Farming Tree Spirit

Chapter 88 Magic Item Flash Bomb! (88)

Chapter 88 Magic props—flash bombs! (88)

The magic props on Rhodes.

Now I only have the newly made dragon ball staff and the girl's wreath I obtained through prayer.

Because the level of the girl's garland is too low, it can no longer keep up with his current needs, so it is basically idle.

The emergence of the Dragon Ball Staff undoubtedly filled this gap, and also allowed Rhodes to see ways to improve his strength beyond levels.

Thinking about it this way, it seems that in addition to equipment, magicians do have many kinds of magic props.

For example, a trigger-type life-saving shield, a crystal ball that increases the number of undead summons, a potion that increases magic power after drinking, etc. I wonder if they can be found on the altar.

Put away the staff.

Rhodes called Augula and expressed his thoughts.

"Are you saying that you want to make magic props or alchemical potions?"

As expected, Ogola had been around outside. Although he wasn't very good at it, he knew a lot of basic knowledge and could guess his thoughts right away.

"Alchemy potion? Do you have this too?"

Rhodes' eyes lit up and he became interested instantly.

"Of course."

Ogola didn't know why he suddenly asked this, recalling: "I remember that this thing was first invented by goblins. Although that race is small and can crush a bunch of people with one kick, it is very good at making money. At first, he created a potion containing magic power and sold it to those without magic power so that they could also use magic."

"Later, I discovered that it can also benefit magicians, so I created alchemical potions with various effects and sold them to those magicians. The profession of alchemists became popular like this. They are really a bunch of money-grubbing guys."

His tone was sour.

Even though the goblin race is so short that they can't even reach his heels, they make much more money than him. Just thinking about it is very irritating.

On the contrary, Rhodes was thoughtful.

I couldn't help but look at the plantation outside.

Suddenly he had a bold idea.

Since there are so many strange plants planted around the altar, are there a few that can be used to make alchemical potions?

For example, the red mushroom from before seems to contain fire properties. If you add some black fruit juice into it, will it have a huge increase in fire magic after taking it?


This is a good research direction.

If successful, you might be able to get a lot of alchemy potions that improve your strength. Even if you don't feed them to yourself, it would be good to give them small things to eat to increase their combat strength.

"Sir Rhodes, do you want to make your own alchemy potion?"

At this time, Augula finally reacted and couldn't help but ask.

"Yeah, is there a problem?"

"There is no problem. It's just that I heard that making alchemical potions is very troublesome. It not only requires various materials, but also requires different alchemical formations."

"Uh...that's a problem."

Rhodes looked embarrassed.

Not to mention the alchemy array, he only has a few magic spells now, and his steps seem to be a bit too big.

Think about it for a moment.

He said another sentence that was enough to make all magicians spit blood.

"What about creating new magic? It's not that difficult after all, right?"

"It seems...ok?"

Augula said uncertainly.

All his abilities were obtained through the inheritance of tree spirits, and he had no idea how difficult it was to create new magic.

Seeing how Rhodes had easily created new natural magic before, it was not that difficult even if he thought about it.

"Well, I'll start by creating new magic!"

After receiving the affirmation, Rhodes immediately became confident and went to the side to study the magic structure.

His idea is simple.

Since each magic has its own magic circle, he can just make a new one, as long as it is not too complicated and accidentally activates the forbidden spell to drain him.

"Very good, let's try the most basic six-pointed star array first!"

With that said, Rhodes slowly raised his hand and mobilized his magic power to draw the pattern.

A simple six-pointed star array quickly took shape in front of him.


The magic circle lights up.

It actually triggered the effect, and a dazzling white light erupted, making Rhodes instantly excited.


Nothing more...

The whole surrounding became quiet.

"No, it will disappear after it lights up?"

What a fart!

Rhodes really didn't expect that the hexagram, which is the base of most magic arrays, only emits light!

Doesn't that mean.

Even if this part of the route is removed.

Will it not affect the overall power of magic?

He did not believe in evil, and mobilized the natural elements in the air to rebuild the six-pointed star array.

Sure enough.

After the magic circle erupted into a green light, there was no response, just like the attributeless white light just now.

"The guy who designed the magic circle is really a genius!"

After holding it in for a long time, Rhodes finally couldn't hold it any longer.

He could even imagine that the guy's original intention of designing the magic circle was not for fighting, but to show off!

"I was just wondering why the higher the level of light pollution, the more serious it is. All the special effects are useless. Wasn't that guy afraid of being beaten when he designed the forbidden spell?"

Rhodes wanted to laugh when he thought of those mages on the battlefield using super magic, and the exaggerated light pollution special effects, which attracted a group of hostile forces to fight.

Battles can be lost.

You can’t lose with special effects, right?

never mind……

It's better not to tell anyone about such a shameful thing, so as not to let the guy who created magic come to beat him.

Don't tell me that it was created by the moon god.

Calm down.

Rhodes raised his hand again.

Try to build a magical magic circle for rainfall, and cancel the six-pointed star route inside.


There are no special effects.

There was no warning.

A curtain of rain appeared directly above his head, soaking the entire area where he was.

Then he tried several other spells, all of which were successful without exception, and the casting speed was much faster than usual.

Magic instant skills +1

"What? I thought it would be difficult. All you need to do is create magic."

Rhodes curled his lips, his self-confidence at an all-time high.

He did not continue to dismantle the magic array, but took a relatively smooth stone, mobilized his magic power to carve the pattern of the six-pointed star array on it, and did some delay processing at the end.

Then he mobilized magic power to pour it into it. When the magic circle was full, he threw it to the little guys who were chasing and fighting in the distance.


The little thing lowered his head in confusion and looked at the stone that appeared at his feet.

Soul Raven and Xiong Da also came over one after another, with curious expressions on their faces.

But the next second.

A burst of white light.

In a flash, half of the altar was illuminated.




The little guys were so frightened that they all ran away and hid behind the nearby statue.

As a result, it was discovered that the stone only lit up for a moment and then stopped making any movement.

On the contrary, Rhodes in the distance was extremely happy.

Magic props - flash bombs.

Production successful!

I have to say.

In terms of magic.

Rhodes has some talent.

In just such a short time, the first magic prop was created through the principles of magic.

This also made him work harder and continue to study other magic.


A loud noise exploded on the altar.

Amidst the billowing smoke and dust, Rhodes ran out of it with a disgraced face, and several leaves above his head were blown off.

"Ahem... bah bah..."

"What a bad luck!"

Rhodes cursed and kept dusting himself off.

Just now he just wanted to try if he could change the magic structure of the life shield and cancel the outermost circular closed route.

As a result, the shield exploded as soon as it appeared.

It almost blew him up on the spot.

"Lord, are you okay?"

Augula heard the noise and hurried over.

Then he saw Rhodes covered in dirt and immediately froze in place.

"I'm fine. I just have a small problem with my magic research. You can continue to play."

Rhodes waved his hand, didn't say much, and continued to study shield magic.

As soon as his stubborn temper comes out, he really needs to study the shield magic clearly today.

When Augula walked away with a suspicious look on his face, he came to the altar and sat down, thinking while casting shield magic.

It's different from other magic.

The magic circle of shield magic has a significantly softer route composition.

Moreover, there is an additional closed route on the outermost side, making the entire array look like a sphere, which is somewhat similar to the shape of a shield.

He just removed this circle of paths when casting the spell, and the shield exploded directly. The power was almost comparable to the first-order range attack magic.


"The outermost circle is actually used to lock energy and ensure the stability of the shield?"

Rhodes' eyes gradually brightened.

He discovered that the person who created these magics was really a genius!

Along this line of thinking, he soon came up with a very bold idea.

If the outermost circle route is replaced with an unstable structure that locks in energy and ensures that it explodes directly when attacked, wouldn't it become a shield-type time bomb?

"Try it!"

Rhodes became very excited.

Taking a deep breath, he started to use his magic power again to build a shield array in front of him.

When the magic power reached the outermost circle, with a thought, he changed the arc-shaped circle curve into an angular wave shape, which looked like a sun pattern.

"Go away!"

A cry.

The magic circle burst out with light, turning into a life shield to wrap around the stone in his hand.

The originally sleek shield shape actually turned into a huge spiked ball, and he threw the stone and shield into the open space.


A violent explosion spread throughout the altar.

Where the stone fell, a deep pit more than one meter wide was directly blasted.

Rhodes opened his mouth in shock.

Isn't this just a grenade?

Can shield magic still work like this?


It’s so interesting!

Under excitement.

He continued to mobilize his magic power.

Add cultivation magic to your spellcasting.

In the blink of an eye.

A shield three or four times larger than before wrapped around another stone, and he threw it out.


The whole ground shook.

The deep pit that was originally only over one meter wide expanded to three meters in an instant, shocking Augula and Little Thing to look this way.

Rhodes quickly stepped forward, filled with joy.

This power is almost up to the level of second-level magic, and it will not cause damage to the body wrapped in the shield.

It is simply a magical skill to assist in sneak attacks!

Who dares to say that he has no means of group attack in the future?

According to this principle.

Rhodes continued to cast the cultivation magic, wanting to see if he could change the casting conditions of professional magic.

However, at this time.

A strong sense of dizziness came.

He almost fell to the ground.

"I was careless, my mental power was a bit overdrawn..."

Rhodes often cast spells, and he knew that this was a sign of mental overdrawn. Finally, he had to temporarily stop his research and sit down to recover.

After about half an hour.

Finally, he slowly recovered.

Sure enough.

Researching magic is a very laborious thing.

However, for Rhodes, being able to successfully research two new uses of flash bombs and explosive shields is already an unexpected gain.

Thinking of other important things to do.

He got up and left the open space, and called all of Augla and others who had rested enough.

Explosive update, asking for monthly tickets~

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