Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2799: illegal

  Chapter 2799 is illegal

  Everyone followed the settlers to settle down. The treasurer Zheng Jiu had already prepared the medicine box and carried it in directly.

Four of the five people present were doctors, and the remaining Master An also had some understanding of medical theory. He also knew that his daughter was not in good condition and did not dare to delay. As soon as he walked in, he asked people to boil hot water, and then put An Erniang. To the wife who was wiping her tears, "Hurry up and help her into the house to rest."

   Then he looked at the treasurer Zheng, hesitating to call another doctor, they are all elders, and they are all difficult, so it is not easy to see An Erniang.

  The treasurer Zheng, however, simply took the medicine box from the treasurer Zheng Jiu and stuffed it into Zhou Man's hand, "There is Lord Lao Zhou."

  Man Bao nodded, without saying a word, carrying the medicine box with cakes and going in.

  Mrs. An took her mother-in-law to untie the cloak on An Erniang, and she couldn't help crying when she was half off her clothes, "How did you do this?"

  Man Bao walked around to look, and only glanced at it and said: "Did they drag you?"

  Injured the position of the back and side buttocks, which should have been dragged after falling to the ground.

  An Erniang's face was pale, and she hugged her belly and said: "It's just a little painful. I'm taking medicine again, shouldn't it be a problem?"

   Zheng Gu protected her when she fell, and she also protected her belly with one hand and did not knock, but she was still shocked a lot.

Zhou Man stepped forward and said: "It's okay. I saw it at the gate of the prison just now. I was a little frightened, but the problem is not big. I have two more braziers and bring hot water. You can't take a bath now, but you can. Wipe your body with a hot towel..."

  She told a woman next to her.

   Zhou Man put down the medicine box, opened it, and took out the needle bag. After checking it, he said: "Lying on the bed, I will give you a needle to prevent the fetus."

  Mrs. An wanted to say something and wanted to ask who you were, but seeing that she was well-dressed and full of momentum, she didn't dare to ask for a while, so she helped her daughter lie down and let Zhou Man get a needle.

  An Erniang whispered thanks, "Thank you, Mr."

  Man Bao just nodded.

  She performed a set of acupuncture methods. Although An Erniang's body still hurts, the faint pain in her abdomen has eased a lot, and she can hardly feel it anymore.

  She exhaled a long breath, relieved a lot.

All that is left is that Mrs. An and An’s servants came together. Man Bao took a look at the injuries on her body. Although there were bruises, they were not very serious. Now he can only apply some ointments that are harmless to the fetus and wait for it to slow down. Slow it down.

  Man Bao turned around and went out.

  The four big men outside did not leave, but joined together to talk, and saw Zhou Man come out and immediately greeted him, "Master Zhou, how is the little girl?"

"If you have a fetal gas, then you must take good care of it so that you will not be frightened or injured. I will leave a prescription for a while, and it will be fine after three days." Man Bao said, "The trauma on her body can't be used to invigorate blood. For the ointment and medicated wine for removing blood stasis, I will adjust a box of ointment for her when I look back, and she can apply it first."

  Master An and the shopkeeper Zheng both breathed a sigh of relief and quickly thanked them.

Man Bao said: "An Erniang said that she was dragged out suddenly. I'm afraid the county government didn't tell Zheng Gu the truth. Now I can't figure out how to worry. Gu spread a message to report safety."

  The treasurer of Zheng gave a sigh, and replied: "Yes, yes, I have to report to Zheng Gu."

  Otherwise, if he misunderstood, confessed a sin that shouldn’t be confessed, and said something that shouldn’t be said, it would be terrible.

  Master An entangled and said: "It was okay before, but now the magistrate Luo must be watching the prison. I am afraid..."

   Zhou Man said: "With so many government servants in the prison, the magistrate Luo can still stare at everyone's home? Anyway, Zheng Gu has to be at ease, otherwise it will be bad."

  Master An: "Can you please..."

"No," Man Bao refused directly: "Today we are a fake tiger, but if he has more time or a higher position, he can send someone to ask Prince Gong directly, then he will know that I am at Prince Gong's place. There is no face."

  Master An was stunned, seeing someone so self-deprecating for the first time.

   "But it went smoothly to rescue the little girl today. I think County Magistrate Luo looks very jealous of the adults."

   "That was because his act of imprisoning An Erniang was illegal," Man Bao said: "Dajin law, officials broke the law, except for the participants, they must be sentenced to imprison their family members and ransack their homes according to the sentence."

She said: "It doesn't always matter if Zheng Gu has committed a crime or not. They have no evidence, and An Erniang married him for half a year, and there is no direct evidence that she participated in the procurement of medicinal materials for the medical department, so she is not included in the imprisonment. ."

Tang Xuexiong and Bai Shan said that there was a procedural error in Luo County Order’s direct imprisonment of Zheng Gu. The correct way is to sue Shangzhezi and Yushitai to the Luozhou Medical Department, and Yushitai will order the Imperial Medical Office to work with them. Verify.

Yushitai, the Imperial Medical Office, and local county offices, if the case is serious, Dali Temple also has the right and responsibility to participate in the investigation. As the person in charge of the Luozhou Medical Office, what Zheng Gu has to do is to cooperate with the investigation and wait until the evidence is available. He was put directly into prison.

  Of course, if there is no evidence, it can be sent to prison under the joint witness of the three parties, because there is another reason to suspect that Zheng Gu is obstructing the investigation, and the other party's imprisonment is more conducive to the investigation of the case.

  But now the official documents in Luoyang have not been sent to the capital. The local county government directly crossed the Yushitai, Dali Temple and the Imperial Medical Office to imprison Zheng Gu. This mistake is said to be big, but it is definitely not small to say it is small.

  But she wouldn’t care about this with the magistrate Luo, because she is not worthy!

  She is here to treat King Gong’s illness. It’s okay to take a look at the apprentice’s daughter-in-law who didn’t commit a crime, but it’s okay to participate in the apprentice’s case.

  So wait, wait for the arrival of Taiyi Lu and Yushitai Dali Temple tomorrow, there is enough for the magistrate of Luo to drink.

  Anyway, just one sentence, “I can’t help it now, Master An is a local, and there are more ways than outsiders like us.”

  The treasurer Zheng took the opportunity to say: "Don’t be afraid to spend money, my family, I brought enough money this time."

  He took out his veil to wipe his tears, and cried: "My family also knows that I am just such a son. If something happens to him, I will not be able to survive."

  Master An: ...he only has two daughters, and his daughter has only one prince, why would he think of her widowhood?

  Master An gritted his teeth and said: "I will send someone out to try again."

  Man Bao couldn’t wait for the result anymore. She looked up at the position of the sun and said, “I have to go back. The palace is still waiting for my treatment.”

  The treasurer Zheng sent her out immediately, and whispered: "Master Zhou, if you take advantage of your position, will Prince Gong know if..."

   "Don't worry, I have something to say back to him."

   See you at nine in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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