Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2582: involve

  Chapter 2582 Involvement

  Man Baodao: "The syndrome of cold palace is not a small one. In the future, you have to marry and give birth to a child. This disease must be treated as soon as possible, and even if it is not for the future, it is not good for this disease to attack so painfully."

  The palace lady pinched the medicine bottle, her eyes were a little red.

  Man Bao took out two bottles of medicine from the medicine box to the two servants and said, "For you."

  She didn’t say what medicine it was, and asked with a smile: "Do you know how to use it?"

  The two little waiters blushed and nodded repeatedly.

  Man Bao took the medicine box and left.

The little servant waited for her to go far, and the two palace ladies also left, and then whispered to her companion: "Actually, I know what Zheng is doing. He is learning to speak. Only a sentence needs to be spoken back and forth to make it clear. She accidentally turned things upside down. I'll tell her next time the Zhou imperial doctor comes back."

"me and you together."

  Zheng Erlang was out of danger, and the three Zheng Wang left the palace.

  At this time, you can take Zheng Erlang out when someone comes to the Zheng family's big room.

  It's just that Zheng Erlang is out of danger, it's just that this matter has just begun.

  Man Bao whispered to Bai Shan quietly when he went back at night, "Xuexi Tang said that this matter has something to do with enclosures. What does this matter have to do with enclosures?"

  Bai Shan shook his head, but he was puzzled.

   "Are you okay with the magistrate Guo to see Gongzi Zheng?"

   "It's okay. His Royal Highness also knows about it, and he didn't stop it."

  Bai Shan relaxed when he heard it.

  The next day was the Xiaochao meeting. Officials like Zhou Man and Guo County magistrate were not required to attend. Therefore, when the ministers held the Xiaochao meeting, Man Bao brought people directly to Master Zheng.

  A set of pen, ink, paper and ink was placed in front of Mr. Zheng. He raised his head to look at the magistrate Guo, got up to salute each other and sat down separately.

  Guo county magistrate said: “Prince Zheng, the Zheng family suspects that there is something hidden about your injury. I also want to find out the truth and give you an explanation, so I want to ask you some things in person.”

  Young Master Zheng nodded.

  The county magistrate Guo asked, "Who reminded Master Zheng to go to the farm?"

  Young Master Zheng thought for a while and wrote, “After a long drought, the spring rain suddenly fell in the capital. I knew that Zhuangzi died of the tenant, so I wanted to appease one or two. I asked to go.”

   "Who told the son that Zhuangzi had killed someone in a weapon fight?"

  Although the farm belongs to the Zheng family, Zheng Fei does not live in the capital often, and has his own management. He is studying abroad to prepare for the exam, so he doesn’t know how to take care of such general affairs.

  Young Master Zheng wrote: "I heard about it when Guan Shi was dealing with this matter, so I learned about it."

  He paused and said, "I know even the adult’s verdict."

   "The son thinks I have unfairly sentenced?"

   Young Master Zheng nodded and shook his head, "I asked the manager, who moved the hand first, saying that it was the head of the village, and the two people sent by the chief of the village were hurt by the hands of the villagers."

  So Young Master Zheng did not express any objection to this judgment, but the Zhuangzi died, and the judgment is of the same weight as the opponent, so he needs the dealers to comfort him before he goes there in person.

  This is his temporary intention. He doesn't think anyone can master his thoughts. If someone does it deliberately, then it should be Zhuangzi's problem.

  Let them fight again on that day.

  The county magistrate Guo asked a lot of questions. As the imperial doctor who needed to check the emotional ups and downs of Mr. Zheng, Man Bao sat aside and watched the audience.

County magistrate Guo put the answer he wrote on the table aside, tapped his finger on the table, and said after a long while: "The Zheng family bought a new piece of land in Qizhou. The land of the Wang family collided, but I heard that the son of the first year was strongly opposed to the Zheng family’s purchase of this land, and he even went to Beijing to prepare for the exam in advance, didn’t he?"

  Young Master Zheng did not answer Guo's magistrate, he directly put the pen on the pen mountain, put his hands in front of his abdomen, and quietly looked at Guo's magistrate.

  The county magistrate Guo raised his head and looked at him, and the two of them kept looking at each other for a long while.

  Man Bao looked at this, and then at that. I wanted to ask whether the relationship between the Zheng family and the Li family started to be bad in Qizhou?

  But neither of them said anything, so she couldn't interrupt.

  In the end, county magistrate Guo looked away first, nodded slightly and said, "I see."

  What do you know?

  Full of Baobao looked at him.

  The county magistrate Guo ignored any of them, got up and collected all the words written by Master Zheng, and then turned around.

  Man Bao thought for a while, and said to Master Zheng: “Don’t get excited, stabilize your emotions and take a good rest. I’ll send a gift to County Order Guo.”

  Man Bao went after the county magistrate Guo.

  The county magistrate Guo rolled the manuscript paper into his sleeve and stopped in the yard waiting for Zhou Man. When she came up, before she could speak, he asked, “Can you heal the injury of Master Zheng?”

  Man Bao paused and said: "It's possible."

   "How likely is it?"

  70% or 80%, Man Bao said: "50 or 60%."

   County magistrate Guo looked at her suspiciously, "Is your probability correct, or did you suppress it?"

  Man Bao said with a serious face: "What do you mean?"

  She said: "Am I that kind of person?"

  Country magistrate Guo thought for a while, decided to trust her, and sighed: "I hope that Doctor Zhou can cure him."

   "Why is this?"

   "Because he can be regarded as a national pillar."

  Wei Zhi also felt that he could be a pillar of the country in the future, and said to the emperor: "This matter should be severely punished."

  The emperor was very happy to watch the show at this time, and some did not want to move. He said: "In the fight between families, I intervened and ended up with no human beings inside and outside. It's better to let them fight."

Wei Zhi couldn't see him gloating in such misfortunes, and couldn't help but said, "Your Majesty, the whole world is your subjects, no matter what the family is, they are all your subjects. No matter what the reason is, you should stop them. It should be governed by law, how can it be left unattended?"

  The emperor snorted in his heart, didn’t you all watch it quietly when he was making jokes at home?

  Why didn't you think that you were a subject at that time?

  However, for the emperor’s majesty, the emperor nodded solemnly, agreeing with Wei Zhi’s words, and then asked: "What does Aiqing think I should do?"

Wei Zhi thought for a while, this matter is sensitive, the emperor is really not easy to intervene, but he can come to pronounce the sentence at last, so he proposed: "Your Majesty, it is better to let Master Yin and Dali Temple of the Criminal Department share this case, and this matter is involved. Everyone found out, and gave Zheng Erlang a fair deal."

  The emperor thought for a while, and felt that Zheng Erlang was better than Zheng Family Patriarch and Zheng Dalang, so he nodded and said, "Okay."

  Bai Shan took advantage of his position to check the newly bought land by the Zheng family in Qishan. There was really no abnormality, but the land bought by the Hejian County King turned two hands and turned into the hands of the household.

  Bai Shan was amazed, so when he went to send the documents for review to the subordinate province, he turned to the household department, and after wandering around, he had a conversation with the household minister Zuo.

Hearing Bai Shan talking about this, Zuo Shilang said: "There are fewer and fewer fields available for vocational fields in the capital and Yongzhou area, so Li Shangshu came forward and bought a piece of land from Qishan, and then transferred it to the householder. Ministry, if the newly promoted officials in the future need to split their duties, they may be assigned to the Qizhou area."

   See you at four in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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