Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2551: remind

   Chapter 2551 Reminder

  Bai Shan is still a small Hanlin. Although he can see all the big brothers in front of the emperor every day, and he sees the emperor more often than Zhou Man, but because of his special position, he can't speak.

   Calculate, find that the most suitable is Zhou Man.

   Regardless of location or identity.


  Man Bao blinked, "It's been a long time since I saw Bai Er. Did he go to the officer?"

  It was quiet in the house, everyone, you look at me, I look at you, and finally look at Bai Dalang together.

  Bai Dalang said depressed: "No, I thought you taught him, why? Didn't you let him avoid the limelight?"

  This year, the Bai family's double Jinshi is very eye-catching, especially when Bai Erlang is still a maid, it is even more eye-catching.

I don’t know how many people are staring at their home after the exam. Bai Erlang has not been to the officer. He thought it was Bai Shan and Zhou Man who taught him.

  After all, Bai Er didn't move as well as quiet at this time. The emperor must have arranged it.

  Otherwise, the brothers both rushed to the waiting officer, and they seemed a little anxious in the eyes of people.

   And Bai Dalang has been missing for half a month and has not been waiting for the official position, which shows the attitude of the superiors.

  Obviously the second brother wants to stay in the capital, so he can't stay in the capital anymore. One of the two brothers must go out. This is to avoid suspicion.

  Bai Dalang's gaze fell on the opposite Bai Shan and Zhou Man. After not seeing Bai Shan's official career, Zhou Man stayed in the pure technical department-Taiyuan Hospital and Qinggui Department-Chongwenguan.

   avoids one of the current real power departments, the Imperial Medical Office.

  Otherwise, Bai Shan would have to stay in the Imperial Academy for his entire life to study.

  Bai Shan said depressed: "I asked him to wait for a job after two days, but I didn't let him not go here until now."

  Man Baodao: "Could he have forgotten it?"

  Master Bai became anxious, "How can such an important thing be forgotten?"

He looked at the sky outside, there was still afterglow on the horizon, so he wanted to go to the princess mansion to ask, Bai Dalang quickly grabbed him and said: "Father, don't worry, just ask tomorrow. I can't say a few words in the past. There is a curfew."

  Master Bai couldn't wait. The reason why he has been waiting here without returning home is because he wants to see his two sons decide on official positions. This may involve their future.

  So he went as soon as he said.

  White Jiro almost forgot about this. He recently had a lot of fun outside with Mingda. If it weren't for his dad's visit, it would take him a while to remember it.

   Facing his father, he was a little guilty, and calmly said: "Father, I am not in a hurry to choose officials. Your Majesty has counts. By the way, is the eldest brother waiting for office today?"

"No," Master Bai was a little depressed. He glanced at Bai Erlang, hating iron for not being a steel road: "Even if you have a princess and your majesty, you can't be so negligent. , You hurry up to the waiter tomorrow."

  This is a matter of his mind and must be resolved as soon as possible.

   "You have to choose a good choice and stay in the capital as much as possible. It would be better if you can enter the Imperial Academy."

   "Father, don't worry, I will definitely not be able to enter the Hanlin Academy," Bai Erlang said, "Do you think I am a person who can study history books?"

  The Hanlin Academy mainly edits books, the most important of which is to edit history books.

  Master Bai thought for a while, and felt that that was too misleading, so he changed his words: "It's okay to go to Liubu. By the way, you're pretty good. Go to the household department."

   Rich and decent.

  Baijiro's eyes were slightly bright, and he thought that this was a good idea, "If the household is still missing, you can try it."

  At this time, the emperor was also talking to the queen about the lack of officials in Bai Erlang.

He lifted his feet from the tub and let Gu Zhong wipe them dry. Without wearing shoes, he went to bed and said to the queen beside him: "I don't know what Baier is doing recently. When it comes to his waiting application, doesn't he plan to wait for him this year?"

  He asked: "Did Mingda say why?"

  Mingda is married, but on the fifteenth day of every month, she still has to go to the palace to ask for peace. This is fixed. What is not fixed is that she will go to the palace to see the emperor every three to five.

  The emperor thought about it seriously, when was the last time he saw Mingda?

  Oh, twelve days ago.

  The emperor frowned slightly, and then asked a new question, "Is Mingda not entering the palace for a long time?"

  The queen smiled and said: "She sent someone in and said that she is now taking over the Huangzhuang personally, and she has a lot to do."

   "This kind of thing has the following steward to do, she wants to plant whatever order she wants to go on, why bother to do it herself?"

  The queen thinks that it is better for the child to do something than to stay at home all the time, otherwise, what is the difference between it and before getting married?

   However, she did not stop the emperor from caring about her daughter, and smiled: "You can tell her when she enters the palace again."

  Where did the emperor know Mingda?

  The main reason is that he can't help her.

The emperor angered Bai Erlang: "Why didn't he go to select officials?"

  He guessed Bai Er's mind with sinister intentions, "Does he want others to occupy all the good official positions, leaving only the official posts that are released, and then he can take our knowledge out?"


  She can only appease him, "Your Majesty thinks too much, do you think Bai Er is like a person who likes to endure hardship and is aspiring to career?"

  Bai Erlang is really not very keen on official careers. Although he does not admit it, the emperor chose Bai Er, and among them, he did not want to marry Mingda because of his future status.

  The emperor hummed twice, and simply called Gu Zhong loudly, and said: "Morning will let people go out of the palace to the princess mansion early in the morning, and let the horses go to the officials to select officials."

  Gu Zhong responded with a smile and bowed back.

  The next day Shirajiro was still sleeping late, and the people in the palace arrived.

  He stood up in a daze, only after a while reacted, turned his head to look at Mingda, who was also sleepy-eyed.

   had to get up to entertain the waiter sent by his father-in-law.

   Sending away the people, he didn't understand, "With so many people, the general election of officials takes about two months. This is only half a month. What's the rush?"

  It takes a long time to select officials, but who didn’t come out of the staff examination and immediately went to the staff to fill in the application form?

   Bai Erlang said: "I chose paper one for the test."

  The most comprehensive test paper is equivalent to any department. Although the score is very average, it is also passed, isn’t it?

  He finally got a little nervous at this moment, "What do you think your Majesty will give me?"

  He never thought that he had to rely solely on his own ability to select officials. Before that, the emperor had explicitly hinted to him at family banquets more than once, and he was not allowed to bring his knowledge outside.

   Therefore, the emperor must have arranged for him early, how could it be exactly as he wanted?

   But his heart now is also to stay in the capital.

  When I arrived at the staff, everyone looked at the newcomer Baijiro. This is really a newcomer in a practical sense.

  It was the first time to choose an official, and to submit an application for the first time, even the little official who asked him to fill out the form couldn't help but glance at him twice.

  Unless other things happen, such as serious illness, filial piety, etc., Bai Erlang is the first person who passed the official examination that year to choose an official under other circumstances.

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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