Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 160: The Stubborn Girl

Li Yan couldn't help being shocked when he heard Pingtu's words, and quickly looked at Pingtu, who had an indifferent expression. "Little guy, I've taken good care of your Sprite Sect. I didn't separate the two teams that came together. The other sects were all separated by a long distance. It's just that the little girl from the Sprite Sect is very injured now. It’s heavy, but I can’t take action. You must know that this wheel of life and death also has rules. I am the executor of some rules and it is impossible to exceed them.”

Listening to Pingtu's words, Li Yan narrowed his eyes, "I didn't expect that Sixth Senior Sister was seriously injured. I just don't know who she met and caused it. Pingtu is just a weapon spirit. It seems that some rules are impossible for him to change." In his mind After thinking about it, his expression remained calm. After a look, he said, "Senior, doesn't the Five Immortals Sect don't have other small gifts for you when you meet this junior for the first time? For example, healing pills or something else."

A smile flashed in Pingtu's cold eyes. "Haha, little one, just say you want the elixir to save the girl. Why go around the bush?"

"However, I disappoint you. Qianzhong Zhenjun did not give you anything other than three gifts." Pingtu said with a half-smile. Li Yan couldn't help but sink, thinking, "I don't know what Sixth Senior Sister has endured." The multiple injuries may not be as severe as I thought. Maybe the elixir in my storage bag can cure it. I just wanted to get better elixirs from here because of my wish to avoid them. Chi, I will go out immediately to look for Sixth Senior Sister."

Li Yan was already a little anxious. Thinking of this, he stood up and wanted to ask how to get out of the secret room, but unexpectedly Pingtu continued.

"Qianzhong Zhenjun has nothing else except three gifts, but? That's okay...I myself still have two pills." Pingtu was very hesitant when he spoke, but then he curled his fingers. , an object flew straight towards Li Yan at high speed.

"This is the 'True Essence Pill', which has excellent curative effect on both external and internal injuries. Divide one pill into two halves, crush one half into powder for external application, and take the other half internally. As long as the person's life soul has not been severely injured, it can basically cure everything. , these are the things I brought from the fairy world, so I will give you two pills. I guess they are not available in this mortal world. You just need to know the use of this pill. "

Li Yan looked at the flying jade bottle and couldn't help but hesitated. After reaching out to take it, he opened the cork directly. Suddenly, a cool medicinal fragrance penetrated directly to his brain. After just one whiff, Li Yan already felt a sense of enchantment. There was a sense of ecstasy, and the whole person felt as if he was immersed in an indescribable feeling. Li Yan quickly gathered his thoughts and finally woke up from this feeling.

"What kind of elixir is this? Just a breath of it can make people unable to control themselves. This is an aura that only the legendary seventh-grade elixirs in the classics of the Demon Sect can have. However, Guan Pingtu had a somewhat reluctant expression. I think it's extremely precious. If I could have a few more pills, wouldn't it be a life-saving elixir?" Li Yan quickly capped the jade bottle and looked at Ping Tu with fiery eyes.

But Pingtu twitched the corner of his mouth, "Don't want it anymore, this is eight kinds of things that can only be refined in the fairy world."


The main raw materials of some intermediate-level elixirs are not available in this world at all. When I first came to the mortal world, Zhenjun only gave me three bottles. Although this 'Zhenyuan Dan' is also an extremely valuable elixir in the fairy world, but in this world The identity of Qianzhong Zhenjun can still be bought. I gave one bottle to Pei Buchong. I was too seriously injured in the battle with the human cultivator of the remaining two bottles. I have already taken most of them. I can give you two pills which is my limit. I still need to use the rest for my own healing. , but I absolutely cannot give it to you. "

Pingtu seemed to have seen what Li Yan wanted to say, and immediately blocked Li Yan's begging words, which made Li Yan sigh in his heart.

"Senior, how do I get out of the secret room? Can't I use round rhombus?"

"The round diamond crystal, if you use it, it will probably be transferred directly to the outside of the secret realm. Since the entry position has not been determined before, it is not certain where it will be transferred to the Desolate Moon Continent, so you cannot use it before you come in next time. If the round rhombus accidentally transports you to an unknown place, you will never return."

After hearing this, Li Yan couldn't help sweating on his back. He had wanted to try the round rhombus before. If that happened, it would be a lot of fun. It would be nice to accidentally enter that unknown place.

"However, you don't have to worry. Next time you enter the secret realm once, you will go back to the place where you entered." Pingtu continued.

"Then how will this junior get out of here and find senior sister again?" Li Yan was worried, and there was already anxiety in his tone.

After hearing this, Pingtu didn't pursue Li Yan's tone, "Now they belong to the same space in the last level. I'll send you there directly, but I won't interfere in the next thing. Unless you are facing life or death, I will

You will take action, otherwise even if all your members of the Sprite Sect die, it will be like this. "

Pingtu said indifferently, his tone was extremely calm, without any fluctuations in life and death. Li Yan believed that if Pingtu was not loyal to the Five Immortals in his heart, even if he had another chance, this man would not have the slightest pity for him.

"Then I will send you out. Remember that the five elements are the basis of creation. There is nothing that cannot be born, and there is nothing that cannot be born." Pingtu did not hesitate, and with a wave of his hand, Li Yan was wrapped in a strong wind. , disappeared from the place in an instant, but at the same time that Li Yan disappeared, Pingtu's meaningless words came to his ears.

Gong Chenying staggered forward, her footsteps wasted, Wang Lang pursued closely, she only moved forward for less than twenty miles, Wang Lang was already pursuing her, and she had no choice but to turn around to fight. When faced with Wang Lang's attack, she just accepted the attack. After the second blow, Gong Chenying was spitting out blood and flew backwards. Fortunately, her body was strong and she was able to escape from the battlefield by falling down and continued to move forward.

And escape.

Wang Lang, who was behind, had a sneer on his handsome face, just like a cat playing with a mouse, and he followed unhurriedly. "Gong Chenying, I have long heard that you are physically strong. Sure enough, you were still able to get up despite being so seriously injured. But I want to see how far you can go." Looking at the pretty back and the rain falling all the way, he was galloping ahead. Wang Lang said, his injuries were actually only slightly better than Gong Chenying's. In addition, he had used all his strength to break through the formation, which also caused a huge loss of his spiritual power. It was just the two fights with Gong Chenying just now. Fighting against each other, it seemed that he had the upper hand, but the wounds on his chest and abdomen had already burst open, limiting his movement. Otherwise, he would have caught up with him, which reminded him of Quan Jiuxing.

"You are truly a genius. If I hadn't used my master's magic weapon, the 'Buliu Xing' sword, I might have been the one who died."

At this time, Gong Chenying's face in front of him was pale and bloodless, with traces of blood hanging from the corners of his mouth, but his eyes were still cold and emotionless, and he walked forward with his lips tightly closed.

In this way, the two men chased each other one after another. The distance between them was only more than two miles. Normally, Wang Lang could reach them in one step, but now it was impossible to catch up in a short time. Gong Chenying flew as he flew, and Gong Chenying also landed in front of him. In order to save physical and spiritual energy, the two of them chose to chase on foot by default. However, after chasing for more than ten miles, Wang Lang looked a little embarrassed because he Suddenly, he discovered that the direction Gong Chenying was walking was completely opposite to the center, that is, toward the periphery. Not far in front of the two of them, as far as the eye could see, black air was rising, and half of the sky was gradually fading. The color was dark, so obvious that Wang Lang still didn't understand that the girl in front of him was actually trying to drag him to death.

Like this, Wang Lang slowed down in an instant. "This crazy woman", the light in his eyes flickered. After a while, he bit his steel teeth and said, "Does this mean I can't kill you?" He said cruelly, He continued to chase.

Although Gong Chenying in front did not look back, his consciousness was always watching the rear. Seeing that Wang Lang was still chasing after him, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart, "It seems that he is determined to die, but it's okay, now he will go back to chase Mei Bucai and the others." He couldn't catch him, and he was seriously injured."

The place where the black energy rose was only more than a mile away from Gong Chenying in front of her. Even though she was seriously injured, she still quickly reached the edge of the black energy. Since she was already close to the black energy at this distance, Gong Chenying's Her footsteps had slowed down a long time ago, and now she was staying no more than a hundred meters away from the black air, and she still had to move forward slowly as the black shadow pressed in from time to time. However, after ten breaths of time, Wang Lang's gloomy face Appearing in Gong Chenying's sight, Gong Chenying's pretty face did not waver at all, as if she was not the one facing death. She waved her jade hand, and the cyan Changge appeared in her hand again, with green on it.


The light was hesitant, but the light was very dim, like a candle flame in the wind, shaky. Seeing Wang Lang approaching step by step, she simply stopped where she was and allowed the black energy a hundred meters away to get closer.

"You, you think I won't chase you. If I kill you, I still have time to escape from here." Wang Lang advanced step by step, holding a sword seal with both hands, and two flying swords roared out from Niwan Palace. He said slowly and slowly. However, he was extremely vigilant in his heart. Controlling two flying swords was now his limit. He didn't know if the opponent had any other ways to save his life. He would not underestimate the counterattack of a dying and powerful foundation-building monk. Either weak or with amazing potential.

He pointed like swords at the same time, with the two flying swords, one sword struck directly at Gong Chenying's face like lightning, while the other sword was as weak as water, attacking in an arc from one side to Gong Chenying's waist. This is where Gong Chenying was injured, and his actions are most affected.

Gong Chenying threw the long sword in his hand into the air and pointed out the magic trick. The blue long sword turned into four green strange insects. Two of them faced the two long swords respectively. The other two's eyes flashed with bloodthirsty red and rushed towards Wang Lang. The castration was even faster than Wang Lang's flying sword. The whistling sound actually caused the girl's short hair to fly forward, and the dark green robe on her body also swayed forward. At this time, Long Chenying still focuses on offense. There is rarely a word of defense in her character. When encountering an enemy, she always just attacks, attacks, and attacks again. This time, she attacks with no hesitation.

Wang Lang couldn't help but squint his eyes when he saw this. He never expected that this girl with an extremely indifferent expression would, since he confronted her, no matter how he attacked, she would always resort to direct attacks. Even though she had spurted blood several times before, He resolutely pushed himself back and his injuries were aggravated. Now that she has reached this point, the girl who has never said a word has taken the offensive resolutely. The pale and bloodless face clearly shows that she is exhausted, but she is still attacking like a tiger. He can see The aura of the two green monsters that blocked her flying sword was not strong, but the former girl poured most of her spiritual energy into attacking herself. Her intention was very clear, she wanted to bury her enemy with her.

Looking at the two green monsters attacking him, Wang Lang's expression remained unchanged. He patted the storage bag gently, and a sharp sword with cold light appeared in his hand. After all, he was a fake elixir monk with a high level of cultivation. Compared to the opponent's two small realms, whether it is the total spiritual power or the comprehension of immortal arts, it is naturally superior. Although the number of invisible flying swords he controls has been reduced to less than 10% of the usual number, if it is an actual tangible sword, it is invisible. He looked at the strange insect that was rushing towards him. The spiritual power in his body was poured into it, and the sword suddenly became white. Then he swung it out with great force. At this moment, he had no choice but to use his full strength.

Just as he was swinging his sword, two loud noises were heard in front of him. Gong Chenying's figure was shaken for a while, and a large mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth again. He stepped back nearly twenty seconds with lightning-like steps. Stepping forward, the dark shadows rising from the ground behind her were no more than forty meters away from her.

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