Fighting the Martial Universe

Chapter 2320: : Jian Qingyang's solicitation

Jian Qingyang himself was a powerful man in the Taoist realm, and his defense was also at the level of the Taoist realm. He was also repelled by Zhang Mofan. If he was a martial artist in the Taoist realm, he couldn't bear it at all.

Therefore, Jian Qingyang has already lost.

Jian Qingyang's face was already extremely ugly. Zhang Mofan's words really hit his heart. The blow just now would be absolutely unbearable if it were Dao Sect's defense.

"Of course, you still want to fight with me again. I don't mind continuing to fight with you a few ways, but according to the rules, you have already lost."

Zhang Mofan said.

He doesn't care about winning or losing, he cares about losing ground.

"I wish to bet and lose. I really underestimated you and gave you a chance. What is your name?"

Jian Qingyang's expression returned to normal.

He lost to Zhang Mofan in front of everyone. If he became furious, he would ruin his reputation. Instead of this, he might as well admit his failure.

It's just a Xitu, there is no need to lose your reputation for this. The road is still long. If you really want to fight for Xitu, you can't do it on the bright side, but you can secretly do it behind the scenes.

Everyone saw Jian Qingyang concede defeat and praised Jian Qingyang one by one, so generous, he deserves to be the strongest of the younger generation, and I am afraid that he will not admit his failure as a person.

What's more, Jian Qingyang didn't really lose, but just despised Zhang Mofan.

Zhang Mofan slowly replied: "My name is Zhang Mofan!"

"Zhang Mofan? Very good, I remember you!"

Jian Qingyang said: "With the means you have shown, it is enough to join any of the four major sects. Are you confident to join our Heavenly Sword Sect?"

Hearing that, everyone was shocked, and at the same time very envious, the four major sects, but the four major sects of the Heavenly Desolate Ancient World, and countless warriors from the ninety-nine world, all wanted to join these four major sects.

Regardless of the realm, if you want to join the four major sects, there are very strict assessment standards. Those who can enter must pass a very strict assessment, and those who can pass the assessment are even rarer.

And Zhang Mofan has Jian Qingyang's solicitation, I'm afraid, even if he doesn't pass the assessment, he can directly enter the Heavenly Sword Gate.

Zhang Mofan smiled and replied: "It is said that the Heavenly Sword Gate is a major in swordsmanship, and I practice the halberd technique, which is probably not appropriate."

"Although your halberd technique is good, it is not worth mentioning in terms of the swordsmanship of my Heavenly Sword Sect. With your talent, if you major in swordsmanship, you can be one step closer in the future. Our Heavenly Sword Sect has a lot of power. Swordsmanship."

Jian Qingyang didn't expect that Zhang Mofan would reject it directly, and the rejection was so straightforward that he didn't even think about it.

In the past, let alone practicing the halberd technique, even if one had broken both hands, once he heard that the Heavenly Sword Sect wanted to recruit him, he would unquestionably agree and agree.

Zhang Mofan did not speak. Although it was an opportunity to enter the Heavenly Sword Gate, he saw a trace of conspiracy in Jian Qingyang's eyes.

If he joins the Heavenly Sword Gate now, it is tantamount to death.

Seeing that Zhang Mofan did not respond to him, Jian Qingyang snorted and left Jianbao Pavilion directly.

Zhang Mofan looked at everyone present and asked loudly, "But there are still people who want to challenge me?"

He defeated Jian Qingyang. Although Jian Qingyang did not really use his strength, he also truly showed extraordinary strength, but there were still people who would not be convinced.

If it was Jian Qingyang, maybe no one would be doing it, but this time it was him, an unknown warrior who stood in the field.

After listening to Zhang Mofan's words, everyone reacted, and Zhang Mofan defeated Jian Qingyang.

However, they still did not expect that Jian Qingyang would lose.

"Hehe, how about I come to fight you?"

At this moment, the animal husbandry of Yuxianmen rushed out and fell in front of Zhang Mofan.

He had already seen Zhang Mofan's tricks clearly just now. As long as he could defeat Zhang Mofan, he would not only be able to gain the ground, but also his reputation would be improved.

Zhang Mofan defeated Jian Qingyang, and he defeated Zhang Mofan. You Pin Pin Pin Pin.

Jian Qingyang despised Zhang Mofan, but he wouldn't.


Everyone saw Mu Zhan's move, and before they were shocked, they saw that Mu Zhan slapped Zhang Mofan with a few feet away.

The speed of this palm was almost to the extreme, and in the blink of an eye, he came to Zhang Mofan's face, magnificently, constantly growing, and finally covering the sky and suppressing the sun.

In an instant, the entire ground was shocked with cracks and began to fall apart.

When everyone saw this scene, their pupils shrank, and it seemed that this animal husbandry battle was really using all their strength.

"What a powerful attack!"

Zhang Mofan's pupils shrank, and the whole body exploded, turning into dense intertwined thunder, and also condensed a huge thunder palm, directly bombarding the palm that came from the mighty and unbearable ground.

Bang bang bang!

The two palms collided fiercely, and a series of explosion sounds continued to resound, and the terrifying energy continued to pour, unexpectedly swaying the town's spirit tower directly.

It is conceivable that this collision was even more terrifying than Jian Qingyang's just now.

Jian Qingyang did not really use all the means. Many hole cards were not displayed, and Zhang Mofan could take advantage of the CIA.

Now, Mu Zhan did not retain his strength and made a full blow.

Zhang Mofan's body of heaven and earth power, there is no reservation at all, like a landscape erupting, madly pouring out, dense thunder, madly jumping, madly bombing.

Boom boom boom!

"Come on!"

Zhang Mofan felt the power coming from Mu Zhan's body, even though it was the same as his power, it was suppressed in the late Dao Sect.

However, through the increase of various martial arts methods, the self-attack was promoted to the extreme.

Zhang Mofan held the Ten Thousand Demon Slaughter Demon Halberd in his hand and directly attacked the past, facing the Daozi of Yuxianmen, he was equally fearless.

"It's really arrogant, but you have such arrogant strength!"

Mu Zhan was holding a long knife in his hand with blood gleaming on it, directly bombarding Zhang Mofan.

Qiang Qiang!

The two weapons kept colliding, and a series of sparks splashed everywhere.

The more the collision, the more Mu Zhan felt that Zhang Mofan's attack was constantly rising. This kind of attack was not brought about by Dao power, but a kind of fighting intent.

That's right, it's fighting spirit.

He felt that Zhang Mofan's fighting spirit became stronger and stronger.

"Could it be that his body failed?"

Mu Zhan was shocked. In fact, he was also a body, and he was also a **** of war. The stronger he fights, the stronger his fighting spirit will be, and he will become stronger and stronger.

However, in the face of Zhang Mofan, he found that his fighting spirit could not be displayed.

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