Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 3183: inquire about

  Chapter 3183 Inquiry

  The emperor jumped out of the field and yelled back to him, "Lao Zhang, I'm here to find relatives. I heard that the Chuang Tzu of the Zhou's Physician of the Beijing Imperial Hospital is here?"

  "Oh, are you here to find the boss?" The tenant farmer greeted him enthusiastically, and asked with a smile: "Where are you relatives from? Why don't you go to the capital?"

  The emperor paused and said: "We came from Yongzhou to go to the capital, but occasionally I heard from the family that Zhou's family had a Zhuangzi here, so I wanted to come and visit relatives."

   "That's it," the tenant farmer waved his sickle and drew a big circle, and said with a big smile: "You see, this big piece of land is our owner's job field."

  The emperor has already looked down at the rice at his feet. He held up an ear of rice with his palm, his heart beating: "Lao Zhang, your rice has grown well this year."

  The tenant farmers who were about to guide them with enthusiasm immediately shifted their attention and nodded fiercely: "Isn't it? This is the best harvest I have seen in more than 50 years of life."

   Yin Li’s sharp eyes, immediately stepped into the rice field, stretched out a hand to pull a rice ear, "Your Majesty, Lord, look!"

  "Hey, why are you pulling my rice at will," the tenant farmer saw it, anxiously, "This good ear of rice is to be used as a seed, and you return it to me."

Yin Li glanced at the emperor and handed it to the tenant farmers with a smile, and said with a smile: "This is the first time we have seen such a long and full ear of rice. It is a novelty, Lao Zhang, how do you grow this rice? Take a look, the ear of rice. They are all longer and heavier than ours. At first glance, it is a big harvest."

The owner didn’t stop them from spreading the news, and even told them that they could answer any questions and recommend their new rice seeds by the way. So the tenant farmers didn’t answer at all, so just scream. I talked about the new rice seed.

  "...Speaking of which, my mother-in-law's contribution to this new rice seed."

   "Oh? What do you say?"

  At this time, the emperor and Yin Li were already sitting in the field, just preventing the rice from being made. This rice plant was still tall, barely blocking the sun from the face, but the other half was red from the sun.

The tenant farmer wanted to talk with them while cutting the rice, but seeing them all sitting squatting, Yin Li also took out a handful of copper coins, so he squatted down, stuffed the copper coins into his arms and said, "My daughter-in-law. I was careful, and was invited by my boss to weed and deworm the rice. Isn’t it her credit?"

  The emperor couldn't help but smiled, and asked: "I heard that the Zhou family has set up a lot of experimental fields in Zhuangzi, which are specially used to cultivate grain seeds."

The tenant peasant glanced at the emperor and Yin Li suspiciously, his tone of voice became much slower, "The nobleman has been here for so long, why don't you go to the owner?"

   Yin Li smiled slightly and said: "Zhou Dalang should be in the field right now. Even if we go to Zhuangzi, we may not be able to see him. Didn't this happen to see this big harvest, can't help but ask?"

  The tenant farmer immediately asked, "Which relatives are your family and your boss?"

  The emperor said indifferently: "In-laws."

  He said: "I have a daughter who is married to their uncle's cousin."

  Tenant farmers counted the relative relationship with their fingers. This relationship is not difficult to calculate for them, so he patted his thigh and said: "Oh, that's not two elders? They are relatives, indeed relatives."

The tenant farmer smiled so that his eyes were narrowed, so he didn't shy away from anything. He stood up, pointed to a yard in the distance and said, "Do you see that yard? That is our owner’s yard. Now Uncle Zhou must be in the field. I'm busy, but it's not far away, and that field is not far behind the house."

  Emperor: "Is the test field also over there?"

"Yes, that piece of land is now a test field." He said: "In the beginning, there were two or three mu of fields. Later, the seeds to be tested were more and more, and the more and more seeds were planted. We are also worried that in the future, the owner will use this piece of vocational field as an experimental field. We will have no field to plant. I did not expect that the new seeds they tried would be so good."

  The emperor stroked the ears of rice in front of him, and asked affectionately, “Is the harvest of this field good or bad this year?”

"Generally speaking, if you want to say the best, it would have to be the experimental plots planted by Uncle Zhou and the others. Hey, it's a pity. Those plots are almost harvested. It seems that there is still a piece of land confiscated. That's it. It’s so heavy, there are 300 grains from one ear, and one rice plant has ten ears and fifteen ears. Isn’t it amazing?"

  In the end, they didn’t count how many seeds a rice plant had.

  Emperor: "Have you counted?"

"I've counted, but we didn't count it, it counted positively. Hey, we can't count, and Uncle Zhou can't count it either. Every time it counts to more than a hundred, it's messed up. In the end it still counts positively. , Better than me."

The emperor became curious, "How many can you count?"

   "Eighty!" He was so busy: "It's almost a hundred, but my little grandson is great, he can count to a hundred now."

Speaking of the little grandson, the tenant farmer could not sit still. He touched his sickle and asked, "My dear, do you have anything else to ask? If I don't have me, I will cut the rice. My family will harvest rice in another field. Time to come..."

  If you come here and see that he didn’t move the sickle, he would brag and chat here instead...

  The emperor turned his head and glanced at the yellow-orange-orange, heavy ears of rice, and got up with a smile, "Okay, let's go find relatives, Lao Zhang, let's go ahead."

   Yin Li helped the emperor on the road, “Your Majesty, the sun is too big, let’s go to Zhou’s Zhuangzi first.”

  The emperor nodded slightly and mounted his horse.

  Zhou Dalang and Wu Zhoulang were cutting rice in the field, and when they heard the sound of horseshoes, they took the time to look up.

   Then he stayed for a while and got up immediately.

  Although they don’t know the emperor, they know Yinli!

  Zhou Dalang hurried up from the field, "Master Yin, why are you here? With such a big sun, hurry up and sit down in the house. Fifth, don’t cut, go back and boil the water."

  Weilang responded, trotting to go to the ridge while wiping his sweat.

  The emperor hurriedly said: "Not busy, we are here to come to see rice."

  Yin Li said, “Master, it’s better to go to the house to cool off and drink some water. Your complexion is a bit bad.”

  Zhou Da Lang and Wu Wu Lang looked at the emperor curiously, and they didn’t understand why Yin Li called him master.

The emperor met their confused eyes and responded with a smile, but before leaving, he pointed to the pile of rice that had just been cut and said: "Hold a hand and go back. I want to count how many seeds there are on the ear. ."

  The guard took a hug.

  Zhou Da Lang and Wu Wu Lang didn't mind, they just led them home in confusion.

  Now two of their brothers live in this village, and more often, Zhou Dalang lives alone.

Zhou Dalang led them into the hall and asked Wu Wulang to boil water. He carried a teapot to pour water for them, and said, "This is the water that was boiled in the morning. Mouth, I will make tea for you if I lose water for a while."

    See you tomorrow, good night



  (End of this chapter)

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