Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2668: reproduction

  Chapter 2668 Reproduction

  Man Bao opened the child's mouth, and after making sure that there was no filth inside, he carefully held the child's head and put him in the water.

  The first time he came into contact with water, his calf kicked subconsciously, his eyes were tightly closed, and his small fist moved twice.

  Man Bao simply washed him, and someone immediately spread out the swaddlings, dried the baby with a soft cloth and wrapped it with her.

  Man Baocai wrapped it up for a while and remembered that he hadn't cried yet, so he picked him up again and patted him on the ass.

  The child obviously didn't expect that he would be beaten, but suddenly in pain, he could not help but open his mouth and cry twice.

  Manbao was satisfied when he heard the crying, and put him in the swaddling clothes.

  Wenpo and Xiaoqian also helped Zhou Lijun clean up. Man Bao went up and took a look. Seeing that her condition was good, they held the child to her, "Look, it's a boy."

   Zhou Lijun tilted his head to look at him and couldn't help but smile, "They look really ugly, just like the six-headed people when they were young."

   Little Qian said: "Children are like this when they are young, don't worry, they will grow up soon."

  She smiled and said: "The children in our family are not bad. If you are good, the second aunt will also be good, let alone not bad."

  Man Bao said: "This is all my father's credit."

  Xiao Qian pursed his lips and said with a smile: "But it is not, it should be Taizu's grandmother to talk about it."

  Man Bao stared in his eyes, and couldn’t figure out who it was?

  Zhou Lijun was very curious and asked, "Is Grandma Taizu look good?"

   "It looks good. I heard from the older generation that the best looking one in our Shili Baxiang at that time was Grandma Taizu's."

  Man Bao: "Our family is so poor, how did we marry Grandma Taizu?"

"At that time, the war was in chaos. Your grandmother Taizu suffered a military disaster and wandered with people to Baimaguan Town. Your grandma great grandma bought people back to be a daughter-in-law with half a bag of wheat." The little Qian said in a low voice: "Giving birth to your grandfather, he looked very good, and later married your grandma, he was also very good looking."

  Man Bao: "What about my grandma? It's not because my grandpa is good-looking, will you marry my grandpa?"

   "No," Xiao Qian's face was inexplicable, and he said vaguely: "They are right match."

  As a junior, it’s hard to say bad things about the elders, but the relationship between the Qian family and the previous generation of the Zhou family is actually not very good, because the Qian family really suffered a lot after marrying into the Zhou family.

  When the little Qian was a child, and when she returned to her natal family after getting married, her mother often talked to her about the older generation.

  To put it plainly, the laziness of the Zhou family is in the same line. It is really hard to talk about diligence. There are seven children in this generation, eight including Man Bao.

  The only people who are as diligent as Qian’s are Zhou Dalang, Wednesday Lang and Saturday Lang, as well as Man Bao. The rest is inertia that cannot be washed away.

Because Grandpa Zhou is lazy, and Grandma Zhou is lazier than Grandpa Zhou. The Zhang family chose Zhou’s family back then because the Zhou family’s wealth was pretty good at that time, and the other was because the girl was too lazy. There is no other advantage.

  It happened to see Grandpa Zhou right again, and the Zhang family sent someone to Zhou’s family to pass on a message.

  At the time, Grandpa Zhou was more lazy than Chu Lang. Although he looked really good-looking, it was hard to talk about marriage.

   Actually speaking, Zhou Jin is not easy to talk about marriage. If it is not for Qian's or his face, who wants to marry such a lazy person.

Xiao Qian remembered how his uncle was beaten by her father when he was a child. He couldn't help but laughed. Zhou Lijun, who was lying down and bowed his head, said, "Now that life is better, even if there are lazy people in the family, they can not be forced to work hard. stand up."

  Why did Zhou Jin get better afterwards, and all the work in the family was caught, but it was not forced by life?

  Able to survive lazily, who wants to go against their nature to be diligent and motivated?

  Man Bao is obviously not in touch with this point deeply, and is still wondering how good-looking her grandma grandma is to make her descendants always look so good.

  Man Bao stretched out his hand and touched his little face.

  The people outside the house have been waiting. Xiang Mingxue had heard the child's cry for a long time, but there was no movement inside for a long time, only the fine voices.

  He was lying on the window and couldn't hear what they were talking about. He didn't dare to ask, he didn't dare to shout, for fear of shocking the people inside.

  But nothing happened for so long...

  Xiang Mingxue couldn't help wiping the sweat from his forehead, a little anxious.

  Bai Shan pricked up his ears and listened. If he was thinking, he pondered for a moment and couldn't help shouting inside: "Man Bao, is mother and son safe?"

  The three people who got together and said the ancestor's trivial words reacted, "Oh, I forgot to tell them the good news."

  Wenpo took the dirty sheets out and washed their hands. She came over and saw that they hadn’t taken the child out. She became excited and jogged forward and said, “I’ll hug, I’ll hug...”

  Wenpo happily carried the children out, only gave them a glance at the door, and then received a red envelope.

  She touched it quietly, which was quite heavy.

  Man Bao and Xiang Ming learned: "Mother and son are safe."

  Heaved a sigh of relief to Mingxue, and then he stood on his toe and glanced at the infant child.

  It was red and crumpled and looked ugly, but Xiang Mingxue's heart was as soft as water. He looked at him with red eyes, and he couldn't speak for a long time.

  Good news spread from the backyard to the front yard. Xiang Chao and the others heard that the son has a son. He slapped his thigh happily and burst into laughter.

  After laughing, they couldn’t help crying. There are only a few people left in the Xiang family. The son is the only parent, and the next generation is finally born. They Xiang family have a future, right?

  Xiang Chao hugged his head and cried bitterly, then with a tear in his eyes, he decided to go out to buy meat, and then he had to let the kitchen add vegetables.

  Lao Liu and others congratulated Xiang Mingxue, they left one after another, leaving space and time to their husband and wife.

  Xiang Mingxue changed into his clothes, sat beside Zhou Lijun with the child in his arms, and whispered to her: "I gave the child twelve names, both boys and girls, you choose one when you come back."

  Zhou Li Jundao: "Didn't you choose it before?"

  "I don’t think it’s good enough, so I added a few more. Let’s choose another one..."

  Man Bao and Bai Shan held hands and went back. The setting sun had already set, and the sky was about to get dark. The two looked at each other and Bai Shan said, "Let’s come out to enjoy the moon in the evening."

  There is no chance to enjoy the moon tomorrow night.

  Man Bao nodded.

  Then they did not have the opportunity to enjoy the moon tonight. It might be stimulated by Zhou Lijun’s production today, or it might be because their days were near before it fell into the night, and Liu Sanniang also started it.

  Man Bao was taken aback, and he was sent to bring back Wen Po, who had not been away for a long time, and then delivered Liu Sanniang with her.

   Liu Sanniang’s first child was the first child they were accustomed to. After half a night of pain, she finally gave birth to a little girl in the early hours of the morning, just before dawn.

  Xiao Qian hugged his granddaughter, very happy, "They finally have a girl in their generation."

  Zhou Lizhong was happiest, his eyes gleaming, "I don’t know if I can be half as smart as my sister."

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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