time the two collided, there was a brief stalemate, it was a still picture.

The Kaishan Flame Demon stood there with a body as thick as a hill, and in front of him, Mu Sha was curled up with his back to the other party.

Mu Sha's body was suspended in the air, holding a long whip in his hand. The whip was straight as a stick under the infusion of mana, and the whip handle was against the axe handle.




The audience in the stands were excited by the sudden change from extremely fast attack to extremely quiet scene.

Although they knew that killing was not allowed here, they still shouted "Kill, kill, kill" one by one, and the sound was soaring to the sky!

The scene of the two people being evenly matched did not last long.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

In just half a breath, the collision of the mana driven by the two people had already risen like the rumbling of war drums, and one louder than the other.


Another roar, suppressing all the previous collision sounds, and a more dazzling light burst out between the two.

Mu Sha's cultivation was finally a little lower, and the two sides were still unable to continue the struggle.

As the Mountain-Opening Flame Demon mobilized his violent magic power, another wave of impact hit Mu Sha's body, which was originally suspended in the air, and could no longer resist, and was directly blasted forward.

Seeing that the attack was successful, the Mountain-Opening Flame Demon's eyes flashed with a fierce light. The opponent's magic power was not running smoothly at this time, which was a good time to severely injure the opponent.

At the moment when Mu Sha's body was knocked out, the Mountain-Opening Flame Demon's reaction was faster than his thoughts, and he had already taken a quick step forward.

But just as he raised his knees and stepped forward, and his back foot heel kicked the void to exert force, Mu Sha, who was knocked out, had curled up his body to avoid the opponent's attack.

In the moment of flying forward, his body suddenly straightened, and his feet kicked back from his curled arms.

His action did not seem to be hastily attacking while being knocked out, but gave people a sense of incomparable flexibility, as fast as a rabbit kicking an eagle.


Mu Sha's feet brought out a black arc of light. His attack changed too quickly, from hasty to smooth and sharp, beyond everyone's expectations.

The Kaishan Flame Demon was leaning forward to chase, and the pupils in his eyes suddenly shrank into needles. He knew he was fooled.

The opponent was not knocked out by him, but a trap, but it was too late to hide, he was just going to meet it himself.


At the same time, a sky-high roar came out of his mouth, and at the same time, the mana in his body surged like a tide, rushing to his chest in an instant.

The rapid flow of mana made his body instantly appear like thousands of troops galloping, making a thunderous roar, he wanted to break the opponent's legs.


Mu Sha's feet kicked on the opponent's chest at the same time, and when his feet came together, there was only a heavy impact.

On the chest of Kaishan Flame Demon, a ball of flames broke out at the same time.

Until this moment, the roar of the Mountain-Opening Flame Demon had just come out. The flames that burst out from the collision between the two sides directly submerged the upper body of the Mountain-Opening Flame Demon.

No one saw that when Mu Sha exerted force with his feet, there was a silver light in the arc of light, which flashed and disappeared.

The roar of the Mountain-Opening Flame Demon shook the sky, and his body in the flames was motionless, like an ancient mountain standing between heaven and earth.

And when Mu Sha stretched his body and kicked the opponent with his feet, the whole person shot forward like a sharp arrow.

It was like someone was running at full speed, and kicked a mountain with one foot, and was directly bounced out.

"Kill kill kill!"

"Wow, wow, wow!"


The cheers in the surrounding stands were even louder. The two people in the field below used the explosive attack that the demon cultivators liked the most, which made them excited.

In a short time, they were already shouting desperately, waving their arms, and their bodies were twisting violently.

The Mountain-Opening Flame Demon was truly so domineering that he simply ignored the opponent's attacks, as if a giant mountain and an ape were shaking each other, and remained motionless!

But the next moment, the roars from all around him quickly fell.

After Mu Sha flew out, he just circled in the air, and his body straightened like a long iron spear, facing the Mountain-Opening Flame Demon, and stood upright in the air.

The long whip in his hand had disappeared, and he clasped his hands in front of his chest, looking coldly at the Mountain-Opening Flame Demon in front of him.

The Mountain-Opening Flame Demon had not moved until this moment, and there was no scene of chasing and bombarding in an instant, and continuing the fierce fight as people imagined.

The ball of flames that burst out from the chest of the Mountain-Opening Flame Demon had already dissipated between heaven and earth, revealing his burly figure like a mountain.

The scene of the two of them standing still again in opposition made many demon cultivators on the surrounding stands feel something was wrong.

The expression of the Mountain-Opening Flame Demon was very strange. His eyes were looking straight ahead, staring at Mu Sha who was floating with his arms folded.

There was confusion and disbelief in his eyes, and a strange "chuckle..." sound came out of his throat, as if he wanted to speak, but something was blocking his throat.

He felt indescribable discomfort at this time. Although he had magic power and armor defense, the power was unmatched and penetrated directly into his body, causing chaos in his body and his breath surging.

Those tendons were even more sore and swollen, and his whole body could no longer muster any strength.


A loud noise was heard, and in the silence around him, the giant axe in the hand of the Mountain-Opening Flame Demon was no longer able to hold, and fell to the ground first.

On the hard table paved with huge stones below, sparks flew everywhere.

Then, the huge body of the Mountain-Opening Flame Demon shook a few times, and then it also fell with a bang!

"Mu! Mu! Mu!"

In the stands around, there were shouts of madness.

But Mu Sha's eyes, after losing the shield of the other party's huge body, looked towards the distant sky.

"Father, I will not need your protection in the end, and I will rise among the demons in the upper realm!"

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