Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2589: Innocent

  Chapter 2589 Innocent

  What's the big deal when the two sons have different political opinions?

In addition to his talents and character, Zheng Fei did everything else that did not make Zheng Boming happy. The father and son had similar political disagreements, just like him and his five brothers. They get along well every day, but as long as they talk about the family The development, ideals of life and the cultivation of disciples will lead to quarrels. Basically, they will spend their entire life in vindictiveness.

  But no one said that they wanted to kill the other party. It was just a difference of opinion. Some people like to eat cabbage, while some people like to eat radish. Does he have to ask everyone in the world to like cabbage as he does?

  Brothers are not good either.

  Patriarch Zheng couldn’t bear this tone in his heart. If his nephew and his nephew moved the hand, Zheng Dalang would not know, he would not let him go;

  If Zheng Dalang joins forces with his nephew and wife, he will not let each other go. In his opinion, his good sons have been asked to provoke the Sun family.

  As a family member of the same family, and who knows a lot about the Zheng family, the county magistrate Guo can think of what the chief Zheng is thinking. It is impossible for Yin Li, the official who sponsored the case, to not know.

  He is still His Majesty’s confidant.

  It’s just that it’s hard to find evidence for this matter. I’m afraid that the bandits have been suppressed, and there is no evidence that the patriarch Zheng instructed others.

  But sometimes, it is this specious state of affairs that is the most tormenting, and it is also the most depressing of people's feelings.

  Patriarch Zheng would think, you have no evidence to prove that I did it, but you have been suspicious of me. Is it because you don’t trust me?

  The Sun family would think, your two sons killed each other, but they used my son to vent their anger, and they were **** when they came out of Xingyang. If they weren’t the Zheng family, they wouldn’t believe it if they were killed.

  Man Bao was confused and asked, "Is that really the chief of the Zheng? Why doesn't he move a little further? Isn't this provoking people's suspicion?"

  Guo county magistrate said: "Maybe Clan Chief Zheng thinks so too?"

  Man Bao was stunned, and shook his head after a long while, "No, all this is speculation. If you are so suspicious, there are many possibilities. How can you be so careful about the judgment? You have to find evidence?"

The county magistrate Guo looked at her up and down, "Master Zhou is wise, this kind of suspicion really can't be used as a criterion for the judgment of me, even people like Patriarch Zheng knows, but how many people can really not guess the hearts of the people in the world? Among them, how many can you doubt without using your own guess?"

  Guo county magistrate affirmed: "Except for a few ministers in the DPRK, I am afraid that even your majesty can't do it, right?"

  Yes, the emperor really couldn't do it. At this time, he couldn't help but discuss with Wei Zhi whether the Zheng family was going to turn against the Sun family.

  He only met Yin Li this morning and learned about Sun Zhi’s disappearance.

Then it was sprayed by Wei Zhi. He said: "Your Majesty should order the local officials to detect this case as soon as possible, and eliminate the bandits, especially the latter. If the bandits are allowed to run rampant, not only the local people will panic, but the merchants who pass by will also be panicked. If things go on like this, the trade route will continue to die, and it will also be a blow to the trades along the route."

  This is a major event involving taxes on people’s livelihood. You, the emperor, still have time to eat melon gossip here, and is it a good thing for bandits to appear outside Xingyang?

  Do you want to grow your heart and worry about such things as the Zheng family’s private maintenance trilogy?

  The world has only stabilized for decades?

  Nowadays, the big clans in many places are still far above the imperial court. People want to oppose you. Although it is very unlikely that they will succeed, it is more than enough to grab a few cities and play for a few years, okay?

  The emperor was spoiled by Wei Zhi, and finally got his business going, while ordering the local officials in Xingyang to conduct self-examination, they must wipe out the bandits and ensure the safety of the people and business travelers along the way;

  Said the Sun's family again.

   Then turned around to take care of Qizhou's investigation.

  Lord Tang went into the palace to report.

  The situation in Qizhou seems to be not serious on the surface, but once in-depth investigation and reflection, the situation is very bad.

When the previous dynasty collapsed, the people were displaced. Many people left their hometowns and fled. Some villages or even the whole village were empty, and some villages had only one or two households. This left a large area of ​​unmanned farms. land.

  Add people who died in the war...

  At the beginning of the establishment of the Great Jin Dynasty, large tracts of farmland were deserted.

  Most of these lands were nationalized by the imperial court, while a small part was occupied by local clans who did not leave, directly marked as their own land.

  Some people cannot produce land certificates and are still nationalized, some bribe officials and subordinates to supplement the land certificates, and others directly forge the land certificates.

  But most of the land was taken by the imperial court and local government.

  Then the imperial court began to gather the refugees. Those who were in exile would generally not be sent back to their hometowns. They were collected directly in the local area. The imperial court divided fields, provided improved seeds, borrowed agricultural tools on credit, organized the servants to build houses for them, etc...

  This was divided into a batch of land, and the rest was divided into fields by the population each year, and the rest was still in the hands of the local government.

  Some of these fields are being cultivated. They are planted by prisoners sentenced by the Yamen, as well as hired day laborers and long-term laborers, but most of them are left unused there.

  Shortly after ascending the throne, the imperial court has issued a policy in order to prevent the land from being too wasteful. The people who have divided their fields and lost their land, as well as the refugees, can reclaim wasteland and cultivate them for more than three years as his permanent land...

   can also spend money and grain to purchase land with the court, but the Yongye field under the personal name of the purchaser shall not be more than 20 acres.

  In other words, only good people with less than 20 acres of Yongye field can buy land with local government offices.

  The land in Jingcheng and Yongzhou was almost bought and sold, especially the land in Gongzhong, not only to be distributed to the good people of Xincheng Ding, but also to be used as the court's land.

  Further out, there is more land in Shangzhou, Fengzhou and Qizhou.

  The Zheng family and the Hejian county king bought land. They first bought a large amount of land from the Qizhou Governor’s Mansion with the names of a large number of tenant farmers under them, and then passed the tenant farmers to their personal names. Basically, they changed hands.

  And Li Shangshu waited for a period of time before reselling to the Ministry of Households, thus achieving the final achievement.

  The Zheng family had mastered a large tract of land in Qizhou after turning around.

  Many people operate like this with the Zheng family.

  And this is only one of the problems. Another big problem is that the price of these fields bought by the Zheng family is less than one-third of the original price when the Ministry of Household and the Qizhou Municipal Government consulted.

  Even Li Gong, the king of Hejian County, spent more money to buy eight hectares of land than the Zheng family’s money to buy ten hectares of land.

  Of course, Qizhou provincial governor also has reasons, and the court did grant him this right, guilty and innocent, unless evidence that he benefited from the Zheng family can be caught.

  But the people at Yushitai and Dali Temple of Xingbu did not find any evidence after investigating it for a long time. The money purchased by the Zheng family and the Hejian county king did indeed go to the public treasury of the Cishifu and was not intercepted.

At the beginning, the steward sent by the Hejian county king to buy land directly used the Hejian county king’s post to suppress people and did not give people bribes. Therefore, the Qizhou provincial governor stated with confidence that he did not ask the Hejian county king for bribes. Why would you want to bribe with the Zheng family?

  He is innocent!

  Bai Shan and Man Baodao: "Your Majesty was so angry that he asked me to draft an edict to call the Qizhou provincial governor to enter Beijing. Now that I have left Beijing, I will be able to see this Qizhou provincial governor in a few days."

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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