Fighting the Martial Universe

Chapter 2314: : 4 major gates

Hearing Jian Qingyang's deeds, Zhang Mofan was also very emotional. It seems that in this divine universe, not only he has great adventures, but other people also have great adventures.

Zhang Mofan, in his forties, achieved Dao Void realm, which is already considered a very rare existence. It is absolutely unique in the entire Zhou Yuan realm, and even in the area of ​​God where he is located.

But in the Shenyu, there are still many people who can reach his level, even stronger, and have more adventures. They are the children of real big adventures.

"Don't underestimate Jian Qingyang. With his talent, entering the Academy of Gods was a breeze. However, the last Jiezi fight was said to have happened to be in seclusion. After he left, Jiezi Zhan has already ended."

"Moreover, many geniuses are fortunate that he did not participate in the World War, otherwise it would be a nightmare for many people."

Speaking of this, the man's face showed great respect.

"It's no wonder that Jian Qingyang's arrival can cause such a sensation."

Huang Qingyan was secretly surprised.

This world has very powerful geniuses, this Jian Qingyang is such a genius.

"The Daozi of the other three sects have also come."

At this moment, there was a commotion in the crowd, and I didn't know who shouted.

In an instant, everyone present looked towards the sky.

Above the sky, a huge golden flood dragon flew up. On the back of that flood dragon, there were a pair of huge golden wings, which were golden light flood dragon beasts in the Heavenly Desolate Realm.

On the back of the golden dragon beast, a few heroic men and women stood, there were more than a dozen people.

This is exactly the sacred beast gate among the four sects.

Immediately afterwards, a giant Zhou came across the void. This giant ship was extremely majestic, like a mountain, making a huge roar.

On that huge boat, there were also a dozen men and women standing, among the four major sects, Yuxianmen.

Compared with the appearance of the Divine Beast Gate, the Yuxian Gate was obviously much lower-key.

"It's Yuxianmen!"

In the chaotic bazaar, someone suddenly exclaimed.

However, more people were shocked, focusing their gazes on the tall man at the forefront of the huge boat. That man was equally impressive. He was a genius Taoist in the Yuxianmen, Mu Zhan.

Compared to Jian Qingyang’s reputation, this animal husbandry battle is obviously a lot more low-key, but his strength is completely worthy of Jian Qingyang, but he is much older than Jian Qingyang, and compared to Jian Qingyang, Be weaker.

Immediately afterwards, more than a dozen women flew over, all of them extinct in appearance, like heavenly fairies, among the four major sects, the disciples of Xuannvong.

The headed woman, who seems to be in her twenties, has a surprising level of cultivation. She has also reached the realm of Taoism and is the Taoist of the Xuannv Palace, Li Susu.

The Daoists of the four major sects all arrived at the scene. Patriarchs and suzerains from many forces greeted them one after another and expressed their welcome.

Soon, they entered the Jianbao Pavilion.

As for Zhang Mofan and others, they were sitting around the Jianbao Pavilion with other casual martial artists. They wanted to enter, but they were directly stopped by the master of Jianbao Pavilion.

"Why don't you let us in, we are also qualified to compete for the soil."

"Yes, you are not qualified to stop us."


The faces of many casual repairers showed anger.

Standing in the Jianbao Pavilion, Jian Qingyang looked at the casual cultivators, and said lightly: "Everyone can fight for this land, and whoever can fight for the land depends on whose ability, let them all come in. "

As soon as these words fell, many casual cultivators were very excited, but Jian Qingyang was fair, and did not stop them, giving them a chance to compete.

Jian Qingyang looked at the expressions of those people and couldn't help but shook his head. When he said this, he only thought that even if they came to fight, they would have no chance.

But Zhang Mofan and Huang Qingyan entered the Jianbao Pavilion among the recorded crowd.

The interior space of Jianbao Pavilion is very large and empty. Nearly tens of thousands of people crowded into it without any discomfort.

The Daoists of the four major sects, with their disciples, had no communication at all, sitting on the four masters.

Moreover, these four locations are not divided into highlands, they look very plain.

The master of Jianbao Pavilion is not a fool. If there is any high ground, he might offend the other three sects.

These four major sects, but no one dares to offend, a Taoist, go outside, the status is also high, no one wants to offend.

At this time, an old man in a green robe slowly walked out of the cabinet, and the man behind him was carrying a huge tray. The tray was covered to emit an astonishing light. No need to guess, it is most likely to be breath. earth.

The green-robed old man walked into the pavilion, cleared his throat, and said in a deep voice: "Everyone, I am the pavilion owner of this Jianbao Pavilion, Qingfeng, you probably don’t know the role of this soil. The martial artist with the Holy Spirit scale below level 3 has a huge effect, being able to warm up the Holy Spirit body, be able to transform the Holy Spirit body, and even increase the Holy Spirit scale."

For those who are strong in the realm, the scale of the Holy Spirit is from fifty to sixty.

Moreover, every level is very difficult to improve.

Especially for the martial artist of the Dao Fa realm, it is more difficult to raise the scale of their own Holy Spirit from the fifty-third level to the fifty-fourth level, but this can be done with this soil.

And the four Daozi are all strong in the Dao Dharma realm, so naturally they want this soil very much.

On the contrary, it is the Taoist real-world martial artist above the Taoism, who is not very interested in this soil.

"There is only one piece of Xitu. If I give it to, I won't be convinced. If I compete for strength, compared to the many realm-level warriors present, I will not be convinced."

When these words fell, many warriors nodded.

After all, the Daozi of the four major sects are all in the Dao Dharma realm. If they really compete for strength, then the others don't need to take it, it's up to the four of them to compete.

"So, after careful consideration, I finally thought of a very compromised solution."

As he spoke, Qing Feng said, waving a big hand, and in the palm of his palm, a huge pagoda floated out and floated above Jianbao Pavilion.

A mysterious light radiated from the pagoda, turning into a gas mask, covering all the open space in the center of Jianbao Pavilion.

"This is a medium-level Taoist treasure, a tower of spirits, and a space under the tower automatically evolves. Entering the space below the tower, you can only display the power of the Taoist school. Even if it is a strong Taoist, the power will be suppressed into the Taoist school."

Qing Feng said, "My rule is, whoever can beat all the masters in the tower, who will be the one who has lost the soil, can you agree to this method?"

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