Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 172 Three Turntables

"What about Brother Wu's wishes?" Jin Chuixuan said word by word.

"Either you and I continue to fight until the winner is determined, but maybe someone will come later. Or you and I will go on the turntable together, and the remaining clan members will go up one at a time until the turntable cannot accept the remaining people. Just stay here." Wu Wuan was probably thinking about this issue, and then he spoke slowly. It's just that these words reveal ruthlessness. If the turntable cannot accommodate all the demon cultivators here, then the remaining demon cultivators will have to stay here and wait to be transported out. If senior cultivators or demon cultivators come later, they will almost certainly end up dead.

After hearing this, Jin Chuixuan's face softened slightly, and he did not speak immediately. Instead, after thinking for a moment, he said, "Okay! I just don't know how to distribute the treasures after the teleportation?"

"Of course it will be distributed evenly. If the other party can't use it, it can be exchanged for spiritual stones or other items of equal value." Wu Wu'an replied expressionlessly.

"Brother Wu's words are feasible, but if we can still meet those human monks after teleportation, I hope Brother Wu will join me in taking action to destroy them, and then take back all their treasures and divide them equally. How about that?"

"This is natural. Even if Brother Jin doesn't say this, I will take action if this happens."

The rest was easy to handle. With Jin Chuiyan and Wu Wuan looking at each other warily, the two of them slowly flew towards the turntable from two directions at the same time. Until they both flew above the turntable, their bodies froze. They stared at each other before they landed on the third turntable at the same time. Only then did they let out a sigh of relief. After all, no one wanted to have another accident at this time, and the two of them didn't worry about letting the other person fall first. If The opponent fell down first and then activated the carousel, and one person left first. Even if he killed the first-level demon cultivators left behind, it would be of no use. These demon cultivators together were not worth even a trace of the rewards.

"Haha, Brother Wu, would you like to try the turntable two steps above? Maybe you can make some new discoveries." After Jin Chuixuan landed on the turntable, his body kept changing the angle of the turntable, and he He cast his gaze around and looked around, finally fixating on the turntable on the second step above which had no light at all. He suddenly opened his mouth and said to Wu Wu'an with a smile.

"Oh? Brother, my luck is not as good as that of Brother Jin. I think we should forget it, right? Why don't Brother Jin go up and try? I don't know if it can really spread to those human monks." Wu Wuan stood on the other edge of the turntable, talking to Jin Chuixuan Yaozhu faced each other. As the turntable rotated, his face was illuminated by the light from the turntable below.

"Haha", after listening to Wu Wu'an's words, Jin Chuixuan just laughed twice and stopped making any sound. Instead, he looked at the Jinyan Saint Lion Clan below.


Waving his hand, a first-level Golden Flame Holy Lion strode towards the turntable. Wu Wuan narrowed his slender eyes when he saw this, but did not speak. He only waited until the Golden Flame Holy Lion stepped onto the turntable in one step, and Wu Wuan also He waved his hand back and shot out several spiritual lights at the same time. After he waved his hand, the same first-order green crystal centipede also quickly came over and stood on the turntable. The few rays of spiritual light he fired had already unfrozen the monster beasts that had been frozen by the frost. By the way, the few rays of spiritual light also penetrated into the bodies of several monster beasts that were already sluggish, making those monster beasts immediately get better.

Just like that, the monsters on both sides stood up one after another. In a short time, they all stood on the turntable.

After Jin Chuixuan and Wu Wuan saw everyone coming up, they felt a little relieved. After all, they still didn't want to leave their own clan behind unless it was a last resort.

"Brother Jin, please." Wu Wuan said to Jin Chuixuan.

"I thought it was Brother Wu who turned it on." Jin Chuixuan said as he patted his waist. A flash of light flashed and a blue rhombus appeared in his hand.

When the two of them stood on the turntable, they saw a groove in the center of the turntable. The shape of the groove was very familiar to them. It was the blue rhombus used to clear the level every time. There was no spiritual stone inlaid around the turntable to open it. The location of the teleportation is easy to guess.

The blue color in Jin Chuixuan's hand quickly shot into the groove in the center of the turntable. At the moment when the blue rhombus was inlaid into the groove, countless rays of light shot out from the edge of the turntable towards the top of the ball, but when they hit the top of the ball, they Being blocked, there was nothing visible outside the metal ball. These brilliance immediately formed a pillar of light around the turntable, covering dozens of demon cultivators, and the turntable rotated at a speed hundreds of times faster than before. When the rotation reached a certain level, only a ball could be seen. When the light beam was twisting crazily, there was only a "chi" sound, and the light beam spread out into the sky and filled the entire ball with light spots. The crazily rotating third turntable slowly slowed down, and it was already empty. one person. What Wu Wuan didn't know was that at the same time, the blue diamond crystal in his storage bag also collapsed and disappeared.

"Is this the Eucalyptus eucalyptus recorded in the classics? It has been extinct in the outside world for hundreds of thousands of years. It is too precious. I heard that Master Feng has been looking for it for hundreds of years. Bringing it back must make him very happy; this... This is the broad-eared flower, which is the main material for refining the golden elixir stage 'Pui Ying Dan'. These plants are at least ten thousand years old, and the highest number of plants in the sect are only four thousand years old; here is the finished product 'Wu Shou' Dan',

It looks like this grade is at least the fifth grade, middle grade; the skills in these jade slips... Hiss, this is the low-level ‘Ziwu Soul Piercing Nail’, a low-level group attack magic weapon. This is a good thing; oh? Is this the legendary ‘Heart Refining Lamp’? Is this an intermediate magic weapon? …”

Gan Shi stood in a secret room with more than a dozen people, looking at the dozens of medicinal herbs, six bottles of elixirs, and five jade slips on the wooden shelves. Everyone's breathing became rapid. Gan Shi was inspecting items one by one in front of the wooden frame, with surprise in his eyes. Although the dozen or so Qi Condensation disciples at the back did not dare to come forward to pick them up and watch, everyone was ecstatic in their hearts. After these things were taken out, the sect Depending on their contribution, they may be asked to record a copy of the techniques here, or they may be rewarded with precious elixirs, spiritual treasures, or magic weapons. The leader of the team may even be rewarded with magic weapons. Of course, in addition to these, the sect also has hundreds of spiritual stones as rewards. onto everyone's head.

Especially magic weapons. You must know that people like Bailiyuan and Gan Shi do not all have magic weapons. Although the rewards are not necessarily the magic weapons obtained here, the sect will also come up with low-level magic weapons suitable for them. As for rewards, there is no guarantee that the top three rewards for the Qi Condensation Stage disciples who performed best in this battle will not include mid-level magic weapons or high-level spiritual treasures.

"This is just the second level of the carousel. There are more in Baili. If I had known better, I would have asked for another blue diamond crystal from that kid Li Yan. Then wouldn't the top three be ours? ." Gan Shi looked at the wooden frame in front and said with some annoyance, which made the Qi Ning disciples behind him stunned for a moment.

After he and Bailiyuan entered, they found three turntables arranged in sequence. After a little observation, they knew the situation. They knew that no other team had entered yet, but after seeing the rhombus-shaped groove in the center of the turntable, they couldn't help but feel It's a pity that they only have two blue diamonds in their hands. The green gourd given by Li Yan is useless. They can't help but sigh, but they know that this is not the time to sigh, so they have to quickly divide the people into two groups, each with one. The team got on the carousel, and Gan Shi was followed by the old team members Rui Kaifei, Dai Jing and Mei Buxu. The rest followed Bailiyuan on the first carousel. As for who got on the top carousel, see The two foundation-building masters and uncles didn't care at all, and these Qi Condensation Stage disciples didn't dare to say anything.

Not long after Jin Chuiyan and Wu Wuan disappeared from the metal ball, after a strange distortion on the platform outside the metal ball, the large blood stains left over from their previous battles, as well as the broken limbs and corpses all disappeared, and the platform was re-opened. It was restored to a spotless state, with only the sound of the breeze blowing quietly. It seemed as if nothing had ever happened here, and no one had ever been there.



Not long after, a ray of light roared in. After the light circled around the outside of the metal ball, it also fell to the platform extending outside the ball. When the light slowly dissipated, a huge piece of jade Ruyi was revealed. , there are nine figures on it, the person leading it is Qiu Jiuzhen, who has a graceful figure and is wearing a Taoist robe. Behind him are eight disciples of Taixuan Sect. But at this time, Qiu Jiuzhen's pretty face like white jade turned even paler. As soon as she landed on the platform, she looked around, but to her disappointment, she still couldn't see Quan Jiuxing, although she was there just now. When the metal ball was hovering in the sky, I had already let go of my spiritual consciousness to scan it, but at this moment, I didn't see a familiar figure in my eyes, and the slightest hope was shattered.

After the nine people got off Yu Ruyi, Yu Ruyi quickly became smaller, and finally turned into a stream of light and flew into Qiu Jiuzhen's slender jade hands. Qiu Jiuzhen looked around with her beautiful eyes, and couldn't help biting her jade lips. The reason why they came It was too late, and she was looking for the other two teams of Taixuan Sect. She felt that Quan Jiuxing had not yet reached the peak where the metal ball was located in the center, but no matter how she led the team to search, let alone Quan Jiuxing's team of monks. Even the other team of Taixuan Sect monks and Pure Land Sect monks did not encounter any of them. She had been in this area for almost an hour. Except for the four Wang Langs who appeared in her consciousness at the beginning, so did the other two sects. No trace. This made her feel increasingly uneasy. Finally, after searching for more than half an hour, she had no choice but to head towards the central area, hoping to run into Quan Jiuxing or other monks from the Second Sect on the way or in the center.

Now that she came here, all she saw was a large empty platform and a semicircular arch in front of her. It was so quiet that she could hear the heartbeats of the people around her, and it seemed extremely empty and lonely.

And just when the jade Ruyi turned into a stream of light, and Qiu Jiuzhen and the nine people were observing the surroundings, a crisp sound suddenly came from the feet of the nine of them, like the sound of a bubble bursting, and then in the astonishment of the nine people, there was no time to say anything In response, a huge transparent bubble light mask quickly rose up on the platform, immediately enveloping the nine people in the bubble, which made the nine people's expressions change greatly.

Even Qiu Jiuzhen was not aware of such changes before, and was immediately covered by a transparent mask, which made her wet her back in fear.

Before a few people could take action to protect themselves, the huge transparent bubble had already taken nine people and flew directly towards the arch in front of them. The moment they approached the semicircular arch, the bubble quickly became smaller and flashed from the arch. That's it, it's gone.

On the platform outside the metal ball, calmness returned again, with blue sky, white clouds, breeze, and endless silence.

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