Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 3147: Follow the vine

   Chapter 3147

  The coolies working on the dock came down from the ship carrying sacks and sacks of goods. They felt that the goods this time were weird, because they couldn't guess what it was.

  The goods are moved down and put directly on the truck. The people who pull the truck are all government officials or long-time workers who have been temporarily transferred.

One of the coolies carried a bag and walked down by himself. However, when passing by Bai Shanshi, he was unsteady and fell. When he fell, he knocked the sack out of a hole. The coolie subconsciously wanted to protect the sack, but he reached out to hold the hole. Shi accidentally pulled the opening, but made it even more open...

  A few slings of coins fell out of the sack, and after a while, half of the sack of coins all fell out.

  The coolies who carried the bags were shocked, and the coolies who had to carry things up and down were also shocked.

  The coolie reacted, his face turned pale, panicking grabbed the copper coin and stuffed it into the tattered burlap bag...

After stuffing it for a long time, he found that the bag was broken and couldn't fit, so he shook his body and looked up at Bai Shan who was standing not far away. He tremblingly fell on his knees and said, "My lord is forgiving, my lord is forgiving..."

  Bai Shan frowned, stretched out his hand to support him, and glanced at his knee. Then he said: "It doesn't matter to you, it's because this sack is not neat enough."

  He tilted his head to look at Fang Xiancheng, "Send someone to get a sack, no basket."

  Fangxian County Prime Minister should go down and let people go to pick it up.

   Soon someone took two baskets over, and coolie crouched down and put the hanging copper coin in the basket, then looked at Bai Shan at a loss.

  Bai Shan nodded slightly at him and said: "Go down, these two baskets are counted as once."

Seeing that the county magistrate didn't intend to pursue it, Coolie was relieved, and quickly knelt down and knocked Bai Shan's head, then turned around and picked up two baskets and went down to hand over the work.

  The foremen and merchants who were watching not far from the dock barely closed their mouths, "Did you see, that sack is full of copper coins, and the other sack..."

  Someone said: "It's all copper coins..."

  It’s horrible, how much does it cost.

  Someone swallowed, "No wonder the magistrate Bai said that he is not bad for money, not bad for money, so what he said is true? But where did the magistrate get so much money?"

  "Did it come from the capital?"

   "Your home is near the sea in Beijing."

   "Yes, where did the money come from?"

  After hearing the news, the shopkeepers and owners who came to watch the excitement were also discussing, "Is it really money?"

   "Yes, I asked the guy in the store to pretend to be coolies and carry a sack, and I took the opportunity to touch it. It was copper coins, all of them."

   "Where did the White County magistrate get so much money?"

  "Is this an official ship? It was shipped from another place? Is the money newly made?"

   "No, I just walked over and took a look. Although there are government officials, it is not too close to the car, but the two baskets of copper coins are still very clear. The copper coins are not new, and the strings are not new."

   "Old money?" Everyone is even more curious, "Where did it come from?"

  Someone lowered their voice and said, "You guys have forgotten that these two official ships only stopped at Longchi Wharf in March, and then left in the middle of the night."

  At that time, many people heard the movement, but they didn't dare to go out to see it.

  I don’t know what Bai Shan was carrying out secretly. They didn’t dare to be interested in the affairs of the court, but now so much money...

  But soon Bai Shan dispelled their enthusiasm, because he quickly spent the money.

  Although no one knows how much he spent, the enthusiasm in everyone's hearts was chilled when the foremen and merchants went to the Haisi Yamen to line up one by one with the receipts, and moved a few bags of money out.

  Although Bai County magistrate earns a lot, he spends a lot too.

  Far away, let’s just say how much does it cost to build roads, bridges and shops in Longchi Wharf?

  Insufficient manpower, Bai Shan rolled up his sleeves and stepped forward to settle the accounts and check the accounts. Fang Xiancheng was watching and watching his subordinates settle accounts with the creditors.

  Since the money was spent, Bai Shan wanted to make money.

  He did not let the foreman and merchant who had received the money leave, but smiled and said to them: "The shops in Longchi Wharf must be rented. If you are interested in renting shops here, you can go to the Haisi to find Fang County Cheng to handle it."

He smiled very amiably: "Because they are all shops of the county government, there is a discount for the first rent, and only half of the rent is taken for the first two years, and the other half is returned to the merchants for decoration. You can also meet your friends and relatives. Promote one or two, everyone will be mutually beneficial."

After seeing the copper coins of the two ships, they received their own payment and wages. The merchants and foremen's confidence and trust in Baishan and Beihai County reached the highest point. They quickly responded and decided to go back and discuss with their family members about renting a shop. thing.

  That is, if they don’t rent, they can also talk to their relatives and friends...

  As soon as they left, Fang Xiancheng waved his hand, and the government officer stepped forward and closed the door. In an instant, only their officials were left in the yard.

  The smile on Bai Shan's face sank, and he was silent while sitting on the chair.

  The officials and officials also knew that something was going on, and they all bowed their heads in silence.

  Fangxian Cheng's face sank, he took a step forward, swept across the people in the yard, and asked in a deep voice: "Who has gone out of the rumors between the foreman and the businessmen?"

  He didn't say that this was the truth.

  The servants and the staff looked at each other. After a long silence, someone whispered injustice, "My lord, how could we make such a rumor?"

"Yeah, yeah, we are the Yamen of Beihai County. If those foremen and businessmen lead their subordinates to make noise, aren't we the ones who are at the forefront?" How can they make such a rumor? ?

  Fangxian Cheng's eyes fell on the staff.

  Bai Shan:...

  He raised his hand to stop Fang Xiancheng's words, and said to him: "This matter is not in a hurry, let Lieutenant Dong Xian come over."

  He was wrong, why did he think this matter could be handed over to Fang Xiancheng to investigate?

   There is a specialization in the art industry, even if he does not come in person to investigate the case, he should hand it over to Lieutenant Dong.

  Bai Shan propped his forehead with his right hand, rubbed his forehead with his fingers, and waved his left hand to let them all go down.

   When there were only two people left in the yard, Bai Shancai sighed: “The county government’s account books are now divided into two sets, one is under the control of Song Master’s book, and the other is under my control.”

He said: "Song Master's office is in the county office. Many things can't be hidden from his eyes and ears. It is not surprising that he can probably figure out the set of accounts in my hand, but besides him, there are people who can understand the real finances of Beihai County. Not a lot."

  Bai Shan directly said: "Yin or and Bai Erlang can be directly ruled out, they will not talk about this with outsiders. Apart from them, the county knows only you, Dong Xianwei, and Zhao Ming will know."

  Because the county government was short of money, he had to find a way to make money, and he was always looking for someone to discuss. These were all people that Baishan would discuss.

"Then the three of you, who knows this situation?" Bai Shan said: "Check from here, this county can't find out if you don't believe it. Also, the money has been settled, and those foremen and businessmen who want to come are willing to sell us one, look for them. Ask, who did they hear about the news in the first place? Shun Teng can always touch melons."

  He said slowly: "This county is rich now, so don't worry."

    Two more chapters today, the missing chapter will be added tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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