Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2627: Get sick together

  Chapter 2627 Get sick together

  Involving the emperor’s physical affairs, Shenglang would naturally follow. At this time, he was standing aside with a small notebook. Hearing this, he looked up at Zhou Man, and then turned to look at the emperor.

  The emperor covered his stomach with his hand and said: "I still feel a little painful, but this is all a small problem, it doesn't matter, you can still do a few small things."

  Man Bao thinks about what little things can be.

  Is it a big thing or a small thing to sit down and review the book?

   Is it a big matter or a trivial matter to discuss matters with courtiers?

  However, she must not be able to go out on horseback hunting. She was ill and rested. She was certain that this was a major event.


  Man Bao couldn’t help watching the emperor secretly. His Majesty, did his old man think about this? Does he want to go hunting?

  The main reason is that she kind of wants to go.

  Man Bao became entangled, and simply took the emperor's hand again and felt his pulse in thought, "Your Majesty, do you have any other uncomfortable places besides abdominal pain?"

She felt that the emperor’s excuse was not very good. She wanted to be lazy. It’s human nature. She sometimes wanted to be lazy not to go to the office. If the people around her were all imperial doctors and doctors, she didn’t know how to ask for an excuse for being sick. How many times have it been vacationed.

  Alas, she can understand the emperor, but she feels that she can’t be too used to the emperor, and what Xiao Yuanzheng said may not be all right.

   Rest is fine, but too long a rest is not good. If there is a problem with the stomach, you must take at least three days of medicine, and then rest for three or four days. Seven days have passed.

  Man Bao hinted to the emperor with his eyes, and asked him to find other excuses.

  It’s a pity that the emperor didn’t have enough understanding with her. The two of them had big eyes and small eyes. The emperor thought she was unwilling to cheat for him, so he became a little unhappy, and said angrily: "I still have shoulder pain, back pain, back pain..."

  It hurts everywhere, so do you dare to say that I am not sick?

  Man Bao’s eyes lit up and said: "Your Majesty, you are overworked and you have had a heat stroke. This is simple, and it will be easy to treat after I will give you a careful examination."

  The emperor: ...he later realized that he had misunderstood him, and he couldn't help but glance at Gu Zhong.

  Gu Zhong smiled slightly and stepped forward and said, "How do you check Lord Zhou?"

"Don't be too troublesome, I will look at your majesty's tongue coating, and then press the painful place." Man Bao excitedly asked the emperor to open his mouth to let her see the tongue coating. When she saw it, her smile became stiff and paused. After a while, he rolled up his sleeves and said, "Your Majesty is lying on my stomach for inspection?"

The emperor was lying on the couch, Man Bao stretched out his hand and pressed a few times on his body. When he pressed his back shoulder, the emperor made a hiss. Man Bao moved his hand back when he heard it. After pressing the button, he asked: "What do you think It hurts here?"


  Manbao pressed several places and asked, "Where is it?"

The emperor couldn't help but exhale in pain, and Gu Zhong stepped forward anxiously.

  Man Bao's eyes condensed, he retracted his hand, and said to the emperor: "It's okay, I'll prescribe a prescription for you, and I will make you ointment later, and let someone give you a massage."

  There are also imperial physicians and medical assistants in the   Tai Na Hospital, and Man Bao prescribes a prescription after some consideration.

  As for the gastrointestinal medicine, Man Bao has forgotten, and the emperor has forgotten too. He sat up on the couch, frowned and asked her, "Is this sick?"

  Man Bao nodded.

  The emperor furrowed his brows tighter, "What disease?"

   "You have a heat stroke."

  The emperor didn’t believe it, “I’m heat stroke? And it’s not hot today.”

  Man Baodao: "You have heat stroke, and the time is not short, but it is not acute."

   She turned her head and asked Gu Zhong, “Is your Majesty lose my appetite these few days? The solar eclipse is less than one-third of the past? I can’t sleep well at night, but I have been drowsy, but how can I sleep without getting rid of my sleepiness...”

  Gu Zhong nodded repeatedly, stretched out his thumb and said: "Everything Mr. Zhou said is accurate."

"That is heat stroke." Man Bao paused and said: "Your Majesty needs to rest for a while. During this time, you need to spend less time and effort, and you can't go out to sunbathe, let alone go hunting, but you can stay in the palace. Walk around and relax, move around appropriately."

  The emperor was still a little happy when he heard the front, but only a blank expression was left behind when he heard that, and asked: "How long will this disease take?"

  Man Bao sighed: "You have to rest for at least one decade."

  It’s not as good as gastrointestinal problems. At least six or seven days is enough.

  The emperor lay directly on the couch, looking blankly at the beams on the roof. He didn't expect that he was lazy and found out the illness.

  Manbao got up after prescribing the medicine, "Your Majesty will take a rest first. I will prepare a medicine packet. I will come over to give you a moxibustion in a while, and I will send someone over to give you a massage in the afternoon."

  Said and quit.

  The living lang watched silently, but the pen in his hand kept on, and there was not much ups and downs, so he wrote them down straightforwardly.

  Man Bao took the medicine box and went out. Master Wei immediately asked, "Master Zhou, how is your majesty's body?"

  He was ready to scold for a while, no, it was to exhort the emperor.

  As a result, Zhou Man said: "Your Majesty needs to rest for a decade."

  Wei Zhi frowned and looked at Zhou Man suspiciously.

  Not only Wei Zhi, but Yin Li also looked at her suspiciously.

  Man Bao saw him, he immediately leaned back, and said loudly: "Don't suspect that I am cheating, this is absolutely true."

  Wei Zhi smoked his face. Could it be that the emperor still said that he really had a bad stomach?

  Man Baodao: "Your Majesty has heat stroke."

  Wei Zhi and other ministers:...

  They even breathed a sigh of relief quietly, and then quickly asked: "Why do you get heat stroke?"

   "I think your majesty's face is quite ruddy, not like he is sick."

"Yeah, I don’t look at the tongue coating, just look at his face and pulse. It’s hard to tell. He is still not ill, so it doesn’t matter. I only take two sets of medicine. ."

   "Since it's not serious, why do we have to rest for a while?"

  Man Baodao: "In order to cut the roots, and I think your majesty needs a rest."

  Wei Zhi rolled up his sleeves and stretched out his hand and said, "Come on, Master Zhou, show me, how long do you think I need to rest?"

  Man Bao took Wei Zhi's hand and put the fingers of her right hand directly on her pulse.

  Wei Zhi:...

  All the adults:...

  Man Bao touched, frowned slightly, then looked at Wei Zhi's face, "Master Wei, let me look at your tongue coating."

  Master Wei: ……He is irony, don’t you understand? Does she really get a pulse when he reaches out?

Zhou Man stared at Wei Zhi and forced him to open his mouth with his eyes. Li Shangshu and Han Shangshu on the side believed in Zhou Man's medical skills, and they persuaded them: "Master Wei, it's better to let Master Zhou show you. "

  Wei Zhi had no choice but to open his mouth to show her.

  Man Bao put down his hand silently, and said to him solemnly: "Adults need to rest for at least one month, and after one month, they should not be overworked."

  She said: "The human spirit is the essence, and the essence and blood are the foundation of the human body. Adults have already hurt the root."

  The emperor heard from behind the screen that he had no time to put on his coat and shoes. He ran out directly in his shirt and socks, and said with a calm face: "Zhou Man, what happened to my humeral minister?"

   See you at nine in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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