Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2611: Regained consciousness

  Chapter 2611 Return to God

  Why did the imperial court redeem these lands, because the price they sold was too cheap.

  Some of these lands are sold at only one-third of the market price, and some are even one-fifth or less.

  It was all because of a natural disaster or a big expenditure in Qizhou.

   Now redeemed at the original price of the court.

  What is annoying is that the Ministry of Household wants them to use the land to repay the debt, but instead of directly letting them deduct the debt at the current market price, but at the price of each piece of land they bought back.

  Equivalent to that they sold the land they selected to the Ministry of Households at a price of one-fourth, one-fifth or even lower in Qizhou.

  Can Yu Cishi agree?

  Of course I can’t agree.

  Everyone is angry, okay?

  However, so many official fields must not be put in the hands of the household department. Does it mean that he has to report to the household department every year after the autumn is divided into small fields?

  Don’t say how many things are delayed in a round trip, this is equivalent to exposing the internal affairs of Qizhou to the eyes of the household. Does Yu Cishi’s parents agree?

  That is naturally unacceptable.

  So Bai Shan saw a book in Zhongshu Province that had cursed Liu Shangshu three hundred times.

  Bai Shan read it once, and threw it aside, categorizing it as unnutritious folds. These folds would not pass the emperor's hands, and they could directly criticize the relapse.

   Upholding the friendship of working together, Bai Shan wrote a letter to Yu Cishi reminding him: "Why not bargain?"

   is not a battle in front of the battle. Insults can make the opponent angry, and the uneasy mind will kill the opponent. This is the court, so starting a scolding war will not have any effect, but will add hatred.

  Since the Ministry of Households has set a price, Qizhou can bargain if they want to. If they are dissatisfied with this method, they will have to propose another method, or they will be led by the Ministry of Households.

  Bai Shan handed the letter to the guard at home, saying: "Hurry up and send it to Qizhou, but you can stay for two more days. Get it back if you reply, and don’t take it if you don’t reply."

  Man Bao was curious, "Did you make friends with Yu Cashi?"

  Otherwise, how can the fight between Qizhou and the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development?

  Because of this, they only quarreled on the Zhezi, and the other ministers all stood by and watched, so that it did not even match the standards of the Dachaohui. If it were not for Bai Shan in the Zhongshu Province, she would not know about it.

  Well, she is indeed an imperial doctor who would not participate in this kind of political affairs, and there is no need to know.

  Bai Shan smiled and said, "This is not only to help Yu Cishi, but also to help Liu Shangshu. It is to help the people of Qizhou."

He said: "Yu Cishi was right. Qizhou affairs should still be handled by Qizhou. If Chengdingtian needs the transfer department's hands first, it may delay the farming time of planting wheat after autumn. It will be of no benefit to the people. I don’t think Liu Shangshu has any plans to control Qizhou’s affairs. It’s just that the conditions are more stringent and Qizhou’s prices are lower."

   "But Yu Cishi may be too angry, he didn't think of it for a while."

  Yu Cishi did not expect it at the moment, but two days after the Zhezi was sent out, the anger in his chest was not so full, and he thought about it at this time.

   And Chang Shi also reminded, "My lord, since the Ministry of Household has set the price, we might as well pay the price back. I believe your Majesty will make the decision for us."

  But his last booklet scolded Liu Shangshu’s ancestors...

  At this moment, Bai Shan's letter arrived. Yu Cishi took a look at it and let out a sigh of relief.

  Chang Shi looked at him with concern, "My lord..."

  Yu Cishi waved his hand and said: "It’s okay, you can write a booklet, just say that the land can be used to offset the account, but it should be paid at the current market price, and the price should be higher. It is also good to bargain back and forth."

  Seeing that he had listened to his opinions, Chang Shi was overjoyed and bowed.

  The lieutenant came over and said, "My lord, the book you wrote last time..."

  He was standing aside and saw it at the time. He felt that if someone scolded him like that, he wouldn't care about bargaining. It must be how disgusting the other party could come.

   Yu Cishi said: "Zhezi was stopped by Bai Shan and was not sent to Yuqian."

  He touched his beard, "This time I owe him a little favor."

  Zhezi was stopped at Zhongshu Province. The official in charge of the reply glanced at the whole article of cursing nonsense and directly sent a small red cross to the Ministry of Education.

  After checking by the provincial government, it was confirmed that it was correct and it was thrown into the trash.

There are two places for the folds in the trash can. One is to throw them directly in the archives, and to destroy them after the age limit. The book province can't make it through.

  Bai Shan now has more travels between the two departments, so he knows some tips. If the place is not far away and there are frequent exchanges, the delivery cost is not high, they will send it to others.

  If you are far away and there are few folds, the folds will be thrown directly into the archives room.

  If it weren’t for the exchanges of papers, they need to be archived for a certain period of time for future inquiries. Such nonsense papers can be destroyed directly.

  So Liu Shangshu didn’t know that there was a paper that cursed himself and his ancestors, and two days later, he received the paper that Qizhou had bargained with.

  He was happy, and things were finally on the right track, and he began to bargain with Qizhou happily.

  Ginger is obviously old and spicy. Liu Huan and them went out to meet each other and said: "My grandfather is happy for two days, and he walks with wind."

   Zhou Man said: "Your Majesty has also been very happy recently, the weather is so hot, you can still eat three bowls for a meal."

  Bai Shanren smiled and asked, "Then asked you to go see the stomach?"

  Man Bao said, “It’s nothing serious. I gave him sour plum soup. Just drink a bowl every afternoon and evening.”

  Mingda said: "Then I will enter the palace tomorrow to see the emperor."

  A familiar voice came from downstairs. Zhou Man immediately leaned in front of the window and looked down. He saw Master Tang helping Mrs. Tang get out of the car, and immediately waved with them happily, "Brother Tang Xue, we are on the second floor."

  Tang He looked up, smiled slightly, and brought Mrs. Tang upstairs.

  Seeing so many people in the box, Tang He was speechless for a while, and he agreed to invite him to dinner, but in the end he invited so many people?

  Bai Shan greeted the people happily. Everyone was acquaintance, and there was no need to introduce them. They sat down after seeing each other.

  Ms. Tang sat on the other side of Princess Mingda and smiled: “Why doesn’t the princess go to Princess Danyang’s summer banquet?”

  Mingda smiled and said, “I’m a bit bitter, and my aunt knows it too, so I didn’t go.”

  But Princess Changyu and the horse are gone.

  Ms. Tang also felt that the big summer banquet was not fun, so she also found an excuse not to go.

  Master Tang sat next to Bai Shan, shaking his head and whispering: "You are treacherous. To make it clear, is this meal invited by you or by you?"

   "Naturally, I asked," Bai Shan said: "Brother Xue, am I the kind of person who treats others' wool?"

  Master Tang thought about it, and laughed.

    See you at ten thirty in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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