Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 1745 A mission that cannot fail

"Shi Ying, this time I asked you and Yuan Ying to kill only two enemies, but in the end one of them died. What happened to the female cultivator who escaped?"

The middle-aged monk looked coldly at the strong man again. After hearing the words, a trace of fear flashed across the face of the strong man. Then he lowered his head and quickly saluted with crossed fists.

The moment he lowered his head, deep in his eyes, a light slipped quietly, but no one saw it.

"The monk who died just now has reached the late stage of divine transformation, especially the magic weapon he holds is really strong.

Yuan Ying was probably careless and was instantly attacked and killed by the other party. As for the female cultivator, I...I..."

After the strong man said this, his voice was too small to be heard.

"Hmph, then you have fought against that female cultivator, have you noticed any characteristics of her skills?"

The middle-aged monk said dissatisfiedly.

"The speed and defense are very strong, otherwise it would be impossible to avoid my secret attack!"

The rugged man answered quickly this time.

"Speed ​​and defense? Do you still have speed... We need to leave here quickly. After the female cultivator escaped, it was impossible to bring in reinforcements in a short time.

But this place is no longer a place for us to stay for a long time. This time the mission has not been truly completed. We can't report to the top when we go back.

Now we immediately rush towards Xianhe Village to see if the female cultivator still dares to go there! "

Although the middle-aged monk was dissatisfied with the strong man and the dead subordinate, he also sensed the woman's actions at that moment because of his control of the formation.

This time, five of the six people in Huangqigu died, and four escort items were obtained. Except for the monk who blew himself up, the employer was not satisfied with this result.

However, he was also shocked by the result.

What shocked him was that among the six people in Huang Qi Valley this time, he originally thought that the monks in the late stage of spiritual transformation who had entered the core of the formation were the focus of the attack.

Unexpectedly, it was the man and woman on the outside of the formation who were the most difficult to deal with.

A treasure on a person can block his spiritual consciousness, and even he is jealous of it.

And that woman was even more weird. She should have the same magic weapon that he coveted. The other party actually tore apart her own formation when Shi Ying chased her.

When he discovered it, the other party disappeared out of sight as soon as he emerged from the formation.

The opponent seemed to have prepared a teleportation talisman a long time ago. The moment he came out of the formation, he immediately crushed the teleportation talisman.

Even his own consciousness failed to find the female cultivator later, which naturally shocked him. What could the other party use to tear apart his formation?

Although it was just a very thin crack, and it healed without even half a breath, the other party escaped with this.

After he thought about something, knowing that time was running out, he just scolded Shi Ying and stopped holding him accountable for the time being.

After all, Shi Ying was chasing and escaping, and lost the opponent. Even his own formation failed to trap the opponent. That person was indeed very skilled.

As the middle-aged monk spoke, he flicked his sleeves, and suddenly from the surrounding rain curtain, purple rays of light flew towards him like meteors cutting through the night.

That was exactly a formation flag. In the reflection of the rain curtain and water light, it looked purple and bright...

At the same time, a thin dark red blade suddenly appeared at the middle-aged monk's feet. As soon as the dark red blade appeared, it immediately grew to more than ten feet.

The man and woman standing not far from the middle-aged monk immediately flew onto the dark red blade without any instructions from the other party.

And the strong man named Shi Ying was taking out the elixir and swallowing it, and his movements were obviously slower.

At the moment when the middle-aged monk looked at him coldly, the sturdy man didn't care about refining, and he quickly flew onto the dark red blade.

Immediately, the dark red blade slightly blurred and twisted in the dark night, rushing directly into the rain curtain, and then the dark red light flashed slightly again, and completely disappeared...

On the dark red blade, the middle-aged monk stood alone in front of him with his hands behind his back. The three people behind him stood quietly with their hands down, just standing behind him, and no one spoke.

The middle-aged monk was thinking about something quickly in his mind at this time, and one of his group's targets actually missed him.

"The strength of the female cultivator who escaped was only in the middle stage of divine transformation, and the thing that helped her escape should be a forbidden treasure.

If she used a teleportation talisman later, obviously the ability of this teleportation talisman would not be able to teleport to Xianhe Village in a targeted manner.

Otherwise, if they had this ability, there would be no need for them to take such risks.

Generally speaking, this kind of temporary teleportation is undirected teleportation. Even if she had thought of an escape route, she probably had not prepared it in advance.

But if you escape the scope of my spiritual consciousness in an instant, the journey will not be close...

According to normal people's thinking, we have been exposed in one attack, so our ambush should not be so intensive in the subsequent journey.

Under such circumstances, would the nun take any chances? After all, she still has a certain chance of reaching Xianhe Village.

Once she makes a detour, we have to approach at least four directions to set up ambush along a certain route, but obviously we don't have enough time.

At this point, this female cultivator should be able to think of it...

Calculated by the distance she teleported, it was quite far. The time it took us to go back and forth here was only about two hundred breaths at most.

As long as she didn't happen to be teleporting in the right direction and landed in the direction of Xianhe Village, then she would definitely arrive before us. "

Of course, the middle-aged monks don't need to divide their troops to pursue them. Their mission is to prevent the other party from sending anything to Xianhe Village.

"So, I still have the opportunity to set up an ambush again within a certain distance from Xianhe Village...

But if the female cultivator is frightened out of fear, she may return to Huangqi Valley, then this mission will naturally be considered completed by us.

But if the worst happens... and I only have four things my employer needs... I might be able to talk to my employer about it.

But...but in this case, it is inevitable that there will be a dispute of words..."

In his mind, the middle-aged monk kept thinking about various situations that would happen next, but once the result he least wanted to see occurred, it would be troublesome.

He was very worried about the female cultivator who escaped. After casting the non-directional teleportation talisman, she was teleported to a place very close to Xianhe Village by accident.

So if he rushes over at this time, he may not be able to catch up with the other party. As long as the other party hands over the escort, he will definitely be punished after returning this time.


The four of them moved forward quickly in the dark night, and the four of them were silent all the way.

When it was almost dawn, the heavy rain finally turned into light rain, and there was a slight light on the horizon.

"We are still about 10,000 miles away from Xianhe Village. Don't move, be alert to the surrounding situation, and wait until I have set up a formation before leaving this magic weapon!"

The middle-aged monk looked at a large river that appeared in front of him. The water there had already become extremely turbid due to heavy rains. It was roaring like an angry dragon and flowing downstream.

He has already inquired about the surrounding environment of Xianhe Village and is already quite familiar with it. This is also the most basic understanding for people like them.

The middle-aged monk took the three of them to a place about ten thousand miles away from Xianhe Village. This approach was already too risky.

If he is discovered by people in the village, even if he competes with him based on his cultivation, it will be a disaster.

Therefore, he asked the remaining three people to stay on the flying magic weapon first. That magic weapon has the restriction of concealing the breath. Besides, staying on top can save a lot of time even if they escape for their lives.

The location he chose was an excellent hiding place, and he could also identify people coming from at least two directions.

He felt that this was the direction where the female cultivator was most likely to come. Of course, this was just gambling on luck.

In fact, here, if the troops are divided into four directions, it is possible to block the opponent to the greatest extent.

But in that case, the possibility of their exposure will also increase exponentially.

Because in Xianhe Manor, there are strong men who even middle-aged monks would run away after hearing the news.

Therefore, they only have one chance, so they must concentrate their efforts and kill them with one strike.

After that, he fled thousands of miles away in an instant!

Of course, in addition to this, the middle-aged monk had more important reasons, which made him even more unable to divide his forces.

In fact, he could come and intercept the female cultivator himself, but he did not intend to use these three subordinates in vain. They were doing things under the nose of Xianhe Village.

Once he fails to lure the female cultivator into the trap, he may have to take action forcefully later. If exposed, then these three people will also be one of his trump cards to escape...

Near the place chosen by the middle-aged monk, there were some small monsters, and there were even more beasts that had not yet developed their intelligence.

They can use the chaotic atmosphere here to cover their whereabouts, but even so, staying here is quite dangerous.

While the middle-aged monk was talking, he lightly stepped on the dark red blade and dropped it towards a location by the river below.

At a certain place on the river bank, there is a field that is as tall as a person and covered with dense thatch.

When the four people fell, there was no space fluctuation during flight. As a master of the assassination organization, the concealment effect of this flying magic weapon is really strong.

The dark red blade floated quietly on the top of the thatch. The three people behind looked at each other, and they had already restrained their auras.

At the same time, his spiritual consciousness no longer goes out, but he just keeps looking around with his eyes!

The middle-aged monk flicked his robe sleeves, and several array flags flew out quietly, but only four of them shot into the ground around them in an instant.

Immediately, the middle-aged monk began to use the magic formula. His movements were extremely fast, but they were silent from beginning to end...

After more than ten breaths, the voice of the middle-aged monk entered the minds of the three people.

"After you get down, just wait for the order. This place is already very close to Xianhe Village, and I am not completely sure that I can hide it from the strong men in the village.

You just stay there until I don't let you make any more moves. If something big happens because of you, don't go back alive again! "

There was endless chill in the middle-aged monk's voice. This was the last chance for this mission.

After hearing the words, the three god-transformation monks immediately nodded their heads with great respect.

Then, after they stepped out of the dark red blades, they chose a place and immediately sat cross-legged.

The hovering dark red blade shrank in an instant, turned into a ray of light, and flew into the middle-aged monk's storage ring.

The middle-aged monk was like a ghost. Without any movement, he arrived at a place about five feet away from the three of them and sat down cross-legged.

The three of them knew that that place should be where the formation's eye was, but they couldn't see it and could only rely on experience to guess.

Soon, all four of them closed their eyes, and there was only the sound of wind around them.

The sky outside was gray, with heavy black clouds, and a light drizzle. The slanting wind and drizzle were all completely drowned out by the roar of the water under the bank...

At this time, even if someone walked by the shore, they would not notice any abnormality in the thatch on the shore.

Those thatch grasses still let the rain hit them in the rain, and then those crystal clear water drops gathered along the leaf stems at an unhurried speed.

Until finally, it condensed into a drop of water and slipped silently...

Time passed quickly. When half an hour passed, the four of them were still sitting cross-legged without any body movement.

And at a certain moment, the female cultivator suddenly opened her eyes quietly, and then used the corner of her eye to glance at the middle-aged monk five feet away.

I saw a middle-aged monk sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed, as if he was quietly and secretly releasing his spiritual consciousness to detect the situation outside.

The female cultivator narrowed her eyes slightly, and then her slender fingers, covered by her big sleeves, hung to the ground.

An invisible streak of magic power quietly extended to one side...

Soon, her magic power was directly blocked by a restriction not far away.

Although no light erupted, a small area of ​​space beside her could still be seen, slightly distorted.

But that was all, and then the formation returned to normal. But after this phenomenon occurred, what is strange is that no one was awakened.

Even the middle-aged monk who was in the late stage of Void Refining, this formation was created by him, and it was always connected to his mind.

But he just kept his eyes closed, as if he didn't notice.

After a few more breaths, the female cultivator suddenly stood up, and her figure was floating in front of the middle-aged cultivator.

But after she stood up, the strong man and young man who were close to her remained motionless, looking completely clueless.

When the female cultivator flew in front of the middle-aged monk, she suddenly stretched out a hand and immediately reached for the palm of the middle-aged monk's knee.

The next moment, there was a flash of light, and several storage rings on the middle-aged monk's fingers were actually in the hands of the female monk.

But in response to this sudden and mysterious situation, the middle-aged monk remained motionless, sitting there cross-legged like a statue.

This scene is very strange!

At this time, everything inside seemed to be cut off from space and time, changing rapidly and quietly, as if nothing had happened.

The female cultivator held several storage rings in her hands, as if she was exploring the storage rings, but without warning, she suddenly raised her palm and slapped the middle-aged monk in the face.

Her movements were as fast as thunder, so fast that only the afterimage of her raised palm could be seen.

But just when her palm was about to slap the other person's forehead, the middle-aged monk suddenly raised a hand. His body was already lifeless, and at the same time, mana surged like a tide.

Although his body was still in the cross-legged position, it was as if he was sitting on a piece of ice. He suddenly slid to one side and avoided the female cultivator's palm in the flash of lightning.


The female cultivator's palm, with an extremely dull wind sound, grazed the middle-aged monk's ear, causing a faint pain on his cheek.

While the middle-aged monk was dodging, he also pointed out a finger, and a long ice pick appeared on the tip of his index finger.

The opponent's attack was swift and violent, but the middle-aged monk's dodge was faster and more sudden!

Before, even if the opponent took away the storage ring on his finger, he seemed to be dead, but now the attack was equally powerful!


Just when the two of them were fighting each other, the female cultivator suddenly made a "gudong" sound and fell heavily to the ground in an instant.

A big hole appeared on the back of her head, and a white paste with red threads suddenly flowed onto her entire neck and back.

This made her originally white and slender jade neck that made people want to pity no longer so beautiful, and her graceful figure became even softer.

The middle-aged monk had just released all his magic power and spiritual consciousness at this time. Seeing that he had succeeded with one blow, he felt relieved.

He had been holding his breath and waiting, but at the next moment, his heart twitched violently.

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