Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 3186: Want to seal

  Chapter 3186 Want to seal

The emperor grabbed Mr. Zhuang's hand and looked at him with bright eyes, and said: "Mr. Zhuang, the prince will be entrusted to you in the future. The child is quick-tempered and big. What I fear most is that he will not listen to people's admonitions in the future. ."

  Mr. Zhuang was a little moved, and squeezed the emperor’s hand, "Your Majesty, it is the duty of a minister to admonish the prince."

"Sir, ah, that majesty," Lang ran over on Friday, sweating profusely, and saw the emperor and Mr. Zhuang holding hands. All the twenty-something people in the yard turned to look at him. He was a little nervous for a while and squatted. : "Well, when the rice is cooked, I want to ask you what kind of vegetables you eat, I'll pick it."

Mr. Zhuang instantly regained his senses, and immediately remembered that Zhou Man had another charge. He hurriedly said: "Go and catch two chickens, and then pick up a few eggs, and catch a few fish. There is no meat in the village, so prepare for it first, you guys. The two can't do it, but they can go to the village to find someone to help."

After Mr. Zhuang gave the order, he turned his head and smiled with the emperor: "Your Majesty, the village is remote. It is basically self-sufficient and has a lot of fruit. Would you like to go and see it? Just by the pond, I have planted a lot of fruits. Now It’s the harvest time."

  Emperor: …Mr. Zhuang is good at everything, but he can’t compare to Wei Zhi in this aspect of justice.

  However, the emperor nodded, and took some people to stroll around Zhouman's orchard.

  It is said to be an orchard. In fact, there is no dividing line. It is just that there are several circles of fruit trees planted around the pond, with hemp planted on the outside.

  The emperor took a look and asked: "Don't you plant mulberries?"

  Friday Lang shook his head and said, "It takes too much effort to raise silkworms. There is not enough manpower in the village, so I don’t grow them."

The emperor stopped and calculated the size of the field, the average number of fields per household. He narrowed his eyes slightly, "It is less than the Yongye field allocated by the imperial court. Isn't it possible to pool manpower in this way? "

  Mr. Zhuang said: "Your Majesty, they have few acres, but intensive farming, each acre of land consumes a lot of time, and the harvest should be higher."

  The emperor nodded slightly and did not ask any more.

  There are peach trees, pear trees, apple trees, and pomegranates planted here. It was when they were eating pomegranates. As soon as they entered, they saw three pomegranate trees with a lot of fruit.

  The tree is not very high. The emperor can pick up some by raising his hand. He reached out and picked one, kicked the soil under his feet, raised his eyebrows and said: "This soil..."

Mr. Zhuang waited for him to ask, and immediately said: "This is a dry land, and the land is thin. It used to grow beans. It could be rented out in the first year. The tenants in the village knew that Zhou Man had a good temper in the second year. I don't want to rent this piece of land anymore."

He smiled and said: "Every adult’s job field will always have a few acres of inferior fields. This is also for fairness. These acres are not cultivated and wasted, but no one wants to cultivate them. Zhou Man asked the Zhou family. I dug a big pool of sugar here, which can be used by the villagers to wash clothes and raise some fish and lotus roots."

"The excavated mud piles were all around, and the soil became thicker. Zhou Man asked him to plant fruit trees. In order to get the fruit trees, he asked him to raise chickens in it. Chicken manure can nourish the soil. After five or six years, It's what it is now."

  The emperor laughed: "I heard that the prince and Mrs. Wei mentioned that Zhou Man's business is very impressive, and it is much better than that of the household department."

  Mr. Zhuang relaxed slightly. Although it is not a big mistake to dig a pond by occupying the job field, Mr. Zhuang still does not want this to affect her when it is time to discuss her merits.

  The emperor threw a pomegranate to watch Friday Lang fishing fish, watching, watching, he looked up at the sky.

  Wei Zhi glanced at it and said, "It's too late. It's impossible to rush back to the capital tonight."

   Yin Li also said: "Your Majesty, driving at night is too dangerous, let's stay tonight."

  The emperor: "...didn't you say that you can't stay overnight?"

  Wei Zhi and Yin Li: ...then you have to be safe. If you didn't count the rice by yourself and wander around the fields for so long, they must have been on the way now.

  The emperor didn’t need them to answer either. He shook his head and said: “Let’s go, let’s go back and take a look at the rice fields. Then I haven’t finished reading the experimental fields around the other courtyard.”

  Back to the other courtyard, Mr. Zhuang went to arrange the emperor’s accommodation at night.

  Zhou Dalang heard that the emperor was going to live here at night, he was shocked, "The emperor is going to live in my house?"

  Mr. Zhuang comforted him, “Don’t be afraid, the emperor’s daughter has not come to live in another yard, and now it’s okay for a father to live in the yard where his daughter lived for one night.”

   Zhou Dalang listened to Mr. Zhuang’s explanation, and his nervousness was instantly relieved.

  At this time, the emperor was walking with Wei Zhi and Yin Li on the ridge, and the guards followed from a distance.

"Since this rice seed can be sown in Mianzhou and Qingzhou at the same time, there will be no big problems in Jiannan Road and Hedong Road," the emperor said: "It was cultivated here again, and it should be able to adapt to the Central Plains area. climate."

  He let out a sigh of relief: "Wei Qing, speaking from the bottom of my heart, I am really happy. With this rice seed, the current crisis in the Central Plains and the court can be more than half resolved."

  Wei Zhi nodded in agreement.

"But there are still too many people in the Central Plains. There is less land and less food. This is not the answer in the long run," the emperor sighed: "I wanted to ask Ji Zhuang Xun to see if he wanted to move the land, but listen to what he meant. Go with the flow."

  Wei knew: "Didn't your majesty praise him?" He praised him so much, obviously agreeing with his point of view.

The emperor nodded slightly and said: "I hope that the prince will be like me. It is best to resolve the contradiction between the Central Plains Master and the earth. But I also know that the prince is not me. If he does what I want to do now, he will Jin is only afraid of danger."

   "He is right," the emperor said: "For the prince, let it go with the flow, and make subtle changes without sound is the best policy."

  Wei Zhi also nodded, “This time because of the turbulence in the south of the Yangtze River due to the salt policy, in fact, not only the south of the Yangtze River has suffered heavy losses, but the court has also lost a lot.”

  Although there were no war dead, but there were a lot of losses. The value that disappeared because of the failure to complete the transaction, and the taxes that were greeted by them, these are losses.

   "If it were not for your majesty's high prestige, I am afraid that Jiangnan would really change." As long as those who sit in this position are not the present, and without the prestige and power of today, Jiangnan can't calm down like this.

  The emperor turned his head and glanced at Wei Zhi. Seeing that his face was exhausted and the sickness on his face had not disappeared until now, he couldn't help but sigh.

  Xiao Yuan greeted him early, and Wei Zhi's body could not last long.

  So he has to leave some people for the prince.

  The emperor has never considered Zhuang Xun, one is because he has no experience in expatriate, teaching and educating people is fine, others, I am afraid not;

  The second is because he is too old.

  Although he looks good in spirit, but at such an age, who knows when he gets sick and disappears?

  But now, the emperor is thinking about it.

Zhuang Xun answered his questions about politics very well to his mind. The most important thing is that he was not disgusted at all by listening to him to keep the prince in order and to adapt to the situation, and he was comfortable with listening to others in the court to let the prince converge. Too much.

  The emperor touched his beard and thought for a long time, and finally said: "I want to add Zhuang Xun as the prince Shao Fu."

    See you tomorrow, good night



  (End of this chapter)

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