Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 907: Not reconciled

   Chapter 907

  Master Guan said diligently: "I, I often dream about the noodles and noodles in my hometown recently. I want to go home and have a look..."

  The prince’s official sighed: "Don't worry, your lord, the next official must convey it to the prince. Then Dalang and the others..."

  Master Guan said with difficulty: "My children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren. I have relied on the prince for many years, and I have a shame in my heart. How dare I ask for anything else? When they go back and keep their filial piety with me for three years, they will go to their own future."

The Tang county magistrate on the side nodded and said, "That's right. Master Qianerguan asked me about the four schools in the capital. If Da Lang and Er Lang want to go to school in the future, they can come to me and get a letter of recommendation. "

  Master Guan's eyes are shining, he doesn't care if he can pass the four courses. What he cares about is that he can take the opportunity to leave the quagmire of Yizhou City.

  The official of the royal residence smiled and said: "Master Guan has high hopes for Da Lang Erlang, and the next official will report it to the prince."

  The breath that Master Guan had been blocking all the time was finally half loose. He glanced at the magistrate Tang, then went to see his son, raised his hand slightly, but dropped before he could hold it.

  Master Guan’s eyelids are getting heavier and heavier. The moment he completely closed it, he thought a lot in his mind, and many things from the first half of his life flashed in his mind.

  He was a little unwilling. When he was young, he came to Beijing to gain fame, but he offended others. He met the King of Yizhou and was appreciated by him as an official of the palace.

  The king of Yizhou has met with him, and he has always been very grateful to the king of Yizhou. Since entering the palace, he has done his best for the prince.

  When the title was assigned, the prince was younger than the first few princes, and he had no credit in the dynasty. It was him who made suggestions and helped the prince to win the favor of the first emperor, and then he sealed the large and fertile land of Shu.

When he arrived in Yizhou City, the imperial court was running around and was short of money, and only built the Yizhou Palace. Many of the things in it were not complete, not to mention the famous grass and famous flowers. It was him who traveled around and attracted the local tyrants in Yizhou to do it. After a few deals, I made money to support the entire palace...

  He thought that although he could not benefit the people all over the world in his life, he could also help the prince to manage the three-acre land in Yizhou. It was also useful for the country, the people and the Lord, and this life would not be a waste of life.

  Who knew that the prince would quietly prepare to seize the throne?

  Because the former prince was seriously ill and had no heirs, the second king and the third king seized power. King Yizhou was young and did not have the military exploits like the previous four kings. He thought they were just watching the fun...

This is nothing. If the former prince, the king of Yizhou and the second king and the three kings are both prostitutes, they can naturally fight, but the battle for power will soon settle. Down.

  He didn't expect that the prince would not let go. He seemed to know that he didn't agree with this time, so he avoided him and started to operate layer by layer.

  When he found out, He Gong’s money was greedy, and the soldiers and horses were raised. He even contacted many ministers in the DPRK to provoke their dissatisfaction with the emperor...

  Master Guan is not stupid, even he is quite self-aware.

  He has met the second king, the current emperor.

  Compared with his own prince, that person was really killed out of the blood and blood, not only a general, but also an emperor!

  Even if there is something disgraceful in his fight for power, but he has military power in his hand and has many fans, how can they win the imperial power from him?

  At that time, the world was initially set, and the frontier was still unstable. Not to mention the ministers in the court, even Master Guan himself did not want to cause chaos.

  So after he learned about it, he hesitated for more than a year, but still couldn't help revealing the matter to Bai Qi, the only innocent county magistrate in Shu County in Yizhou City.

It’s a pity that the matter is not secret, and the situation is more serious than they thought. From the Jiedushi to the local officials, they were all snatched by the King of Yizhou. They didn’t know which part of the problem was wrong. Bai Qi had the prince in his hands. The rebellious evidence leaked out.

  First, the father and son of the He family disappeared. Bai Qi sensed the danger and immediately fleeed with someone, only to give him a note in time.

  However, no one escaped, and all the insiders and those who did not know but were implicated in it died.

   confessed that after they died, he became frightened and frightened. Seeing King Yizhou inspecting the mansion, he did not dare to be sick even for fear of causing suspicion. Every day he lives in fear, fearing his life, the lives of his family, and even the crumbling Qianwei Weir.

  Four years ago, the Yanwei Weir collapsed, and he felt that life was better than death.

  Now, he is finally dead, but he can't let go of his heart.

  A tear came from the corner of Master Guan’s eyes, and his eyelids were half-draped, as if he was about to close, but he did not close it.

Seeing that his father hadn't moved for a long time, Guan Dalang couldn't help but reach out and touch his breath. He only felt that there was no air in his nose, and even the temperature had dropped. After a while, he cried and threw himself down in front of the bed, shouting. :"Father--"

  Doctor Ji hurriedly stepped forward to look at him, felt his pulse, and announced, "Master Guan is gone--"

  There was a sudden cry in the house.

  The county magistrate Tang stood behind the crowd, watching the people in the house crying, real or fake, he sighed slightly and helped Guan's family take care of the funeral.

  After Master Guan put on the shroud and healed, the county magistrate Tang and the officials of the royal mansion gave Master Guan a stick of incense and condoned him. He waited until it was getting dark before leaving the house.

  The Tang county magistrate was very generous in inviting the royal officials to go with him, and exclaimed along the way: "As soon as Master Guan is gone, it will be difficult to find a well-matched chess player in the future."

  Master Guan’s chess skills are also famous in Yizhou City, and the royal officials sighed with them.

  The Tang county magistrate asked the officials of the royal residence, “This county is busy and spring is busy during this period, and I haven’t visited the house for a long time to please the prince. Is the prince still healthy?”

   "Healthy, healthy," the royal official said: "The prince has been addicted to poetry and fus recently. He often recruits talented scholars from Shu to write poetry and odes. He is in a good mood, but this time Master Guan left, the prince might be sad."

   "Yeah, the prince always loves talents," the county magistrate of Tang said unwillingly, "not to mention the twenty years of friendship between the prince and the master Guan."

   "Yes, the prince has always been kind to the adults."

  The two went back to Yizhou City while talking gossip, and then separated, one returned to the palace and the other to the county government.

The county magistrate Tang hurried back to the county office and took a look at the map of the county. After reading it for a while, he couldn't find the place he was looking for. He pondered for a moment, and invited an old official to ask, "Before, I vaguely listened to the name of this one. There are fertile fields for sale in Dongxi Village. Do you know where Dongxi Village is?"

   "Sir, want to buy land?"

  The county magistrate of Tang said with a smile: "I don't want to buy it, but my wife wants to buy some property, saying that I don't know how to work here for a few years. It's not good to reach out for money with my family."

"That is to buy some property," the old official shook his head after thinking for a while: "I have never heard of Dongxi Village, is it not our county? If this is a foreign county, it would be far away. It is not easy to fight. Reason."

  The county magistrate of Tang nodded with a smile, “That’s not okay. You have to buy the land closer. Forget it, I’ll look back and see if there is anything suitable.”

When the old staff left, the county magistrate Tang pondered and called Ming Li in, "You send someone to quietly inquire about a place called Dongxi Village, remember, don’t make the noise, and ask in private. Just find a specific place."


    The next update will be around 4pm



  (End of this chapter)

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