Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2542: Do not seek political affairs

   Chapter 2542

   is one of the two great dynasty meetings in a month. This time the main content of the great dynasty meeting is the upcoming spring seed and the official examination to be held tomorrow.

  Man Bao did not say anything about the two major events, she was quietly looking back at the county magistrate Guo.

  The county magistrate Guo raised his eyes to look at her, thinking she was looking at the county magistrate of Tang, so friendship poked the magistrate of Tang viciously for her.

  The county magistrate Tang was so shocked that he turned his head and stared at him calmly, and the county magistrate Guo faintly motioned him to look at Zhou Man.

  The Tang county magistrate looked at Zhou Man.

  Man Bao looked at them with a dazed expression, completely wondering what they were going to cause.

   County magistrate Tang looked back and immediately glared at County magistrate Guo.

  Guo County Order:...

  At the end of the dynasty meeting, County Magistrate Tang deliberately rubbed his waist and got up, and said with a smile to Magistrate Guo: "Guo County Commander has a strong hand."

  The county magistrate Guo looked at Zhou Man, and he was curious about what her look meant.

  Man Bao coughed lightly, before squeezing his smiley face, "Guo County Order, are you free at noon? I have taken care of you for so many years, I would like you to have tea in Qingfeng Building?"

  The county magistrate Tang said quietly: "For so many years, I haven't seen when you invited me to have tea in Qingfeng Tower."

  Man Bao hesitated for a while and then said, "Then Brother Xue will go with him?"

  The county magistrate of Tang fixedly looked at her, and hummed after a long while: "No."

   Turned around and left.

  The county magistrate Guo was very curious about what Zhou Man asked him for.

  "Introduce the county magistrate to me?" Guo Xianling's eyes widened in surprise. Do he and the county magistrate next door need to be introduced by Zhou Man?

  Man Bao smiled and said that they wanted to build the road.

  County magistrate Guo realized in an instant, and after a moment of contemplation, he said: "We have always had countless labors in Wannian County. This sudden increase of roads may cause the people to have opinions."

  He said: "After all, people in Wannian County rarely go to Yongzhou. Those who do not repair it have not changed much for us, and they are not far from the existing official roads."

  Man Bao opened his mouth wide. He didn't expect that County Order Guo would oppose it. Road construction is a good thing.

"Guo County Order, do you know the price of vegetables in Wannian County, and how much is the price of vegetables in Liyang County?" Man Bao said, "Don't talk about road construction, only more farmers will come from other places in the future. By-products don’t know how many people have benefited."

The county magistrate Guo smiled slightly, "Master Zhou said well, but the goods from Liyang can't come in. What they consume is my local goods from Wannian County. Liyang wants to make money from Wannian County. Shouldn't they pay for this road?"

"Liyang County has already taken charge of a section of the road," Man Bao said after a meal, faintly feeling wrong, so he changed the conversation: "Why not, because County Order Guo has this meaning, why don't you have an interview with County Order Xun." "

   County magistrate Guo raised his eyebrows, and Zhou Man, a little disappointed, actually reacted.

  However, it is indeed feasible to build roads, it's just a matter of how many things happened to me.

  So the county magistrate Guo nodded and decided to deal with it by another person.

Man Bao breathed a sigh of relief, and poured tea to the county magistrate Guo, "Guo county magistrate, please have tea."

  It's rare to have a full treat, and the county magistrate Guo naturally tasted this tea.

  Man Bao went back to the palace with a whirr, and ran to find Bai Shan when it was time for the government, and hummed: "It's all old monsters, they want to dig a hole and bury me."

Bai Shan listened to her and said with a smile: "The servitude order is a major event. If you can send less, you will naturally have to send less. This road can connect your fief, Liyang County, Huangzhuang, and the new city. The matter is important. You think that Just one person is a part of the road, but they also have to be willing."

He said: "In this matter, County Magistrate Guo has the upper hand. He naturally wants to give more benefits. It is right for you not to participate. Anyway, no one dares to expand the road between you and Princess Mingda. Part of it is to let the two counties wrestle by themselves."

  Man Bao was in the middle of the time when he noticed that the county magistrate Guo was planning to bargain, and when he convinced her, he tried to persuade her to beat the county magistrate Xun, so he pulled away urgently.

  She is not a magistrate after all, so she shouldn’t be involved in this kind of thing too much.

  The local affairs are too troublesome, and she feels that there is no such thing as the hospital and the medical department that make people feel comfortable.

  Bai Shan has been in official positions for a short time, but he has not been exposed to less than Zhou Man.

She always stood at the top. She had an idea about the Imperial Medical Office and the Imperial Hospital. She wrote the essays to face important officials like the emperor and Wei Zhi. They were discussing general matters, and they didn’t know that the people underneath would discuss them. It's more detailed matters.

  Small to the point that a table and chair to be purchased by the Imperial Medical Office is to be bought with money, or is it to be called from another department.

  Bai Shan smiled at her slightly and said, “I don’t care about them in advance. We have already issued a service order on this part of our road. Are you the captain? Do you want to take the time to visit the village to find out if they are in trouble.”

  Man Bao nodded as soon as he heard it, "Okay, I'll go tomorrow after we get off the office. Let's hurry down the path and we will be there soon."

  Regardless of which section of road the county magistrate Guo did not agree with, anyway, the three sections of road that the three of them had originally planned have already begun to repair.

   Taking advantage of the farming time before it arrived, the county magistrate Xun was very busy, and on the same day notified the chiefs of each li to go to the county for a meeting, and then selected the Yiding from Wuli to issue a ten-day service order.

  Dajin Order, each household has to serve for 20 days a year, plus two days in a leap year. This year is not a leap year. Now the Xun County Order is issued for ten days, so there will be ten days in the autumn and winter.

  Generally, it is not a terrible thing, such as the destruction of a river embankment, etc., knowledgeable county magistrates will deliberately stagger the busy period of the farm, and basically serve in the slack period.

  It is not yet the busy time for farming, so the county magistrate issued a military order. Although the people below are a bit dissatisfied, they will still prepare.

  The section of road that belonged to Zhouman was naturally used by Yiding on Zhouman’s food town, and Zhouman’s expenses were in charge of Yiding.

  Man Bao handed the matter to Wu Wulang and Zhou Lizhong.

It is the first time that Wuilang and Zhou Lizhong have taken on such a job, but Wuilang has served in the military and probably knows what it is.

  So I prepared food and vegetables early in the morning, and bought some pork to the woman who invited me to cook, staring at her every day to add oil and water.

  Man Bao and Bai Shan were still working when they ran on horseback. On the other hand, Lang was standing in front of a big pot with his hands waving and turning over the food on Friday.

   Seeing Man Bao coming, he immediately gave the spatula in his hand to a woman, raised his foot and ran up, "Man Bao, why are you here?"

  Man Bao got off the horse, looked at Brother Fifth, and said in surprise: "Brother Fifth, why are you doing this?"

   Grey-headed, and a lot darker. Didn’t she just meet him last night?

  Is it because the lights are dim at night, so you can't see black and white?

  Friday Lang grinned and said: "I just moved a few baskets of mud with them, and this is what happened. You see, a lot of them came out in three days."

  Man Bao came over and saw it. The road was widened a lot, and it could accommodate two carriages driving side by side. It was more than twice as wide as before. The previous carriage stumbled.

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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