Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2517: You have to believe me

   Chapter 2517 You have to believe me

  Lan’s family finally chose a date, and chose the 21st day of the twelfth lunar month out of the three days in the Lao Zhou Jiabao.

  Not many guests were invited at home this time, just a few nearby ones, as well as other people whom the old Zhou family knew in this capital.

  Man Bao, basically only invited Ji Shitang’s doctors and Yin or a few.

The Chinese New Year is approaching. Recently, there are a lot of people who have a wedding ceremony and marry a daughter-in-law to go home for the New Year. The treasurer Zheng has eaten eight wedding wines in the past three months. It hurts a bit.

  Looking at his son who hadn't been back to Beijing for a long time, the treasurer Zheng got a balance, and strolled over to find Zhou Man, "Doctor Zhou."

  Man Bao is looking at the guests drinking Zhou Liwei (two heads). He turned his head and his eyes lightened slightly, "Treasurer Zheng, I am looking for you. My niece said that I have no more Poria that I bought with you?"

  The treasurer Zheng pouted and said: "What do you mean by no more, it was bought by your niece."

  He said: "The drugstore here in the capital always needs to keep some spares. The workshop your niece built, I have snatched a lot of medicinal materials this February."

There are only a few medicinal materials needed for ointments and creams. Therefore, the prices of several medicinal materials purchased in large quantities by Zhou Lijun in the capital have risen recently. The treasurer Zheng is still troubled. The prescriptions used for these medicines are more expensive than before. Some, some patients who used the prescription complained secretly.

  Man Bao sighed as soon as he heard it, “One is that the traffic is really inconvenient now, and the other is that the medicinal materials are all wild now, and the medicinal materials are rare, so the medicinal materials are expensive."

  The treasurer Zheng was taken aback for a moment and asked, "Emperor Zhou meant that medicinal materials can be planted?"

  Man Baodao: “Don’t medicinal materials like red dates and **** have always been planted mostly?”

  Of course, there are also those who excavate in the wild, but for now, these two medicinal materials are still planted in the majority.

  "But this is not only a medicinal material, but also a food material. The food material can naturally be grown."

  Man Bao said: "Yam is also grown in my home."

  The shopkeeper Zheng laughed, "Yam can also be an ingredient."

  But few people just eat it. Most of them make medicine or make medicated food. But the treasurer Zheng knows that except for some places in Ludi, yam is grown in the wild, and most of the other places are mined and wild.

  Seriously, the fact that Zhouman and his village would grow yam was very much beyond the expectation of the treasurer Zheng.

  Man Bao said indifferently: "There are also Ligustrum. My family is already planted with a mountain. The Ligustrum of our village now accounts for almost half of the mountain."

This is what the second and third brothers told her, so now Qili Village is no longer the poorest village in Dali Village. Last year, their village also worked with Master Bai to pay for the road to the county seat and carefully repaired it. Now It's very spacious, although it's not as good as the official way, but it's not much worse.

  So now it’s hard to find a man in autumn every year. In the past, Zhou’s family was too busy to hire part-time workers in the village, but now they are in other villages or in the county.

  Even Mr. Bai complained privately that part-time jobs are hard to find.

  The treasurer of Zheng opened his mouth, and after a while he pondered: “In this way, medicinal materials can be planted. I wonder how many kinds of medicinal materials can be planted by Doctor Zhou now?"

  Man Bao turned his gaze slightly. Over the years, all the medicinal materials she had seen, as long as they were alive, were basically included in the encyclopedia.

  And all hosts know that the items included in the encyclopedia can be purchased from the encyclopedia, um, if it has.

  The species that have been bred through the encyclopedia may be genetically unstable, or they may be better.

  Since guessing that the biggest problem in the world over there is genetic instability, Man Bao has been paying attention to books and information in this area.

  Occasionally ask about the research progress of the species included in the encyclopedia and Dr. D.

  Many of the things she gave to Encyclopedia and Dr. D have now been cultivated in that world. Except for a few, most of them are genetically stable now.

  She thinks that genetic abnormality is the environmental problem there, and there may be the most primitive species mutation spreading reason. Now that they get the original species, there is a high probability that they can keep their genes invariant.

  Keke once said that the cultivation of plants in her collection is the easiest, which can maintain its own genetic stability to a large extent, and can also be optimized; animals are second, and the most difficult should be humans.

  Man Bao guessed that it was because there were no new primitive humans to join in that world, no matter whether it was continuous or research, they had no specimens.

  Well, thanks to the alliance law that Keke said, intelligent creatures are not in the list of transactions, and her world is too far away from that world, even if there are bad people who ignore the law, they can’t be found.

  Man Bao became happy, and said to the treasurer Zheng: “I have always planted all kinds of medicinal materials dug from the wild at home, but I have some plants in my garden. Would you like to check it out?”

  The treasurer Zheng was overjoyed and immediately said: "Okay."

The treasurer Zheng Da and Zhou Man didn’t care about the people who were eating the banquet. They went to the garden behind and said: “Among the medicinal materials, apart from jade, insects and beasts, the rest is herbal medicine. It is said that all plants can be planted. However, it takes a lot of land to grow herbal medicines, and the medicinal materials scattered in the mountains are basically enough; secondly, it is not easy to plant herbal medicines, especially herbal medicines such as ginseng and ganoderma. The above time will work."

"So I know that the herbal medicines that can be planted are only double ten. They are all plants such as red dates, safflower, ginger, pomegranate, garlic, and lotus seeds." There are two hundred and thirty-nine kinds of herbal medicines recorded in the book, and there are 730 kinds of herbal medicines included in the "Compendium of Materia Medica" collected by the Zheng family. So many medicinal materials are currently grown on a large scale."

  But Man Bao knew that these herbs had not yet collected all the medicines that could be used in the world. Although Teacher Mo and their world lacked many herbs, she knew they existed before, otherwise there would be no records in the encyclopedia.

  Her world does not have the crisis of theirs, that is to say, those herbal medicines all exist in them, at least most of them exist.

  Man Bao's spirits refreshed, and secretly said: If these herbal medicines can be found and used, how many diseases can it be cured?

   can also avoid the consequences of a shortage of a certain medicine.

When he arrived in the garden, Man Bao deliberately cleaved a piece of land beside his sister-in-law’s vegetable plot. Man Bao looked at it, turned his head and said with a silent face, the treasurer Zheng said: "Treasurer, you have to believe me. The medicinal materials are really good. What is planted is that these medicinal materials may have been dug up from the wild, and the soil and water are a little unacceptable, and it is winter now. When you wait until spring, you will look at it. It must be a different look..."

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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