Fighting the Martial Universe

Chapter 2061: : Declare war on Mohist school

The Mohist school does have such rules. If all the organs in "Zhuzi Organ" are produced, they can inherit the position of the Mohist giant.

Originally, Ao Qianji stayed in the Mohist school, and then produced all the organs in "Zhuzi Organ", he might be able to become a Mohist giant.

However, Ao Qianji had been away from Mohist school for so long, and reappeared, but wanted to become a Mohist giant. No matter what, Mohist school could not allow it.

"Qianji, I was wrong back then. You shouldn't be blamed. However, if you want to become a Mohist giant, it will take time."

Proudly said.

Ao Qianji sneered, and said, "No, no, I am not interested in the position of the Mohist giant. I just want to prove that I can produce all the mechanisms in "Zhuzi Organization". I want to use my Organism, to slap you in the face fiercely, to prove how stupid your decision back then was."

He does not want to become a Mohist giant, but to prove that he can become a Mohist giant.

As for whether the Mohist will give it or not, it doesn't matter anymore.

"Back then, "Zhuzi's Organization" was indeed a banned book. Your organization is talented and powerful, and I can understand it when you peek at "Zhuzi's Organization", but you can't resist even a few criticisms?"

Proudly said.

"What's wrong with me? I also want to improve organ skills? I know that you don't want me to become a Mohist tycoon. You six elders all want to take charge of the Mohist school together, instead of giving Mohist school to a young man. "

Proud Qianjidao.

Many elders shook their heads when they heard this.

How could the Mohist school not want a giant?

The Seven Great Masters in ancient times, apart from their Mohists, all had giants.

Giants represent their leaders.

Without a leader, it is difficult for the Mohist school to develop. It is difficult to unify the opinions of the six elders, and it is still necessary for the giants to decide.

Ao Qianji's talent is indeed terrifying, but he left the Mo family after a casual blow, and now he wants to prove that he can become a Mo family giant.

Such a person's character is simply not enough to become a Mohist giant.


Ao Qianji said: "Today, as an ordinary warrior, I will challenge your Mo Clan. Any high-level organization can choose ten at will. We will make it in front of everyone at the fastest speed. Come out and the one with the least time wins."

"Of course, you can choose ten people to compare with me."

"Three days later, I will come to your strategists again."

After that, Ao Qianji rode the Fengming Organ Bird and left directly.

After a long time, many disciples of the Mo family came back to their senses.

"What does Ao Qianji mean?"

"He is probably here to retaliate against our Mo family, and wants to use his mechanical skills to hit our Mo family in the face."

"He wants one to challenge ten of us? It's arrogant."

"Ao Qianji has this strength and arrogance. At the time, his organ skills were not inferior to those of the elders. Moreover, the organ he rode was the seventh organ in "The Organs of the Masters", Fengming Organ Bird."


Many disciples started discussing.

Originally, Ao Xuan Ji asked Zhang Mofan to explain the mechanism technique in order to provide all his disciples with the mechanism technique. Now, after Ao Qianji's troubles, Ao Xuan Ji also stopped this matter.

He is very aware of Ao Qianji's temperament and is very arrogant. Over the years, Ao Qianji's mechanical skills must have been greatly improved.

This time, he can be described as menacing.

If a warrior comes to challenge the martial arts, they can avoid fighting, but Ao Qianji is here to challenge organ skills. This is what their Mo family eats. If they lose, Ao Xuanji brags to the outside world, their Mo family It's completely lost face.

"All the elders, as well as ten chief disciples, all followed me to the Hall of Thousand Fantasy, Zhang Mofan, you also follow me."

Proudly said.

After a while, everyone gathered in the Qianhuan Hall.

As one of the chief disciples, Han Menqing also spoke directly: "Ao Qianji is coming so fiercely, there must be a lot of preparation. Even if we challenge, we can't be ten to one right? Even if we win, it's not glorious. "

"Yes, it's definitely not ten to one."

An elder opened his mouth and said, this is too shameful.

Ao Xuanji looked solemn and said, "Then who among you is sure to beat him one-on-one?"

Everyone was silent.

The elders know how strong Ao Qianji's organs are. Moreover, Ao Qianji threatened to produce all the ten organs of "The Institutions of All Men". What a terrible thing.

"Who is Ao Qianji?"

Zhang Mofan asked suddenly.

Ao Xuanji told Zhang Mofan all of Ao Qianji's past. After listening to Zhang Mofan, Zhang Mofan also said: "Ao Qianji dares to challenge your entire Mo must be fully prepared."

"Are you sure to defeat him?"

Ao Xuanji asked suddenly.

Zhang Mofan shook his head and said, "I only have some talents. Compared with him, the gap is not small. Moreover, I am not a disciple of your Mo family, and I have no right to interfere in this matter."

He was able to make it so fast, in fact, relying on not only the mountains and rivers, but also the Dragon Soul Immortal Gloves. Wearing the Dragon Soul Immortal Gloves, he seems to feel that he can accurately and perfectly handle everything. Control.

When he goes to the production organization in front of everyone, his strength will be greatly reduced.

Moreover, Zhang Mofan had to make several organs and had to familiarize himself with the production drawings, which would take a lot of time. As for the achievements, I am afraid that he knew all organs well.

"Zhang Mofan, if you play on behalf of our Mo family, we can directly give you the status of a named elder, and at the same time, we will help your master restore the status of a disciple of the Mo family."

Ao Xuanji continued.

Zhang Mofan smiled and continued to evade: "Senior Xuanji, even if I can help you fight, I am not sure. If it is to make one or two organs, I am sure, but it is nothing to make ten high-level organs. opportunity."

If he is not allowed to make drawings, he can't even produce ten organs, let alone go to a competition with the talented disciples of the Mo family.

"If your master restores your status as a disciple of the Mo family, I will discuss with other elders and rescue your master from the Qin Dynasty."

Ao Xuanji continued.

Zhang Mofan was really moved this time. Although his relationship with Qin Tian had improved, it was impossible for Qin Tian to release Bai Qian behind his back.

If the Mohist had acted, then the Qin Dynasty would not dare to be embarrassed for nothing.

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