Fighting the Martial Universe

Chapter 2284: : The dark spring surges

  Mother instructed him to come back to the ruins holy palace, hide his strength, and mess around as a holy son, just as having fun.

   Moreover, her mother remembered part of him clearly.

   Sure enough, Zhang Mofan saw through his identity and searched his memory.

   "What do you want to do?"

   Zhang Heng shook his head and stopped thinking about it. He left the other party locked in, and when he recovered his strength, he could find a chance to escape.

   This belongs to the Ruins Sacred Palace, he has long since waited.


   Of course, Zhang Mofan didn't know anything about this.

   At this moment, they have already rushed to the Great Holy Land in Zhongzhou.

   "Xiao Fan, aren't you wanted by the Qin dynasty? Why did you take us to the ceremony of modern enthronement."

   Bai Qian asked.

   Zhang Mofan replied: "Master, the new emperor's ascension to the throne will attract powerful enemies, and they will definitely come and destroy the enthronement ceremony. I will only help Qin Tianzhen shake the place."

   "The shaking place?"

   Bai Qian did not understand.

   Mengmeng laughed and said, "Xiao Fan definitely wants to behave in front of you and let you see how he has changed in recent years."

   "Huaner still understands me."

   Zhang Mofan laughed and said, feeling very relaxed. For the coming enemy, he was not at all nervous, but a kind of comfort.

   Now that he has eight lives of fighting spirits, it is too easy to defeat the ghost king, the holy.


at this time.

  Ghost King Sect, Ten Thousand Poison Sect, and Ten Thousand Evil Sect, the powerhouses of the three great clans, are already assembled, densely packed, gathered together, all black and heavy, like a great army.

   This time, the powerhouses dispatched by the three major clans, there are more than a thousand people above the holy realm, and tens of thousands of people above the great holy realm.

   An army of tens of thousands, densely packed, condensed in the void, that kind of aura is simply amazing.

   The Ghost King Zhisheng was sitting on a black sedan chair, closing his eyes and practicing. He had just realized a powerful method that hadn't been perfected yet.

   However, at this time, they must set off. From here to the Holy Land, it takes a lot of time. In order not to delay the journey, he can only practice while on the road.

   As for other things, just hand it over to the three sovereigns.

   "The new emperor's ascension to the throne is really interesting. It is said that the new emperor's ascension, the dynasty's luck will truly climb to the peak, and there must be countless warriors to visit the new emperor and gain promotion."

   "Hehe, at that time, we will appear together, behead the new emperor, and destroy the Qin Dynasty."

   "The power of the Qin Dynasty to rule the Zhouyuan Realm is probably not easy. Even if we press in, we may not be so easy to destroy it."

   "What are you afraid of? We have a ghost, as long as he is there, it is easy to destroy them."


   The three suzerains were all extremely excited.

  Can you not be excited? They just broke the seal and naturally want to do something big, but this big event is too big to attack a dynasty.

   In their period, there was no concept of dynasty, but the Qin dynasty was the most powerful force in Zhou Yuanjie if it could rule the entire Zhou Yuanjie.

   The army marched, a piece of blackness, covering the entire void, like a dark cloud, moving forward.

   "What is that **** cloud? It's so depressing and terrifying, it seems that there are countless powerful people in it."

   "There are so many strong people, I can feel that there are so many strong people, so many strong people, working together, where are they going?"

   "They are going to the Holy Land of King Qin. Could it be that they are going to observe the rank of the new emperor?"

   "Watch? It's so aggressive, I don't see it anymore, they are going to make trouble!"

   Many casual cultivators looked at the void, all shocked.

This is the first time they have seen such an amazing breath, connected to form a piece, even if it is an ordinary great sage, facing the tens of thousands of strong men, they will feel tremendous pressure in their hearts, making people unable to breathe. .

   As for the actions of the three major clans, the Qin Dynasty did not know anything about it. Not to mention the Qin Dynasty, even Zhang Mofan would never have thought that the Ghost King, the Holy Sage, would be able to surrender the three sects, allied together and attacked the Qin Dynasty together.

   At this time, the Qin Palace has already been very busy. The ceremony of the new emperor's enthronement is very important, and there should be no flashes.

   And this time the process of the ascension ceremony is fully managed by Fu Wenxiang, and the guard work of the ascension ceremony is in charge of the commander of the four military camps.

   When it comes to the enthronement ceremony, there will be countless warriors who will come, observe and worship, but it is inevitable that there will be some casual cultivators who will come to make trouble and even assassinate the new emperor.

   It’s not that this kind of thing has never happened before. When the Qin Dynasty was just established, Qin Zheng was assassinated when he held an enthronement ceremony.

   It turned out that the one who assassinated Qin Zheng was an old official of the Zhang Dynasty, but unfortunately, at that time, Qin Zheng was already the title of the most holy, and he was easily killed.

   But, Qin Tian is not the title of the holy ~ He is still very young, only the strength of the holy, once he is attacked by the title of the holy, it will be troublesome.

   Therefore, they must ensure Qin Tian's safety.

   Of course, they are not really worried about this point. If it is just a small mess, many of the titles of the Qin Dynasty will be stopped.

   If there are strong ones, including Qin Zheng, Zhang Mofan, and the Demon Slayer Sage, there is no problem at all.

   It can be said that whoever dares to make trouble is undoubtedly tantamount to death.

   There is only the last day left before the enthronement ceremony.

   Many warriors, as well as warriors from all major forces, rushed to the Holy Land of King Qin.

For a while, all the cities and inns in the Holy Land of the King of Qin were overcrowded and very hot. Of course, at the same time they were hot, there were inevitably all kinds of contradictions. , Be directly beheaded.

   "This popularity is really horrible, a new emperor ascends the throne, can really attract so many people?"

   In an inn, Zhang Feng sighed.

Jian Jingtian said: "Feng'er, don't you know that the new emperor's ascension to the throne will be very terrifying. Back then, I worshipped Qin Zheng and became the most holy. The soul is one.".

   "Now that Qin Tian takes over the Qin dynasty, the Qin dynasty has already gathered great luck. His ascension to the throne is even more terrifying. Can these warriors not come? As long as they worship, they can improve. Why not try?"

   After Zhang Feng heard about it, he guessed: "I wonder if Xiao Fan will come and worship it secretly!"

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