Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 3195: Farewell (make up)

  Chapter 3195 Farewell (replacement)

  Wei Zhi had also been mentally prepared for a long time, and said: "Tang Minghui is self-sacrificing and fair."

  The emperor thought for a while and said: "Hejian County King Yi Minhui."

  Wei Zhi shook his head, "Although Li Shangshu is loyal, but he is too selfish, I am afraid he can't enter the door and save it. Tang Minghui is Zhao Guogong, and Zhang Mingde, the envoy of Jiannan Road..."

  Wei Zhi recommended a few people, and after a breath of breath, he said: "The minister has limited knowledge, so please carefully consider whether you can use it."

Several of the talents recommended by Wei Zhi before had problems. Although people's hearts are changeable and people will change over time, Wei Zhi's becoming so unrecognizable still surprised Wei Zhi, so he did not dare to promise the emperor that these people would be able to well done.

  The emperor asked: "Tang Minghui went to Menxia Province, what about Yushitai?"

  "Can be handed over to Liu Hui or Feng Liang."

   Zhou Man’s eyelids twitched, and Feng Shangshu was fine. He was the Shangshu of the Criminal Ministry, but how could Liu Shangshu also go to Yushitai?

  With his sleekness, can he do the work of censorship?

  The emperor nodded, and smiled: "I think so too."

  He tapped his finger and asked, "How does Wei Qing think of Yang Heshu?"

   Wei Zhi raised his lips and smiled: "It's better to look at the appearance."

The emperor    also thought so, and nodded, instead of going on this topic in depth, but pointed to the prince and said: "Aiqing thinks who I want to hand this child into in the future?"

  Wei Zhi also looked at the prince, and whispered softly: "Kong Jijiu is a respectable person, Zhuang Shaofu is peaceful and talented, and there are many talented and virtuous people in the court, and your majesty can ask for his highness as a teacher."

Because of habit, Wei Zhi exhorted after speaking, but he was persuading the emperor, "Your Majesty must strictly demand the prince, but he must not overly favor other princes. There is a difference in respect and inferiority, and there is so much ambition because of the inferiority and inferiority. caused……"

  The prince lowered his head and listened. It was very honest. The emperor had blue veins on his forehead. But thinking that Wei Zhidu was like this, he would not fight with him today.

  The two monarchs and officials talked a lot, and finally Zhou Man and the prince were sent out together, even Gu Zhong retreated, the two monarchs and officials whispered inside.

  Zhou Man stood on the corridor and thought about what he had just heard. He was a little excited. Brother Yang Xuexi had come to the end of his hardship and was about to be recalled to the capital.

  It's a pity, this is a secret that I heard from the emperor's mouth, it can only be rotten in his stomach, and I can only talk to Bai Shan quietly when I return to Qingzhou.

The prince was also thinking about the conversation just now. When he came back to his senses, he saw Zhou Manzheng playing with the mud under his feet bored. He asked: "I have forgotten to ask you. I heard that your fourth brothers are all coming back from Qingzhou. Come back together?"

   Zhou Man said: "The child is still young, so it is difficult to travel far. The princess estimates that she will have to live in Qingzhou for two years."

  The prince rolled his eyes unceremoniously, "I think your husband and wife left them both here for you to do free work, right?"

   Zhou Man's heart was empty, and he whispered: "Why don't you talk to your majesty, find an official position for them in Qingzhou?"

   "What official function does Qingzhou have for Bai Er?" The prince said: "There is no vacancy for a county magistrate. Can't I let someone make a position for him for him?"

   "That's not enough, anything else is fine," Zhou Man said: "If you are not in an official position, just let him have something to do."

   Prince: "Is he nothing to do now?"

   Zhou Man was guilty for a while, and whispered: "When I go back, the county magistrate and I propose a proposal to give the white horse a salary?"

  The prince waved his hand and said, "I don't care about your things."

   "I want to ask you, the new rice seed really has Bai Erlang's credit?"

Zhou Man nodded again and again, "Of course it is true. Although it is very rare, in fact, my contribution is not great. The biggest is my elder brother and sister-in-law and elder nephew. They have been taking care of the experimental field in my village. "

  The prince glanced at her and saw that she was still enthusiastically recommending her nephew, and asked: "You don't know, do you?"

   Zhou Man was taken aback, "What?"

   "You still have a reward for the new rice seed, but you haven't made an order now." After all, Wei Zhi is seriously ill, and the emperor is not in the mood to give the reward now.

  Although he is not in the mood, the prince knows the inside story. After all, the father and son have discussed it.

  At the gaze of the prince, Zhou Man shook his head, and the prince waved his hand and said, "No, you will know after a while."

  The prince and Wei Zhi talked in the room for a long time, and when Zhou Man and their legs were about to froze, the emperor finally shouted to let people in.

  Ms. Wei received the news and immediately ordered her noodles, and soon brought a bowl of noodles.

  Wei Zhi was still in good spirits at this time. Although his face looked a little pale, he was still sitting, smiling and talking to everyone.

  Wei Zhi took the meeting and said to the emperor: "Your Majesty, the minister will not keep you, you and the prince will go back."

  The emperor shook his head, "I heard it tasted good, so I took him to ask for a bowl of noodles with you."

  Although we are here today, asking politics is the main reason, but the most important thing is to bid farewell to Wei Zhi. Naturally, it is impossible for the emperor to leave here.

Wei Zhi sincerely hoped that he could leave. Although he had a lot of words in his heart, he could only think about some of them in his heart. They could not be told. The emperor stayed here again, he was afraid that he would die before he died. Can't help but say it.

He is dead, naturally he will be a hundred, but he still has children and grandchildren. The emperor is majestic, but sometimes he is also very careful. In case his words in his heart really make him guilty of left-ness, I am afraid that it will be counted in the head of his children and grandchildren in the future. superior.

  So Wei Zhi tried his best to persuade the emperor to leave, "Your Majesty can't stay outside the palace for a long time. You can visit the minister this time, and the minister is very moved..."

The emperor shook Wei Zhi's hand very moved, and then said that he would not leave.

  Wei Zhi:...

  He couldn't help looking at Zhou Man, who was standing behind the crowd.

   Zhou Man came into contact with his gaze, and after thinking about it, he said: "Your Majesty, your health is good too. If you can't get through the illness, you should go back to the palace."

   Zhou Man pulled Xiao Yuanzheng's sleeve, Xiao Yuanzheng realized that, and immediately responded: "Yes, your majesty, your body is just right, so you need to pay attention."

As soon as the prince heard this, he also persuaded him, "The father is really worried, so let the sons and ministers leave the emperor as his father and send him to Lord Wei."

  The emperor was persuaded to go out, looked back at the Wei Mansion, and got into the car with a sigh and left.

  Wei Zhi's spirit is super good. Not only did he use a bowl of noodles alone, he also had dinner with his family in the evening.

   Just when they thought Wei Zhi could survive the next day, Wei Zhi left quietly with a smile on his lips.

  Xiao Yuan stepped forward to explore her pulse, sighed, and said, "Master Wei has gone."

  Wei Jia cried suddenly.

   Zhou Man sighed, He Xiao Yuan was taking a step back, bowed to Wei Zhixie, took his medicine box and left.

  The butler of Wei Mansion sent them out and took out two purses to give them. Zhou Man and Xiao Yuanzheng both pushed them back, "I'm here by order. This is my duty."

  "My lord has misunderstood, this is the fare for the carriage."

   Zhou Man shook his head, turned and left with the medicine box.

Good night



  (End of this chapter)

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