Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2536: Rich

  Chapter 2536 Rich and Wealthy

  The new city of Yongzhou City occupies a part of Liyang County, but it is still a bit far from Manbao’s fief.

  At least not in the space.

  But the county magistrate of Liyang County was very happy, because the new city was built, the area under his control was still under his control, and it was not returned to Chengguo County, Yongzhou.

  It’s a shop on a street, and it belongs to the princess. Besides, there are also some houses located in the jurisdiction of Liyang County.

  As long as there are more people, they will receive more business taxes in the future. If they have more income, the county magistrate of Liyang County is naturally happy.

  Mingda Sanchao returned to the door and discussed with Bai Erlang, "The princess mansion is very big, so why don't you move your father, mother and eldest brother and sister-in-law to the princess mansion together?"

   Bai Erlang shook his head and refused, "No, just leave them two yards here as guest yards."

  He said: "My parents and eldest brother are used to living in Zhouman's place, and they have their own residences outside, so they can live anywhere."

In fact, Master Bai did not want to be too constrained. After all, the Princess Mansion was the residence of his daughter-in-law. The people inside were all from the palace. Mingda recognized that the queen of the palace was enough to indulge, but in the eyes of Master Bai, the rules are still very good. Big.

  It's better to live in Zhouzhai, and you don't have the freedom to live in Changqing Lane.

  He has a house outside. Basically, if he wants to live in Changqing Lane, he lives in Changqing Lane. If he wants to live in Zhou’s House, he lives in Zhou’s House. But living in Princess Mansion requires a lot more access rules.

  White Jiro didn't feel too much, because the palace people around the princess were very generous, and he didn't like the servants to be close to him, so he could do whatever he wanted in the house.

  It just feels that Princess Mansion is much quieter than in Zhou's Mansion.

  Because of the quiet daily life, when he waited on the holiday, he wanted to be more lively, so he ran to Mingda to discuss, "How about we go to the new city on the holiday?"

  Mingda's eyes lit up, and he nodded repeatedly, "Okay, make an appointment with my sister and Manbao."

  Bai Erlang went to make an appointment with Bai Shan Zhou Man, and Ming Da said to Chang Yu next door.

  So everyone set off for the new city together on the day off.

  Huangzhuang’s steward and the local prince came to greet him personally.

  The new city was built. The ground was paved with blue bricks like the inside of the capital, and the lanes and human walks were planned.

  Because it is a new city, the ground is very tidy and the houses are clean. It is expanded on the west side of Yongzhou City, and it is also square. Only the westernmost part occupies the place of Huangzhuang.

  Basically, this area was ordered by the emperor to build shops, and these shops are now under the name of Mingda.

  Because it was just completed, no merchants have settled in at this moment, but many vendors have come to take up positions on the side of the road.

The princesses who led the way saw the princesses curiously looking at the vendors, and he bowed and said, "The new city was built, and there are still many laborers here. These vendors are all nearby villagers and tenants, and they come to sell some things to subsidize their families in their spare time. of."

  Mingda nodded slightly, "Not bad."

Seeing her forgiveness, he didn't dislike seeing these vendors, so he smiled and introduced more enthusiastically: "Look, princess, the shops in this section are two floors above and below, and there are two front and back courtyards. The backyard is fine. Residents can also stack goods. In the middle is the Tianchi yard, and the front is a large two-sided shop. No matter what you do, it is spacious enough and easy to rent."

  Man Bao looked around and asked, "Is there a well in the courtyard?"

When the chief heard it, he couldn’t help but glanced at Zhou Man. Then he smiled: “My lord, we have little water in Yongzhou. It is difficult to achieve one courtyard and one well. Each well has been drilled, and the amount of water that is available now should be enough."

  Man Bao asked: "What if these shops want to open restaurants and restaurants?"

The chief stunned and said with a smile: "That is a bit costly, but they can dig a well by themselves or spend money to transport water from the mountain. There are also several wells in the imperial village, all of which can buy water to transport water. "

  Man Bao nodded slightly, and said to Mingda: "In this way, this shop has done all kinds of business."

  The second half of the shops are more spacious, with three floors up and down, and the back yard is even bigger, not to mention, even the front shops are three-door.

  It is very impressive at first glance.

  Man Bao couldn’t help being speechless. This dowry is very rich. No wonder that the court officials in the recent great court meeting did not have eyes for the emperor, and their noses were not noses.

  It is said that the emperor not only spent the money in Nei Treasury, but also allowed the Ministry of Industry to withdraw some of it from the treasury.

  Man Bao whispered to Mingda: "Your Majesty has been criticized this time."

  Mingda was very convinced, so she whispered: "When the shop is rented out, I will make up for the part of the gap that the Ministry of Industry draws from the treasury."

  Man Bao nodded. That’s good, the court officials would have less opinions.

  Mingda read it, and asked Changyu and Manbao generously, "You have a store you like, tell me, I will choose for you first."

  Changyu immediately pointed to the first three-storey shop in the middle and said, "I want that one."

  Mingda looks at Man Bao.

  Man Bao thought for a while and said: "Then I will have the next two storeys side by side."

  The two said together: "We have to give us a lower rent."

  Mingda smiled and nodded.

  She asked Man Bao curiously, "Sister Changyu, I know, she wants to open the treasure pavilion, what do you want to open?"

  Man Bao said: "Give it to my second niece, she will sell ointments and other things."

   "I know, your family's business in Dongshi is very good. I have just been there before. The cheapest thing in it costs two hundred words a bottle."

Man Baodao: "My family's workshop is in my fief, not very far from Huangzhuang. I thought, since there is a shop in the capital, it is better to set up a shop in Yongzhou city, so as to avoid the People have to go to the capital to buy."

  Lao Zhou’s family thought that it was better to buy a store than rent.

  But the princess’s shop is obviously not going to be sold, and Man Bao thinks that renting is actually good, and it’s much more cost-effective than buying.

  Especially when it is clear that the owner will not rush people.

  Changyu was very happy, so he urged Mingda to leave a shop and run it by himself.

   "You can't lose where you lose. The shop is yours, and you have your own staff. I think it's very fun. You can sell things you like in the shop. How happy it is."

  Mingda thought about it, so he chose the shop next to Manbao.

  Changyu became unhappy, "Why didn't you choose the one next to me?"

   "It's too big," Mingda said: "Just for fun, why should I choose such a big shop? Two floors are enough, and the backyard can be used for people to live in."

Changyu raised his chin and said, "I won't. I want someone to clean up the third floor. I will rest on the third floor when I have free time. Well, you can also go to my third floor to rest. I will leave you two rooms."

    Mingda: I’m sorry, but I became one of the richest.

     See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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