Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 900: undercurrent

   Chapter 900

  Man Bao lay on his back and said, "Where is this? This time my husband is angry."

On Thursday Lang took Man Bao home on his back and cleaned her hands. After eating, she gave the small hand ointment. This was the ointment she tried to make before. Because it was a practice work, Dr. Ji didn't think it was good enough, so she gave Man Bao the ointment. Go home.

  It’s just a chance she has been useless. It’s all right now. She opened a jar and divided it into three parts and there was extra.

  As soon as the medicine was put on, the servants of the Bai family brought a packet of medicine over, “The young master asked the young one to bring me medicine for soaking the feet. There are many in the warehouse at home, so I will send some to Miss Man.”

   Qian’s took it, and after asking Man Bao, she boiled her to soak her feet.

  Although it is tiring to stand for five hours a day, standing for a long time, the leg strength has been developed. After seven or eight days of pain, the three of them gradually become better, and they all endorse their necks or open their necks in the yard every day.

  Mr. Zhuang was sitting in front of the window listening and reading his own book, quite a feeling of tranquility in the years.

  Qili Village is a quiet place here, but the dark tide is surging outside. Not only the initiators of the county magistrate Yang and Tang, but also the king of Yizhou felt an inexplicable atmosphere.

   There is news from the capital that the emperor intends to send Yushi to inspect Jiannan, especially in Yizhou, because this year the imperial tax exemption time limit has come. The emperor wants to know whether the victims of Yizhou have settled down.

  Of course, the court is still discussing and has not made a decision.

  However, based on King Yizhou’s understanding of the emperor, this will happen in all likelihood.

  The situation in North Korea is erratic. Every day is different. No one knows what will happen to the back foot. King Yizhou does not want outsiders to enter his territory.

  The King of Yizhou did not know at this time that a group of people in Beijing had quietly come to Yizhou, and at this time the emperor was repeatedly looking at the account books, rosters, and letter deeds that had been submitted. The account book is divided into two parts, one is original, and the other is sorted.

The emperor watched for a while, closed it again, and asked: "Yesterday, I forgot to ask Tang Qing, who sorted out this account book. Although the handwriting is still immature, I think it has a bit of style. Well, three people, one is worse. However, these two people are very good. Xiao Tang Aiqing has also recruited many capable people in Yizhou City."

  Where does Lord Tang know who sorted this account book?

  He thought for a while and said: "The booklet was sent by the magistrate of Luojiang County, and it should be someone under the magistrate of Yang County."

"Oh? It's Changbo." When the emperor of Luojiang County mentioned the three children, he thought that Yang Heshu would not be so unreliable, so he pulled the three children into the water, so he smiled and said: "They write well, this The account books are also well organized, so that people can see at a glance, they are plastic talents."

The emperor    only mentioned one sentence, and then asked: "Did you find the person who wrote to Bai Qi?"

  Lord Tang shook his head, “I’m afraid it’s hard to find someone twelve years ago.”

  The emperor knocked on the table lightly and said: "The person who can write down so many confidential things must be someone close and trusted by the old fifth, as long as he is still alive, it is not difficult to find out."

  The emperor sat up slightly and said: "I want to know, which step the fifth child has done now, or he has already stopped..."

  Lord Tang lowered his eyes and asked after a pause, "Your Majesty, if the prince sees that things have not been done for many years, what will you do?"

  The emperor looked at Lord Tang displeased.

  Lord Tang said without changing his face: "Your Majesty, there is a list of ministers here, submitted by the county magistrate of Huayang County."

  Lord Tang bowed and handed it.

  The emperor took it, and when he opened it, he saw that there were all names on the top, followed by the positions of each person, and Bai Qi was listed first.

"Your Majesty, twelve years ago, there were 58 people who were known to have died as a result of this incident. Among them, 26 had names and surnames, while the others had only the head. Check the nameless surnames. We don’t know. The place, I don’t know how many people have died because of this.” Master Tang lifted up his robe and knelt down and said, “Your Majesty, please return these people to their innocence.

  The emperor squeezed the list in his hand, and said after a while: "Tang Qing entered the Yushitai, but his temper is still the same as when he was in the Xing Department."

  Lord Tang lowered his head.

  The emperor spread out the list, folded it carefully and sandwiched it among the rosters, and said: "I see, Bai Qi, He Ziyun, Zhou Yin and others are all loyal and righteous people. I will not forget them."

  The emperor paused and asked, "Tang Qing thinks who should be appointed by the Yushi who is sent to patrol Jiannan?"

Master Tang thought for a while and said, "Your Majesty, those who patrol don't necessarily need to censor the history. Didn't Master Wei go to Yizhou for flooding four years ago? It's better to send him this time. I have seen the disaster-stricken Yizhou and know the difference between before and after; secondly, the case of Bai Qizhi was discovered first by Master Wei. He is always quick-witted, steady and capable, and he is the best to go."

  The emperor burst out laughing when he heard the words, and said happily, "Then you know who he recommended to me earlier this morning?"

  Lord Tang lowered his eyes and said, "The minister does not know."

"It's you, hahahaha..." The emperor laughed loudly: "He said that you have always been careful and you are a master of solving crimes. Your son has served as a magistrate in Yizhou City for three years. ."

   "Your Majesty, it is precisely because the ministers are the county magistrates in Huayang that the ministers have to avoid suspicion, otherwise the ministers and workers in the court will follow suit in the future..."

The emperor pondered for a moment, and felt that what he said was reasonable, so he nodded slightly, "Then let Wei Qing go, just so, let him go down Longzhou and find Bai Qi's descendants. In this case, there must be An introduction is good."

  Lord Tang should lower his head, the corners of his mouth slightly upward.

  A gentleman and a minister didn’t know that the pile of evidence on the table was attributed to the descendants of Bai Qi, but Wei Zhi knew that he had been communicating with Mrs. Liu.

  At that time, when the three children found the things and ran to the county magistrate Yang, Mrs. Liu sent someone to Wei Zhi to send a letter, so Wei Zhi knew that the evidence that Zhou Yin had been left in the mountains had been found.

Before this pile of evidence was sent to Beijing, he already knew from Mrs. Liu that it was helpful for the state king to raise soldiers and privately open iron ore. But the more specific Mrs. Liu didn’t know, because it was lucky. Just let people pass back such a sentence.

  Bai Shan and Man Baoqi, who were afraid of being punished, set up tortoises. They didn't go home or write letters at all. Mrs. Liu didn't want to disclose too much, so they indulged with open eyes and closed eyes.

The next day, Lord Wei was officially appointed in the morning court. The emperor also talked to him, "I have sent someone to Yizhou, but I want you to take a look for me. King Yizhou is now Is there any antipathy? If so, you send Bai Qi's descendants to Beijing, I will be useful."

  Master Wei hesitated for a while and said: "Your Majesty, the magistrate of Luojiang County may be to protect the two children, so he didn't say that, in fact, these evidences were found by their descendants from the mountains."

    The next update will be around 4pm



  (End of this chapter)

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