Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 170 Wang Lang’s speculation

On the white jade boat, Gong Chenying was still sitting cross-legged in a corner, closing his eyes and recovering, but his face and jade neck were still flushed.

Li Yan still stood at the head of the boat and controlled the flying boat. From time to time, his eyes fell on the proud beauty. However, when his eyes fell on Gong Chenying, Gong Chenying's long eyelashes visibly trembled.

"Why has he changed like this? Is this love? Bah..." Gong Chenying was secretly annoyed. With her cultivation level, she couldn't feel the eyes of the outside world. But at this moment, she could only close her eyes tightly, but she couldn't for a long time. Enter meditation and practice. However, Li Yan seemed extremely bored and would look at her every once in a while, which made her heart beat faster and her mind started to wander.

With Gong Chenying's determination, once the emotional shackles are broken, she will be no different from an ordinary young girl. What's more, she has already determined that Li Yan is the only man in her life, and she will become as sentimental as an ordinary girl. This situation has never been possible in the past. When it comes to her, her goal has always been to fulfill the wish in her heart, and she has long been isolated from everything else. She was thinking wildly, but for a moment she forgot whether Li Yan had something to do with Zhao Min, and was only worried about gains and losses.

How did she know that Li Yan had no other thoughts at this moment. He kept looking back to determine the direction so that they could head towards the center in a straight line. In order to move forward quickly and reduce the number of targets, the white jade boat only imagined It was about one foot in size, with Li Yan in front and Gong Chenying behind. When Li Yan saw Gong Chenying meditating with his eyes closed, he naturally had to let go of all his consciousness and scan the surroundings constantly to avoid sudden changes. Of course, after a period of time, some eyes would look back. It was strange to pass by Gong Chenying, but it made Gong Chenying feel strange in the heart of Gong Chenying, who had already identified the person mentioned in the clan rules.

While controlling the flying boat, Li Yan was thinking about what had just happened. The previous attack on Wang Lang was a sudden thought on his part. When Wang Lang discovered them, an idea flashed in Li Yan's mind and he sent a message to Gong Chenying to tell him. But he was hiding in the dark shadow behind him, waiting for an opportunity to sneak attack on Wang Lang's words.

After Gong Chenying heard Li Yan's message, she was immediately startled, thinking that Li Yan was possessed by evil spirits, and quickly got up to check on Li Yan's body. Upon seeing this, Li Yan promptly stopped Gong Chenying's abnormal behavior. He knew that Wang Lang's consciousness had firmly locked onto the two of them. Li Yan had already prepared his speech, so he immediately brought out the poisonous body again. Anyway, this reason has been tried and tested, and showed his right arm to Gong Chenying in a subtle way, which made Gong Chenying stunned and felt a wave of excitement in his heart. It was an unreal feeling, but Li Yan looked so sworn in, and the disappearance of the entire sleeve did not look like it was torn apart, but she really didn't know that the fragmented poison body was so powerful that it was so perverted. .

And Li Yan timely, as if unconsciously controlled the white jade boat to get close to the black shadow on one side. Under Li Yan's gaze, Gong Chenying saw Li Yan stretching out his left hand to point.


Pointing at the center of the area, as if saying something, his right hand quietly stretched out a finger, and then violently controlled the white jade boat, as if he was emotionally excited when talking to her, causing the white jade boat to accidentally move to one side. There were thick black shadows under the sky, and he looked like he was trying to avoid them when he was discovered. But in Gong Chenying's disbelieving eyes, Li Yan's quietly stretched out finger quickly reached in with the sway of the white jade boat. He entered the dark shadow and then looked back. This action was extremely concealed. In addition, Li Yan's other hand was very large. He believed that it had attracted the attention of Wang Lang's consciousness.

Just this exploration, Gong Chenying could see very clearly, and coupled with Wang Lang's rapid approach, Gong Chenying himself was not an indecisive person, and he agreed to Li Yan's proposal with a single bite of his silver teeth. idea.

Li Yan was not innocent. He knew that Wang Lang behind him was also seriously injured. Otherwise, even if he borrowed a hundred more courages, he would not dare to sneak attack on a foundation-building master.

After making this decision, what Li Yan didn't know was that if she never emerged from the shadow, Gong Chenying had decided to drag Wang Lang to death together. As for the wish in her heart, she could only give up. She couldn't do everything. Perfect, then do what you think is the most important thing to do at the moment according to your own heart. I wonder how Li Yan would feel after knowing Gong Chenying's thoughts.

The result was just as the two expected. Wang Lang thought that the two had a conflict of opinions. When he was pursuing him, Gong Chenying became furious and threw the obstructive Qi Condensation Stage disciple into a huge black shadow, and then tried to escape in his own boat. Then Gong Chenying was outnumbered at first and only used part of her strength. When Wang Lang relaxed his vigilance, she suddenly unleashed all her strength and forced him towards where Li Yan was. This sounds simple but is actually extremely difficult. Gong Chenying On the one hand, they must conceal their strength, on the other hand, they must ensure their own safety, and they must also ensure that the battlefield cannot stray too far from the shadows during the battle. When Wang Lang began to use brute force to defeat a physical cultivator, Gong Chenying knew that the opportunity had come. A powerful blow was followed by a series of stormy attacks. The purpose was to make Wang Lang continue to follow him even if he lost the opportunity. After attacking and retreating, if Li Yan could really stay in the shadow, she would keep adjusting her position to get closer. Finally, she finally forced Wang Lang to be about ten meters away from the shadow.

Just as her heart was beating wildly, Li Yan came out of the shadows unharmed as he had said before. Only then did she feel relieved. If Wang Lang was allowed to take one or two steps back, Wang Lang would He must have been wary of the black shadow behind him. Even if he was wary of this terrifying black shadow, he would definitely avoid it. If Li Yan didn't show up at that time, Gong Chenying would directly use the open and close attack. Wang Lang

Unable to move forward, in the end he would be knocked into the darkness by hitting him with his body.

Li Yan thought of these words with a smile on his lips, and then thought of the red light that Wang Lang swallowed when he escaped. This medicine must be an extremely domineering elixir. In an instant, Wang Lang's momentum could be restored. In excellent condition, it's just that this elixir cannot be sustained for too long, otherwise Wang Lang will definitely kill Gong Chenying first before he can give up. It seems that Wang Lang must pay a heavy price for such an elixir. Either he will lose his essence and blood, or his realm will fall. This can be seen from the fact that Wang Lang was so seriously injured before but has never taken this red light. Once he takes it, he must end the fight or escape within a short time, otherwise he will be so weak that it may be difficult to walk.

"I just don't know if that red light is really an elixir, and what kind of elixir it is. If you can have such a red light, even if you have to pay a heavy price when it is in danger, it is better than paying your life. Haha, but So what? Can he resist the poison of the 'bone-attached maggot'?" Li Yan had a sinister smile on his face, but his smile fell on someone's consciousness. But it changed, and his straight silver teeth shattered into pieces. If Li Yanruo knew that his smile would be like this, he would definitely fight for it with his head.

"This damn person showed such an evil smile after looking at me." Gong Chenying couldn't help but think of the evil look Li Yan looked at her when she was almost half naked.

And the miserable Li Yan was still thinking about his own thoughts. "The 'bone-attached maggots' on the sword were almost completely gone. In the previous Rain Curtain Technique, any spiritual weapon or spiritual treasure that came into contact would be corroded. Lu Qiutong's The six spiritual beads turned into six gray things in the end. Is Wang Lang's flesh and blood stronger than the spiritual treasure?"


Wang Lang felt his back begin to go numb and slowly lost consciousness. The heart-wrenching pain before had begun to disappear. He was desperately pouring the last spiritual power into his body and flying with his sword, carelessly heading towards the metal ball in the center. Fleeing, the last red light that shot into his mouth was a pill, but Wang Lang was not willing to take it. But the moment his back was pierced by a sharp blade, he felt a strong A life and death crisis hit his heart. This feeling was something he had never felt since he started practicing Taoism. It was as if he would immediately disappear from this world if he hesitated for just a moment. Under such a strong life and death crisis, he did not hesitate at all. Hesitantly took out the elixir "Borrowing Foundation Pill" that he had never thought of taking. The name of this elixir is similar to "Borrowing Foundation Pill", but the effect is completely different. "Borrowing Foundation Pill" is to borrow the power of life. Power, transformed into the foundation of the body, can prevent all harm within half an hour. Unless the head is cut off and the soul is destroyed, there will be no worries, but all this must be obtained at the cost of burning life. \u003cb



If someone met Wang Lang at this moment, it would be impossible to recognize who he was from his appearance. How could he still have the appearance of a rich, handsome, elegant and elegant young man? In just half a stick of incense in the past, Wang Lang had already transformed from the second generation to the second generation. A young man in his teens has turned into a middle-aged man in his forties, and his appearance is rapidly aging at a speed visible to the naked eye. The skin on his body has also begun to change from smooth to rough, and is shrinking and declining.

The "Borrowing Pill" he took was obtained by killing an evil cultivator of the Blood God Sect in the past. He originally wanted to sell it and exchange it for spiritual stones, but after thinking about it, he kept it just in case. However, he never thought that he would use this elixir. With his talent, forming elixirs and conceiving babies will be a smooth journey in the future. His strength will soar all the way, and there will be minimal problems in life and death. Therefore, he forgot about this elixir. Only when he entered the secret realm this time, he discovered this elixir again when he was sorting out his storage bag, and finally took it with him.

At this moment, Wang Lang, who was flying at high speed, still held a long sword in one hand, but the whole body of the sword had already turned gray-brown, and there was no aura at all. It seemed that he had entered his twilight years earlier than Wang Lang, but Wang Lang was dead. Holding this long sword, the anger in his heart grew stronger and stronger. When he took out the long sword from his back and pierced it a few inches, he recognized it at a glance. This long sword was a warm thing in his junior brother Miao Zhengyi's sword box. .

"They actually killed Junior Brother Miao and even took away Junior Brother Miao's sword box. The attackers in the black shadow must be the Qi Condensation Stage disciples of the Sprite Sect. But how could they hide in the black shadow? How was it done? Is this how Junior Brother Miao and the others were unknowingly attacked to death?"

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed through Wang Lang's mind. He thought of the changes he and Quan Jiuxing had undergone during the clearance, and his expression changed greatly. "Did the Demon Sect actually obtain more secrets of the secret realm than our three sects? Damn it, sneak attack on me." Who is this person? What secrets do others have? All this must be reported to the sect."

While he was thinking about flying, he only felt that his body was becoming less and less obedient, and the vitality borrowed from "borrowing the base pill" to burn his life was also flying away at an incredible speed. If this continued, it would not take half an hour for his life to be destroyed. He was about to reach the end of the road. In his hurry, he didn't even bother to think about it. He flew towards the center crazily. He only had one thought in his mind, to send this news out, but his figure became smaller and smaller in the air. Shaking, no matter what method Wang Lang used to suppress the poison that entered from his back, it was all in vain. He only felt that if his internal organs were not protected by the "Borrowing Pill", they would have been corroded into ashes by the poison, even if In this way, he also felt that his organs were about to turn into gray stones.

"What kind of poison is this?"

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