Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2753: Play against

  Chapter 2753 Battle

  "Shut up, even Yanshou Susa was defeated by him, do you think you can beat them?"

   "Yan Shou Xia Sa is old, but the final general is just young and strong, so why is it that he is also old, why is there any fear?"

  It was Shen Ming who was a famous warrior in Goguryeo. He was a very powerful warrior. Gao Husa didn't really want him to go out, but he hesitated to say that.

  Maybe Shen Ming can really kill the covenant.

  You can't kill him, as long as the opponent is injured, their morale can be boosted.

  But the premise is that the Jin army does not rush into the battle.

  Thinking about this, Gao Xunsa said to the soldiers who held him: "Let him go."

  He said to Shen Ming: "I will ask the king, you are waiting here, don't be impulsive."

  King Goguryeo hesitated, "Is Shin Ming really okay?"

  "Your Majesty, Shen Ming may not have enough experience. It is not as good as the generals of the Jin army in terms of marching and fighting, but in terms of skill, no one in the country is his opponent."

  The other ministers and generals who were in the audience nodded, “Shen Ming is strong in martial arts and has great natural strength. He has never lost in a simple competition, and he can be regarded as the first warrior of Goguryeo.”

   "And the generals of the Jin country are old, my lord, maybe you can give it a try."

  King Goguryeo walked twice, pondered for a long time, but was still moved, "Okay, let him go."

  Gao Chuisa is overjoyed, and immediately arrange it.

  Other ministers and generals saw it and wanted to follow them, so they said goodbye to the king and hurriedly dared to go to the city gate.

   Gao Xuansa and Shen Ming said: "The king has agreed, you go to pick the battle, remember, only play against Qihe Heli alone."

  Shen Ming's eyes brightened, and he knew what Gao Xunsa meant, and immediately responded: "Yes."

  He sent his troops out of the city, Gao Chusa was cautious, only willing to give him two thousand soldiers and horses to hold the line, and more were gone.

  Qifei Heli's voice became hoarse, he stopped, reached out and took the water bottle from the side of the horse, opened it and took a sip.

  Man Bao and they did not know when they moved to his side, and when they saw it, they said, “I still hurt my throat when I shouted. I looked back to see if there was mint in the pharmacy. I asked someone to make tea for you?”

Qihe Heli's face stiffened, and he immediately refused, "No, I think my voice is pretty good, and next time I won't call out, let Xue Bei come."

   "I can put a little sugar in your mint tea soup."

   Qi Fei He Li was more frightened, shaking his head again and again.

  Bai Shanzheng looked funny, suddenly his face turned straight, Qi Yue Heli also sat up straight, and looked straight ahead.

  The gate of the domestic city, which has not moved, slowly opened a door, and a general in a black cloak took the lead...

  He held a spear, hit the horse, and came to Qi Heli, stopped at a distance of 100 meters from him, and looked at them far away.

Qi He Li raised his eyebrows, threw the water bottle in Bai Shan's arms, and smiled at the young general, "Boy, so courageous, just rely on you to dare to go out of the city to fight, I respect you as a hero, come and give me a name Listen."

  Qihe Heli really praised him, but the other party blushed, pointed the spear at him and said, "I will ask my name when you win."

  Qie Heli laughed and said, "If you beat you, you may not have the chance to declare yourself."

   Bai Shan said solemnly: "General Qifu, the arrogant soldier will be defeated. He dares to challenge you at this time. Obviously he has something to rely on. The general must be careful."

Bai Shan slightly raised his head and glanced at the group of people standing on the far gate, squinting his eyes and said: "King Goguryeo has been unable to shrink back. Let him come out at this time. Obviously this person is unique. "

  Qihe Heli solemnly, turned his own big knife in his hand slightly, and sneered: "Then try it today. It is they who regained their morale, or we are all up."

   After talking, he kicked his horse to get out of the queue, and ran forward for more than ten meters, facing each other from a distance.

  The two fight with their eyes first, then turn the tip of the knife, the guns are slightly pressed, and they rush towards each other...

  The opponent stabbed with a spear, and Qi Heli blocked it with a knife. He wanted to cut the blade as soon as he turned it over. He often did this. Basically three moves can cut the opponent under the horse.

But this time the spear stabbed on the knife and his hands were slightly numb, and then the opponent took the spear quickly, and then immediately retracted it and stabbed him in the neck. Qihe Li immediately leaned back and slammed his feet. He quickly crossed over with him, letting him return a shot and missed.

  In this round, He Li has fallen slightly.

  Not only Bai Shan saw it, but Man Bao and Bai Erlang also saw it. The three of them sat up straight immediately, their faces darkened.

  Bai Shan looked back and forth between the two who were fighting again, and commented: "This person has supernatural power."

  Man Bao: "Isn't General Qi Fu also a warrior? He is also very powerful."

  Bai Shandao: "General Qi Le is not as powerful as the opponent, and General Qi Le is much older than him."

   Shirajiro: "Then we have no chance of winning here?"

   "No," Bai Shandao: "General Qi Fu has a wealth of experience, and..."

He glanced at the two who were separated again. This time General Qiju was shot in the chest. It wasn't very serious, but it was enough for the two armies to see that he was downwind, and the other side almost didn't stop. Turning around and rushing towards Qihe Heli again, it was obvious that he wanted to make a quick fight.

  The corner of Bai Shan's mouth was slightly raised and said: "The other party is irritable."

Gao Xunsa, who was watching the battle on the gate of the city gate, was also taken aback, frowning and said: "Qihe Heli has fallen in the wind, Shen Ming is young and strong, why rush for a while?"

But Shen Ming wanted to cut Qi Heli under his horse quickly so that people could see his ability. So after stabbing Qi Heli again, he felt that the other party was exhausted and unavoidable. He Almost immediately returned to attack...

But Qi Fu Heli raised his hand to block the spear he stabbed, and then turned the knife to press the gun body before the opponent retracted it. He let go of the rein and let his dear horse move forward quickly, and his knife Pressing down on the gun body, he quickly stepped forward and approached Shen Ming's hand holding the gun.

Shen Ming's face changed slightly, and he couldn't help letting go of the spear. Just between the loosening, He Li's hands gripped the knife and slashed upwards. Shen Ming immediately separated his head and body, and a burst of blood spurted. After coming out, he reached out and grabbed Shen Ming's head, stopped, and went straight back to the army.

  And Shen Ming's body was still sitting on the horse steadily, and after running with the horse for a while, his body seemed to react and lost his head, and slowly fell from the horse with a bang.

Qihe Heli turned his horse's head, turned around and approached the Goguryeo ministers and generals on the tower, raised the dead heads in his hands, and shouted at them: "Tell Gao Hao, no matter what you want to do, in front of my Dajin, Everything is in vain."

  He shouted with a hideous face: "The sons of Dajin, rush into the city to take them down in one fell swoop, and take them--"

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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