Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2586: Don't let

   Chapter 2586

  Zheng Fei also wanted to get out of the palace. He couldn't do anything in the palace. He could only recover from his injuries in this room, but he could do more after he went out.

  So when the Chief Zheng mentioned it, he agreed.

  So Clan Chief Zheng took his eldest son and Zheng Wang back to prepare. Well, he also had the order given by Zhou Man in his hand.

  Man Bao happily went to report to Xiao Yuanzheng: "Xiao Yuanzheng, I sent Master Zheng away."

  Xiao Yuan's heart was beating, and he asked, "Where did you send it?"

   "His house."

  Xiao Yuanzheng breathed a sigh of relief and exhaled: "That's good, that's good."

  He remembered something, and said: "He has to continue to have the needle, and he has to be careful about the wound. You have to send someone to stare at it when you send it out?"

  Man Bao nodded, "I made a list for Chief Zheng, and he will prepare things."

  Xiao Yuan was looking at her, implying: “There is also the Xingnao Kaiqiao needle. Now that he has not removed the blood congestion in his skull, he has to continue to stick...”

  Man Bao looked at him silently.

Xiao Yuan just stretched out his hand and patted her shoulder with a smile: "Doctor Zhou, those who can do more work, you are young and capable, and you are the main treatment this time. I think you will be the only one who will be outside of his illness in the future. Be responsible."

  Man Bao rolled his eyes and said, "Then can I get down one hour in advance? It will take time to go out for medical treatment."

  "An hour is too long. You take the carriage when you go out of the palace. The Zheng family's house is not far from your house. I think two quarters of an hour will be enough."

   "That's definitely not enough," Man Bao said, "The family has big rules. It takes at least half an hour to get in and out, right?"

"Okay, let's take half an hour," Xiao Yuanzheng thought that although the number of people who had fallen ill recently was relatively large, the newly selected students from the Imperial Medical Office could get started. Doctor Duan, they have been in Taiyuan Hospital for two or three years. I plan to let them go to the hospital for consultations and prescriptions independently after the fall."

  That's the lowest-ranking doctor, an important step has been taken in his career.

  Man Bao nodded, and inquired: "What about Doctor Liu, when do you think she will be able to consult and prescribe independently?"

  Xiao Yuan pondered for a moment and said, “Actually, she can conduct independent consultations and prescriptions now, but this has to be lined up, and it will be her turn after Caizhu and Duan Yizhu.”

   Liu Sanniang’s medical skills have not reached the point where Xiao Yuan is being promoted, so she can only follow the rules, but after all, even if she queues up, it will be her turn next year.

  After having the grade, it is more secure in the Taiyuan Hospital, so Man Bao nodded, planning to take care of the medical skills of Cai Yizhu and Duan Yizhu, so that they can prescribe independently as soon as possible.

Before Zhou Man left, Xiao Yuan was once again admonishing, "These noble families and courtroom disputes are irrelevant to us. You don't have to pay too much attention to these dunyas when you enter and leave the Zheng family. Be careful when you speak, and don't let them hold your head. Now the Zheng family and Li Shangshu are fighting happily."

Man Bao remembered what Bai Shan had told her at noon that the land he bought was for the Hubu, that is to say, it was for the emperor. It was the Hejian princess or the emperor himself who was fighting against the Zheng family. Woolen cloth?

  If it's the emperor, it doesn't matter if the hospital is standing in line or not standing in line, they are naturally the emperor's group.

  It’s just as long as you know which group it belongs to, they can cure the disease.

  Thinking about this, Man Bao nodded.

   Xiao Yuan saw her obediently, and left with satisfaction.

  When the son of Zheng moved out of the palace, the people sent by the Yushitai and the Dali Temple to Qizhou had arrived, and the patriarch Zheng of the Zheng family received a letter from the Qizhou governor.

  Obviously, even if the procedures for buying and selling land are legal, the governor of Qizhou is worried and afraid.

  When encountering such a restless alliance, Clan Chief Zheng was so angry that he couldn't speak.

  But before he could think about how to return to the Qizhou governor, Zheng Fei found his little servant and directly sent a letter to the county magistrate Guo.

  Then County Magistrate Guo came to visit, oh no, it was an investigation.

  Patriarch Zheng was taken aback when he heard about it, and hurried to see that across a table, the county magistrate Zhou Man and his son were sitting opposite each other, holding a teacup and drinking tea.

  Oh, county magistrate Guo drank tea, and Zheng Fei drank medicine.

   Seeing the Chief Zheng, County Magistrate Guo immediately got up and saluted, and smiled: "Zheng Shishu, don't worry, I have already smoked the medicine and changed clothes according to the instructions of Doctor Zhou when I entered the door. I will definitely not ruin Erlang's injury."

  Patriarch Zheng glanced across Zhou Man, and smiled lightly: “It’s my nephew, why don’t you send a post before you come, so I can let Da Lang go out to greet him.”

  "How dare to bother Shishu?" The county magistrate Guo smiled and said, "I came here at the invitation of Erlang for the purpose of fighting with weapons."

  He paused for a while before continuing: "Erlang meant that the person headed by the weapon fight should be severely punished, but the follower must be exonerated. For this reason, he is willing to issue a letter of understanding, including the Li family tenant who beat him."

  Guo county magistrate sighed: “Erlang is kind, not only willing to forgive their reckless behavior, but he also paid 100,000 yuan to give some subsidies to the casualties of the two sides.”

Patriarch Zheng's face trembled, but in front of others, he did not say anything against him, only saying: "He was young, and he followed his fifth uncle to recite scriptures and meditation since childhood. It is too good and weak, but governing a place like governing a country should be handled impartially. want."

County Magistrate Guo nodded his head with deep approval and smiled: "I think so too. His Majesty also said that fighting for water is a disaster for the people. Both should be severely punished. I have already been sentenced to death by both sides, and now it has been reported to the Ministry of Criminal Justice, only to be reviewed by them."

   Patriarch Zheng said indifferently: "The two battles on the side of my Zheng family were seriously damaged, and this time it hurt my youngest son. I'm afraid it's wrong for both sides to commit the same crime?"

  He said: "We have so many casualties here. If the other party still commits the same crime with us, wouldn't it be indulging in fighting, and whoever is strong in the future will be strong, and not eat a loss?"

The county magistrate Guo said: "In the first weapon fight, it was the dealer on the Zheng family's side that started first, and the second time it was the dealer on the Zheng family's side who provoked first. More can't be tolerant."

  In the past few days, the anger of his impeachment has been provoked. The emperor has to weigh the relationship between the family and the powerful, as well as the relationship with the royal family, and the locality. Therefore, he must be gentle with the Zheng family, but the county magistrate Guo is not afraid of him.

Therefore, he insisted: "The county sees that Erlang is right. If he is willing to forgive the followers, the county will naturally be willing to open a network, but if not, the two followers will also have the same sin. As for the first evil person, it is also your Majesty. I feel terribly hateful, and the sin is inexcusable."

  So, it is impossible for you to fish out the banker and his two sons. At most, I will let you fish out the banker underneath.

  Holding the medicine bowl, Zheng Fei drank the medicine one sip, and took another sip of the white water. Zheng Fei put down the bowl with care and attention, but attracted two people who were not giving way to each other.

  County magistrate Guo and Chief Zheng looked at him together.

  Zheng Fei looked at the young man waiting by the side and nodded slightly at him.

  Xiao Si glanced at Chief Zheng, then went out under great pressure and brought in a box.

   See you at four in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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