Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2809: Push

   Chapter 2809

  There are a lot of things listed on the plan, but when you really eat it, the youngest will understand why his father hates this plan so much.

  Because the food is not delicious at all, the best food is rice and steamed buns, which is a bit sweet at all.

  The food for people who lose weight is a bland thing that requires less oil and less salt. Prince Gong can get fat like this. He naturally likes food with heavy taste. The young man eats with his father, and the taste is naturally not much lighter.

   So within two days, Xiao Shizi couldn’t bear it anymore. He wiped his tears in front of Zhou Man, "Master Zhou, is there no salt in the palace?"

The youngest son is only seven years old. Although he is chubby, he can still be called cute at this time. He is not obese like King Gong. So Zhou Man's attitude towards him is much better. She said: "Less That’s how it works. It requires a light diet, and salt is the most important thing to control."

   Seeing his tearful eyes, Man Bao also sympathized a little, and said: "Otherwise, I will give you a piece of meat for dinner tonight."

  Xiao Shizi immediately shook his head, "I don't want to eat more meat, can I eat more rice?"

  Sir Zhou’s meat is cooked in clean water, with a little salt added, it is not tasty, not as good as white rice and steamed buns.

  Man Bao thought for a while and said, "Half a bowl."

  Xiao Shizi exhaled, and turned around happily and left.

  At dinner, Prince Gong was unhappy, "Why can he add half a bowl of rice, but this king can't?"

Zhou Man, who was supervising on the side, said without raising his head: "The youngest son is still growing his body and his intelligence. Although I think the rice noodles I have given him are enough, if he still wants to eat it in his heart, maybe he needs extra intelligence to grow his mind. Yes, so it can be increased appropriately."

  After that, she raised her eyelids and glanced at King Gong, and said, "But your Highness doesn't need it anymore."

  At this age, it is impossible to grow tall, and the possibility of growing intelligence is not great. If he wants to eat, he may simply want to eat.

  King Gong:……

  Princess Gong lowered her head and held back her smile before raising her head to pick up a chopsticks dish for her son, "Hurry up, you have had a lot of homework recently. After eating, you go for a walk, and you still have to do exercise when you come back."

  The young man lowered his head, finished his share of the food, and went for a good walk.

  King Gong is too fat, unlike the young man who can practice martial arts and boxing in the indoor martial arts training ground. He has another way of exercise. He can sit and lie down to exercise, but the force is not small.

  Father and son's snacks and fruits have also stopped. Although Zhou Man gave them food, he reduced the amount a lot. Forget it, what made them sad was that there was no snack.

  In less than three days, the beaks of King Gong and Xiao Shizi faded out, and sometimes they couldn't move when they saw the food of the people.

  I always feel that the food tasted by people is better than them.

  But the success is gratifying. Although it has only been three days, when weighing, King Gong lost three catties, which is almost one catty a day.

  Xiao Shizi was a little slower, but he also lost a catty in three days. Zhou Man was very satisfied with this.

  King Gong was so tired that he didn't want to use his brain.

  Because the youngest son still has to go to school, Zhou Man gave him a short exercise time, two quarters of an hour in the morning, two quarters of an hour at noon, and two quarters of an hour in the evening. It was a combination of work and rest.

And Prince Gong spent almost a day in the cycle of eating-resting-exercising-rest-eating-exercising. When he returned to the room, his mind could no longer move. He asked Princess Gong, "Is Zhou Man not begging you yet? ?"

   Princess Gong shook her head, "I heard that the angels from Beijing are still investigating. Lord Zhou only went out once in the past two days. Didn't you see it too?"

   "The New Year is about to come. Can Yu Huai find out? Can't find out this king, idiot."

  He just wanted Zhou Man to divert his attention, now the days are too sad.

Princess Gong covered her lips and smiled, and said: "I asked Lord Zhou. She said that she had already given your Majesty and Empress a discount. She has to wait for her health to recover before leaving. She expects to stay until the first month of the next year. The time is not good. Your Majesty may announce that you are going to Beijing to continue."

  King Gong:……

  He does not want to enter the capital.

  Don’t look at here, he was also tossed by Zhou Man, but this is his palace after all. Although Princess Gong also cares about him, he can still eat something if he is careful.

  But it’s different when entering Beijing. When the time comes, the mother’s queen will definitely send Aunt Shang to stare at him. By then, he will really not be able to eat a bit of it.

  King Gong asked, "How many catties do I think she is healthy?"

   "At least one hundred and sixty catties."

  King Gong got up and left, "Then she will stay in Luozhou for the rest of her life. My king will go to the study tonight."

  He doesn’t want to see those who persecuted him these days.

  Princess Gong saw him leave, and shook her head helplessly.

Wang Gong sat in the study and meditated, but he did not want to lose weight, but about a fake drug case. He asked the long history of the palace to be called and asked: "When did the fake drug be sent to Luozhou? From the medical department?"

  Chang Shidao: “We speculate that it was around October when Zheng Gu happened to buy a batch of medicinal materials. As far as we know, the batch of medicinal materials Zheng Gu in November was sent to other counties for disaster relief.”

  King Gong coldly snorted: "No wonder, he can't get it back after he has taken the shot. He can only make mistakes. At that time, the emperor's father had not returned to the court, and the idiots who intercepted medicinal materials and grains were still alive."

  Chang Shi said with eyebrows: "Master, we should file a letter to impeach Luozhou on this matter. You are a vassal prince. Even if you don't have the power to manage the place, you have the responsibility to investigate and punish the magistrate."

  King Gong said: "Aren’t the angels here? Why bother to go near and farther?"

   Chang Shi bluntly asked, "When did the prince tell the angel about this?"

  He paused and added: "Tell Master Yu and Master Xia."

   Zhou Man is also an angel, but she doesn’t care about it, telling her it’s useless.

  King Gong said perfunctorily: "Wait a little longer, maybe we don't need to talk about it, they will find out by themselves."

  Chang Shi is very unhappy.

The long history of Prince Gong’s mansion was carefully selected by the emperor, but it was determined by the queen’s suggestion. Therefore, the selected long history was a bit square in temper. Although he was a long history of the palace, he still ate the royal salary, so He still tends to beg for the people and is very uncomfortable with this kind of behavior.

After learning about the situation, King Gong coaxed Chang Shi away. Then he called his confidant to ask, "Have you checked it out? Where did the classic medicine of the Luozhou Medical Department go?"

   "I found it. He is almost an ice sculpture. Under a snowdrift outside the city, he should not be spotted before the snow melts."

  King Gong frowned when he heard, "Who killed it? No matter who killed him, dig it out, and then lead people to discover that Zhou Man is too idle, let him do something, Yu Huai and the others are too slow."

  He wanted to rest for two days, but he was really tired.

  I wanted to wait for Zhou Man to speak before asking Princess Gong to give favor, but...

   See you at seven in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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