Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 144: It should be...

Soon Li Yan landed on this purple light band. He took out the blue diamond crystal consciousness and quickly penetrated into it. Not long after, he raised his head and said, "At the fifth door." With a flash of light, Li Yan rushed directly to the center of the purple light band. Gan Shi narrowed his eyes and looked at the blood-red faces of babies appearing more and more on the snow. He couldn't help but sigh in his heart, "If it were me, even if I was injured so badly, I think I could barely support it to ten miles away, but now with the four people behind me, he needs to consume more mana." At this moment, his stomach began to cramp. He knew that this was a side effect of swallowing the "Cangshi Pill" before. If he was not treated in time, he might fall a small realm, from the late stage of foundation building to the late stage of foundation building. If he wanted to recover, it would be impossible without more than ten years of hard work. But at this moment, the key is that he has no time to recover, and there is not much mana left. It can be said that as long as he stops the output of mana on the way forward, several people will die directly in a few breaths. "My realm has fallen anyway, so I might as well take another 'Cangshi Pill'. However..." Gan Shi felt a little bitter in his heart. If he took the 'Cangshi Pill' again, he might never be able to recover to the great perfection of foundation building in his lifetime, which meant that his hope of condensing a golden pill was gone.

"Cangshi Dan", a pill that can be swallowed by Jindan or foundation-building cultivators. Its medicinal power squeezes physical strength, stimulates the residual spiritual power in the meridians, and restores about 40% of strength in a short period of time, but the damage to the meridians is permanent, just like a person quickly ages and enters old age in a short period of time, but can temporarily stimulate potential and improve strength, hence the name "Cangshi Dan". This kind of pill has great side effects, but it is also extremely precious. It is usually difficult for foundation-building cultivators to get one. Gan Shi was given one years ago because of his extraordinary talent in the Four Symbols Peak to save his life, and the other one was purchased from a Jindan elder of this peak at a great price before entering the secret realm this time. He would not have thought that he would swallow two pills in succession before, but he knew that picking in the secret realm was dangerous, so he kept a means.

If a cultivator below the middle stage of foundation-building swallows one, his strength will be permanently reduced and cannot be recovered. After swallowing one pill in the late stage of foundation building, it is still possible to slowly repair the damaged meridians through more than ten years of hard practice. However, if it is swallowed continuously within three days, a cultivator like Gan Shi who has reached the great perfection of foundation building will permanently drop to the middle stage of foundation building after the effect of the medicine wears off. If there is no great opportunity to find some heaven-defying elixir, he will stop here for life. For a proud cultivator, the inner blow will be an irreparable pain.

But obviously at this moment, he has no choice. Gan Shi's eyes flashed with cold light, and one hand had already slapped on the storage bag. A gray pill had already fallen into his palm in the flashing light. "Then take advantage of the drug's effect. Quickly kill to the ten-mile place and make an understanding with the enemy in the ball." Gan Shi glanced at the four people behind him. He knew that even if he swallowed this "Cangshi Pill", he was destined to not be able to get out of the cycle of life and death, so he took them to go on a grand journey.

"Cangshi Pill! Master, no!" The three awake people in the back kept staring at the yellow-haired man in front. After Gan Shiyi held up a huge light shield with one hand to block the crazy attack from outside, he held a pill in his other hand. After looking carefully, they were horrified. Although they had never owned "Cangshi Pill", this precious pill was described in classics and master's teachings. Of course, they recognized it at first sight.

In a hurry, the burly man from Laojun Peak recognized it more clearly. He was a disciple of Laojun Peak who made pills. He knew the effect of this pill very well. He also saw Gan Shi swallowing the pill in the yellow sphere before. When he saw Gan Shi taking out another pill, he was very anxious. He had already forgotten the difference between the old and the young and spoke directly to stop him.

The petite girl from Sixiang Peak and another cultivator from Buli Peak who was in a semi-awake state were also surprised when they heard the burly man call out "Cangshi Pill". They all stared at Gan Shi with a nervous look.

When Gan Shi heard the shout, he just turned back and looked at the big man coldly, his eyes flashing with coldness, but he didn't say anything. Just one look made these people have difficulty breathing, and sweat poured out in an instant, so how could they dare to speak.

Gan Shi is a decisive person. How can he be dissuaded by a few juniors? He pinched his fingers and the pill flew up. At this moment, a voice suddenly appeared in this space.

"Senior Brother Gan, wait." This voice came so suddenly that everyone here couldn't help but stand on end. Although the voice was light, it was no less than thunder in the air. In this clearance process, except for the people on their side, unless there were monsters attacking from the outside world, there would be no third-party human voices.

The pill had already flown quickly into Gan Shi's mouth, but at the same time as the sound rang out, Gan Shi suddenly felt a great sense of alarm in his heart. You must know that his realm at the moment is still in the Great Perfection of the Foundation Establishment Period. Although his mana is depleted, his consciousness is still strong. This person actually quietly approached him less than five meters away, and he was unaware of it. If this person attacked him at this time, he would never be able to dodge at the same level. He couldn't help but reach out and grab the pill in his palm. At the same time, his body was already retreating rapidly. These were all his instinctive reactions, but when his body was retreating, he felt strange in his heart, because the man just called him "Senior Brother Gan", and his consciousness had already swept away.

But what made him unbelievable again was that when his consciousness swept around, there was no one else around except the face of the short-lived red baby that was whistling and attacking, and the sharp sound coming from it. How could he not be shocked, but then his consciousness fell directly on the right side, that

The fluctuations in the space were obviously different.

The other people also looked around with their spiritual senses, but also found nothing. When they looked at the yellow-haired man in front, they found that his eyes had fallen to the right not far away, and they also looked at him intently. In the ripples of light in that space, a figure slowly appeared. At first, it was still illusory, but in the blink of an eye, it had condensed into a person. This person was wearing a dark green robe that they were most familiar with, and at this moment he was looking at them with a smile on his face.

"It's you" Gan Shidai blurted out after seeing the person clearly. As for the people behind him, some people knew them, and some people just looked familiar, but they couldn't remember them for a while.

The person who came was Li Yan. Just now, he didn't immediately pass through the light belt and come directly into the passage. With his caution, even if he was sure that the color of this light belt was undoubtedly the color chosen by the Wuliang Sect, he would not rush in. He had to first determine the identity of the cultivators in the passage, then observe the environment they were in, and then determine how to show up and where. Otherwise, if he showed up, he would either be attacked by the cultivators inside or trapped in the customs restriction. That was not something that Li Yan could do.

After he opened a gap at the light gate, his consciousness slowly probed in, and then he saw what was happening inside. If it were in the past, although his consciousness was comparable to that of a cultivator in the early stage of foundation building, Gan Shi's late stage of foundation building would definitely find something unusual, but now there are too many attacks around, and his mana is already struggling to cope with it. Naturally, he would not waste his consciousness to explore anything around. Anyway, there are only attacks from customs restrictions and huge black shadows in the sky behind that are slowly suppressing, and there will be nothing else.

When Li Yan found the five people in the passage in his consciousness, especially when he saw Gan Shi was seriously injured, he couldn't help but feel nervous. "It's still too late. Brother Gan has encountered a strong opponent or has fallen into the opponent's trap. Otherwise, why are there only these few people left." Then he began to confirm the restrictions on attacks around the light gate, but seeing the endless blood-red baby faces around Gan Shi and others, Li Yan's scalp was numb. Obviously, this was not a good place to go out. When he saw Gan Shi and his companions desperately approaching the sixth gate, he quickly exited the light band and hurried to the sixth gate. The restrictions there had not yet been fully triggered, so it was quite safe for him to go out.

As soon as he reached the sixth gate, he immediately sent out his spiritual sense, and indeed saw Gan Shi and his companions slowly approaching. Only a small part of the restrictions on the front were activated, and in his spiritual sense, he saw Gan Shi holding a pill in his hand and about to swallow it. He was quite familiar with this pill, and suddenly remembered that at first he thought it was a pill to replenish spiritual power, so the blue diamond crystal in his hand was already shining brightly, and he opened a hole in the light gate, preparing to rush out. But at the same time, he heard someone from the Qi Condensation disciples behind him exclaiming

"Cangshi Pill" and speaking to stop them. He was also startled. No wonder it looked so familiar. He certainly knew the effect of this pill. Looking at the cold light in Gan Shi's eyes, how could Li Yan not know that this senior brother in front of him might have swallowed one before? He could not help but quickly transmit the message with his consciousness, and then his figure stepped out of the light gate.

Gan Shi and his dozen people looked at the person who suddenly appeared in a daze. Gan Shi knew Li Yan. The Xiaozhu Peak people were of course very careful about high-level disciples like them. Moreover, Li Yan had basically been with Li Wuyi before, so he naturally saw it.

"You?" Gan Shi's eyes flashed with suspicion, but his other hand was already flickering, as if ready to attack at any time. Although he knew Li Yan, he didn't believe that this person was Li Yan himself when he appeared here so strangely. He thought it was a new phantom attack that was forbidden here. However, after his consciousness swept over Li Yan, he felt the real breath of Li Yan and hesitated for a while.

The people behind him also slowly remembered Li Yan at this moment, and they couldn't help but show hesitation in their eyes. "Is this the uncle from Xiaozhu Peak?" The petite woman from Sixiang Peak supported the monk leaning on her and asked the sturdy monk in a low voice.

"Should...should be...right?" The Laojun Peak man had just recovered from Gan Shi's sharp gaze, and his back was still sweating. At this moment, he was not sure about this change. He and Li Yan had not had much interaction, and had never met in the previous sect competition. He only saw Li Yan's strange performance several times later on the crystal screen, including this time when he entered the secret realm. Because Li Yan was very low-key, he either stood in a corner or kept silent, and the disciples of other peaks gathered together to communicate, and really ignored him.

"Yes...'s him" At this time, the seriously injured and incapable disciple of Buli Peak who was leaning on the burly man spoke with difficulty. Although his voice was as light as a mosquito, everyone was a cultivator and had strong hearing, so they all heard it clearly.

Li Yan was about to reply to Gan Shi's words, but when he heard what the people behind Gan Shi said, he couldn't help but look up, and then bowed to the Buli Peak cultivator who was leaning on the burly man. "So it's Zhu...Zhu Junior Brother." He was obviously unfamiliar with this title.

The seriously injured Buli Peak cultivator was Zhu Gaotai, who impressed him deeply in the competition. He was the one who fought against Fei Ling from Lingchong Peak in the first match. At that time, Li Yan listed him as one of his strong opponents. He had a deep memory of his scheming and a pair of "Thunder Gu in the Jar", but he didn't fight him later, which saved him a lot of hard work. He didn't expect that this person seemed to be very familiar with him. He was anxious at this time, but the other party seemed to be very cautious. He was afraid that if something went wrong, they would suddenly kill him.

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