Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 3180: Wink (make up five more)

  Chapter 3180 Wink (Complement Five)

  It’s rare to take a break. The emperor is swimming with the United States. He grabbed a handful of fish food and threw it into the water. A few fish swam through the water suddenly, and he was chasing after the fish food wisely.

  The emperor shook his head and asked, “How come there are so few fish in this lake? I remember that a dozen fish can be swam in a single sprinkle.”

  Gu Zhong was bending over and was about to reply, the beauty beside him was already holding the emperor’s arm and twisted, "Your Majesty, are you here to see the concubine, or are you here to watch the fish?"

  The emperor laughed and said: "Naturally, I came to see the beauties, nothing else, although the fish is a bit less, they are still clever."

   "Then why are you still talking about fish?"

  The emperor's smile faded a little, and he said with a small smile: "Okay, let's not talk about fish, um, I think the scenery there is good, let people row the boat over, let's go and take a look."

Beauty said: "There are no lotus flowers anymore. The upper part is full of lotus plants with different heights, and there are more mosquitoes. Your Majesty, let's go to that end. From there you can go down the lake into the river, and down the river. Daming Palace."

  The emperor said: "Why, Concubine Ai wants to go to Daming Palace?"

"The concubine has not been to the palace for many years. I heard that Daming Palace is high and at the foot of the mountain. Xia Qiu is very cool and dry. It is not like Tai Chi Palace, because it is in a low-lying place. It is hot and humid every summer and autumn, especially Spring can be uncomfortable and uncomfortable." The beauty leaned in the emperor's arms and said: "The concubine also wants to see what the Daming Palace is like, and it happens to be able to greet the empress and empress."

  The emperor did not speak, but a servant rowed a small boat to chase him quickly. After boarding the big boat, he hurried over to find Gu Zhong to report.

  Gu Zhong stepped forward quickly, interrupting the beauty's Yingying gaze, "Your Majesty, Master Wei went to the palace to ask for a meeting, saying that there is something important to report, and he is already waiting outside the Taiji Hall at this time."

When the emperor heard this, he immediately got up, "Wei Zhi came to see me at this time, there must be something important, come, and go back quickly."


  When he reached the shore, the emperor left the beauty and walked quickly to the Tai Chi Hall.

Although the beauty was dissatisfied in her heart, she did not dare to delay the emperor's handling of state affairs. She could only stomped her foot secretly and left helplessly.

When he walked a little farther, the hurried emperor slowed down and began to walk away from the sun, specifically looking for the corridor and eaves. He grunted with Gu Zhong dissatisfiedly: "The days of rest will not stop, and Wei Zhi has What's the matter?"

  Gu Zhong smiled and said, "Master Wei didn't say anything. The little servant told me that Master Wei had a box in his hand. I guess he came to give your Majesty a gift?"

The emperor couldn’t help laughing out loud. He walked back slowly and said, “Gu Zhong, your joke is not funny at all. Wei Zhi is giving me a gift? It’s not the sun coming out from the west, but The sun hasn't risen at all, right?"

  Gu Zhong also laughed, then said: "Your Majesty smiles happily now? As long as your Majesty is happy, the joke of the slave is worth it."

  He paused and said, "Maybe Master Wei really came to give gifts? He didn't enter the palace alone, and he also brought Shi Zhuang to speak."

  The emperor laughed loudly when he heard the words, and then asked, "Which servant Zhuang speaks?"

  Gu Zhong smiled and said: "Said Zhuang Shi from Chongwenguan."

   "Oh, Bai Shan and Zhou Man's teachers, now teaches the Prince's Zhuang Shi?"

   "Your Majesty has a good memory, it is Mr. Zhuang."

  The emperor speeded up a little bit now, and no longer swayed and wanted to leave, "Go, go and see what they have to report."

  When he walked to the Tai Chi Hall, the emperor was sweating, and he was very bored, making it even more uncomfortable to sweat.

  The emperor took the veil that Gu Zhong handed over, wiped his face and hands, and said, "Xuanwei knows to come in."

"Yes." Gu Zhong retired and announced the person. Just when he left the house, a little servant brought two court ladies with a food box and quickly walked up and said: "Father-in-law, this is the soup sent by the beauty. It was for people to simmer. I wanted to have a meal with your Majesty on the boat. I didn't expect that your Majesty would have affairs of the country, so I asked the minions to wait for it to be delivered."

  Gu Zhong just glanced at it and waved his hand: "Leave it to us, and we will send it to your majesty in a while."

  The little waiter bowed his head and responded with a yes, leaving the food box respectfully.

  Gu Zhongbian and left and right said: "Take down the food box, you guys go and divide yourself."

   "Yes, thanks for the reward."

  Gu Zhong nodded, and brought his apprentice to ask Wei Zhi with a smile on his face, "Master Wei, your Majesty would like to please."

He and Mr. Zhuang who was sitting by nodded, and while leading Master Wei to the study, said: "Your Majesty was in the Imperial Garden before, and when he heard that Master Wei was coming, he rushed over because the heat was getting faster. My clothes are all wet, now I am changing my clothes and waiting for adults..."

  Gu Zhong sent Wei Zhi into the hall. Seeing Wei Zhi glance at the people in the hall, Gu Zhong looked at the emperor, and when he saw him slightly nodded, he turned around and brought all the servants in the room out.

  "Go to soak the pots of Mengdingshihua, I will serve your Majesty and Master Wei tea in a moment."


When the people retired, Gu Zhong took a few people to guard the door, and one of the servants took out a money bag and stuffed it to Gu Zhong, whispering: "My lord, this is what the beauty gave to the minion when I got off the ship just now. For adults."

   Gu Zhong weighed it a bit and then stuffed it back to him regretfully, and said in a flat voice: "Go back, we won't accept this beauty's courtesy in the future."

  The waiters were taken aback and hurriedly responded.

  When they all dispersed, Gu Zhong’s apprentice couldn’t help asking, “Master, why didn’t you accept her reward?”

  "We do not adulterate things, how can we be well received by others?"

  The apprentice was confused, "Isn't she just asking Master to say something nice before your Majesty?"

  Gu Zhong glanced at him, raised his hand and patted his head, "Fool, how come you can't touch the side after so many years?"

He said: "If your Majesty likes it, we can naturally say a few more good things. Anyway, good words don’t cost money. They have benefited, and your Majesty is happy. But if your Majesty doesn’t like it, if we say good things, it is equivalent to drinking with your Majesty. Deodorize your socks during tea, do you say your Majesty is happy or not?"

   "But wasn't your majesty and the beauty swimming in the lake quite happy just now?"

"I was happy at the beginning, but not happy later," Gu Zhong said more in detail because he was his apprentice, and taught him by the way, "The person your Majesty likes, regardless of his appearance, but he must act generously and perform his duties with due diligence... …"

   "But this is the harem..."

  "The concubines in the harem also have grades and rules that they should abide by," Gu Zhongdao: "Your Majesty likes people who follow the rules, and he also likes those who are talented, insightful, and mindful of the world."

  He snorted: "This beauty has gone beyond, and she has no talent yet, let alone character. Your Majesty should never see her again."

  At least I won’t take the initiative to see her, so there is no need to say anything good for her.

   Although the apprentice is honest and awkward, he is not really clumsy. After a while, he whispered: "Just like a queen?"

  Gu Zhong glanced at him approvingly, it was not completely deadwood.

  Different from other emperors who like simple, kind, and weak women, the ones who today like most are the women who can stand shoulder to shoulder with him, and they also prefer the talented and virtuous women.

  See you tomorrow, good night

  (End of this chapter)

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