Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 1710 Appearance

Just when Li Yan stepped out of the cave, there were many brilliance of various colors flying into the sky on both sides and in front of him.

As early as a month ago, Li Yan sensed that people began to come in and out of other caves on this mountain peak, and their auras were strong and weak.

Although Li Yan didn't investigate carefully, he knew that a new monk had arrived, and the assessment day was not far away...

After leaving the cave, Li Yan didn't hesitate for a moment and immediately flew into the sky above, where the light gathered.

At the same time, in his consciousness, there were more than two hundred people on the ground below with extremely weak auras, or even no spiritual energy running.

A large group of them were standing on the ground, all with envy on their faces, looking up at the streaks of light in the sky.

At this time, facing the sky above the mountain peak, there were five monks in white clothes. On the chests of these people's white robes, there was a small golden gourd suspended above a group of auspicious clouds.

This is the same as the Neigu disciple Li Yan saw wearing four months ago. This should be Huang Qigu's sect costume.

These five people have different cultivation levels. Only one of them is at the Void Refining Realm, one is at the God Transformation Realm, and the next three are all at the Nascent Soul Realm.

They were standing in a row at this time, looking coldly at the monk who was flying into the sky.

Li Yan and others received the news at the same time, so the timing of everyone coming out was also very different.

When Li Yan appeared, many people had already gathered in the air.

"From left to right, arrange the teams from foundation building to void refining monks!"

Just as Li Yan and the others were flying up, one of the five people above suddenly spoke. The sound shook the sky and reached everyone's ears.

The person who spoke this time was none other than the strongest Void Refining Realm expert.

After Li Yan heard the words, his figure only hesitated for a moment, and then he flew towards the opposite side of the white-robed monk on the right side of the sky. That person was the god-transforming monk among the five white-robed people.

And just when Li Yan was flying there, he suddenly turned slightly to one side, and four rays of light suddenly brushed against his side and whizzed past him in an instant.

If Li Yan hadn't avoided it, at least two of the other party would have bumped into him.

"Boy, you are quite sensible! Hahaha..."

Suddenly, a joking voice sounded in Li Yan's ears.

Just when Li Yan was looking, four people also turned back to look at Li Yan in an instant. They were three men and one woman, and they were estimated to be between twenty and thirty years old.

The leader was a big man with fluffy hair and his clothes held up by bulging muscles. He looked like a vicious tiger with a pair of sharp eyes.

The person flying side by side with him looked like an unsheathed spear, with thin lips tightly closed, and dressed in tight black clothes. It was the two of them who had just bumped into Li Yan side by side.

At this moment, they were looking back at Li Yan with mocking expressions on their faces. One of them was arrogant and the other was disdainful.

Behind these two people are a man and a woman. The man is in his thirties, wearing a golden robe and a cold face.

The woman was dressed very revealingly and coquettishly. The short clothes on her upper body only covered the two proud peaks above, and a large piece of snow-white belly was exposed below.

On her lower body, she only wore shorts made of some kind of monster leather. Her limbs, which were as white as jade, were all exposed, making her look alluring.

When the two men also looked back at Li Yan, the corners of their mouths and brows were full of banter.

Li Yan had found the source of the sound, which was the strong man at the head. He looked at the other person whizzing away. Li Yan's expression was as usual, but after a moment of pause, he continued to fly upward.

The five people in white robes above just glanced at this, and no one said anything to scold them, but some had the same expression on their faces, while others showed a hint of amusement.

The distance from the mountain peak to the sky was not very long. In just a short period of time, hundreds of figures appeared around Li Yan.

"I don’t need to explain the purpose of your coming here. Our Dan sect has a long history. Even in terms of cultivation techniques, it is a top sect in the fairy world that is as famous as Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism.

If you want to join our sect, you must also have good qualifications and abilities. Anyone who can pass today's assessment can officially enter the inner valley and become a true disciple of Huang Qi Valley.

However, even for those who fail the assessment, we will select some outstanding disciples to become the outer valley disciples of the sect. In the future, the outer valley disciples will have the opportunity to try the assessment again to enter the inner valley.

Therefore, as long as you work hard to bring out your own strength, there will be no problem. Don't think about too many messy things, which will only make you confused.

For those who are waiting for entry and Qi Condensation stage, the assessment is at the foot of the mountain, and those who are in the foundation building to the Void Refining stage are at the top of the mountain. Each level has its own assessment content, which is different.

Those who are strong in the Void Refining Realm here and succeed in the assessment will become the deacons of the sect's outer valley. I think you are also aware of this.

However, you will also be able to get good training resources in the future, and you will also have the opportunity to work in the inner valley..."

The white-robed Xu Lianxu monk in front spoke slowly, and his voice spread throughout the world. Even those at the foot of the mountain could hear it extremely clearly.

Li Yan listened to the assessment rules from the other party, and some of the situations were just as he knew and guessed.

When I saw the people at the foot of the mountain before, I saw four white-robed golden elixir monks opposite those people.

And those people opposite these four people were wearing colorful clothes, or they had no spiritual energy fluctuations at all, and the strongest ones were only in the Qi Condensation stage, and they couldn't be any weaker. They couldn't fly on their own.

Therefore, it was of course the most appropriate place to arrange it directly at the foot of the mountain. However, there were quite a lot of people there, and four Jindan monks were actually dispatched to take charge of the assessment.

The monks in their sky are divided according to different realms, and the number of them is decreasing accordingly.

The largest number of foundation-building monks came for the assessment, accounting for almost 40%, followed by a bunch of golden elixir monks, and then there were only about ten Nascent Soul monks.

There are only seven people in Li Yan's deity transformation team, and there are only three monks in the Void Refining Realm on his right.

This is actually not surprising. The higher the monk's cultivation level, the less he wants to be restrained. Unlike those at the foot of the mountain, they are the people Huang Qi Valley really wants to recruit.

After reaching Li Yan's level, most of the people who join the sect will naturally be casual cultivators. However, there are also people who have left their own sect and will join other sects in pursuit of becoming stronger and higher.

But no matter what the situation is, they can come here because they are basically practicing. They have been stuck at a certain stage for too long and cannot make any progress.

Under this situation, one can only find another way to find his own immortal destiny, and choose to enter a certain sect by obtaining more cultivation resources, or to experience his character.

Of course, there are some special circumstances here. It may not be to further your cultivation, but to avoid enemies or other reasons.

From the corner of his eye, Li Yan glanced at the towering mountain peaks behind him when he just flew in.

"This Huangqi Valley saves trouble. It turns out that this mountain peak is the place for the examination. In order to make it faster, the other party set up the examination directly at the top and bottom of the mountain. However, there is a cave in the middle of the mountain for people like us to live temporarily..."

While Li Yan was thinking in his mind, he glanced at his team again, except for the four people who flew here first because they heard what the white-robed monk said.

Then two more god-transformation monks flew in, and the arrival of these two god-transformation monks made many people here shine.

Because they were twin sisters, they looked exactly the same. At least under Li Yan's glance, he couldn't see any difference in the appearance of the two women.

Only the different auras emanating from the other party can tell the difference between the two women. One is in the middle stage of divine transformation, and the other is in the early stage of divine transformation.

These two people are also quite gorgeous in appearance, giving the impression that they are around 23 or 24 years old. Li Yan feels that they should be on par with Dong Lin Tingyue in appearance.

This kind of appearance is considered to be the best in the world of immortality, but it is unlikely that people will be fascinated after meeting her at first sight.

It's just because the two girls look the same and behave almost exactly the same that people can't help but take a second look at them.

And I don’t know if these two people did it intentionally or not. They are both wearing yellow dresses, and even their hair styles are exactly the same.

This makes it difficult for people to tell who is who unless they do it deliberately, and they may even feel confused.

Wearing yellow dresses, the two women looked very elegant and refined. Although the clothes were not revealing, even the woman in front with a large area of ​​snow-white skin seemed to have a figure that was not as good as the two women.

There are mountains outlined under the yellow dress, with clear lines and roundness!

After the two women appeared, the four people in front of Li Yan also turned to stare at them and found that they did not recognize the two women.

As a result, there was no kindness on their faces. Some had eyes full of desire, while others had jealousy in their eyes.

They are fairly familiar with the big forces nearby. Since they don't know each other, it means that these two people are not from those forces.

Moreover, if monks at the Nascent Soul realm and above want to come to Huangqi Valley to worship, 90% of them have been a casual cultivator before. Naturally, they will not cover up what they have in mind.

At this moment, the white-robed Void Refining monk in front had finished speaking, and his figure slowly flew out.

The few white-robed monks in front no longer looked at the crowd, but let the Void Refining monk drink softly.

"Follow up!"

The five white-robed monks made space and flew straight towards the top of the opposite mountain peak!

Compared with people like Li Yan in front of them, these white-robed monks actually value monks who are at the foundation level and below. Those kind of people can be cultivated from the bottom up.

In the future, I will polish my own skills more, and I will have a stronger sense of belonging to Huang Qi Gu.

However, since Huang Qigu lives in the fairy world and is a top force, of course they also have their own enemies.

And since they can fight against their enemy, there is no doubt that the opponent's strength is also extremely strong.

Therefore, they also need some outside monks, especially those at the middle level, to make use of them. The Void Refining Realm is the best here, followed by the rest.

Even if they have this idea, the outside monks are well aware of it, but it is quite difficult for every monk who wants to enter, especially those who are Nascent Soul and above, to join the sect.

In the early stage, everyone has to go through a layer of review. Huang Qigu will check all of your ancestors for eighteen generations.

Li Yan got an assessment quota seemingly easily and casually, because he had the prefecture-level grandmaster as a guarantee.

Although the woman could easily arrange for people to come in, if Li Yan had any problems afterwards, she would have to bear the consequences.

Therefore, the great master of the alchemy realm will definitely secretly observe Li Yan personally or send someone to observe him for a long time in the future.

The fact that she can have such an arrangement shows that no matter what the result of Li Yan's assessment is this time, he will be able to stay in Waigu for the last time and will never be allowed to leave.

This would at least allow Li Yan to prevent others from finding too many faults in the rules of entering the valley.

After Li Yan stayed in the outer valley for a while, she would still find a reason to let Li Yan enter the inner valley and become a true disciple.

She still believed in Fairy Ningke. If the other party had any intentions towards her, there would be no need for her to go to such trouble. She could have taken action against her and planted a restriction in the first place.

Therefore, she must arrange Li Yan to become a true disciple, so that she can feel that she has explained this matter to Fairy Ningke and returned the favor.

Following the movements of the five white-robed monks in the sky, everyone in the air and underground began to move in an instant.

Li Yan and the others also followed the white-robed god-transforming monk and quickly flew to a place on the top of the mountain.

The cultivation level of this god-transformation monk was not high, and he was only at the early stage of strength, but the way he looked at Li Yan and others still had a condescending look.

Li Yan's cultivation at this time showed that he was in the early stage of becoming a god. After refining the Wing Guard magic weapon given to him by his second uncle, Li Yan was now even bolder.

He is a very daring person, and he would dare to stab the sky with a stick that reaches the sky!

After getting the second uncle's affirmation of the guardian wing's role, he naturally chose to believe the second uncle's words.

That is a powerful person who has transcended the tribulation realm, and is also a strong tribulation expert from the Five Immortals Sect. He is qualified to say such words.

There should be Mahayana monks in this Huangqi Valley, but even the Fusion Realm monks here would have been there if Master Ningke hadn't brought him there.

Maybe even if I were here right now, even if I stayed for hundreds or thousands of years, I might not be able to see an existence of that level, let alone an ancestor-level monster like the Tribulation Tribulation or Mahayana Ancestor.

And the last time he saw that woman, Li Yan had concealed his cultivation. He just wanted to borrow it and try it out.

Anyway, I am really at the Spiritual Transformation Realm, I am just covering up part of my aura, and with Uncle Ning Ke by my side, if the other party can see my flaws, they should also ask Uncle Ning Ke.

The uncle's explanation was not a matter of words, he just said that he was careful and used to it. At that time, Li Yan deliberately paid attention to the other party's expression.

The woman only glanced at him performing the fire spell and then stopped paying much attention to her. This meant that she was using the guarding wings and the other party could not see his true cultivation at all.

And along the way, Fairy Ningke never said anything about Li Yan's hidden cultivation? If she thought that even the monks in the physical realm could see it, she would have warned Li Yan.


Among Li Yan's team of monks in the realm of gods, the two weakest among the four big men were the woman in scantily clad clothes and the man in gold robes, but they had both reached the middle stage of god transformation.

Li Yan saw that the man in golden robe was the weakest among the four, and it did not take long to advance to the middle stage of divine transformation.

The strong man and the man in black clothes were in the late stage of divine transformation, and their strength was already quite good.

But if Li Yan wanted to kill them, he should be able to do it in one move.

Li Yan, on the other hand, has no intention of looking down upon him at all. Even when facing weaker monks, he will always keep himself in a state of vigilance.

Regarding these four god-transformation monks, Li Yan felt that they should be the kind of people who came here to look for opportunities after they had insufficient cultivation resources and were unable to break through their own realm.

And judging from their positions and eye contact, these four people should often work together.

It should be similar to the kind of monster hunting team that is good at encirclement, so they have such a tacit understanding.

And these four people have no intention of covering up at all. They are naturally not the kind of people who want to enter a certain sect to avoid trouble in order to avoid their enemies.

On the top of the mountain, there is a huge platform paved with bluestones. The entire platform is spotless. It has always been covered by formations before.

Therefore, when Li Yan and the others scanned the mountain, their consciousness would be bounced away.

After everyone landed on the platform, they discovered that not far in front of them, there was a row of formations, arranged horizontally, with strange lights on them, and they were flowing erratically!

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