Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2478: Upgrade

  Chapter 2478 Upgrading

The emperor continued: "Now you are not only in charge of the Imperial Hospital and the Imperial Hospital, but also the local medical departments. In the future, the local medical departments will only open more and more for the cultivation of vaccinia. In this way, your too The grade is not enough."

  The emperor pondered for a moment and then said: "A decree."

  Bai Shan, who had been sitting on her knees with Shenglang, immediately took the inkstone on the right hand of Shenglang and waited.

  The living man glanced at him, and Nian didn't say anything about the friendship he had been studying ink for him in the past few months.

Separating the Taiyuan Hospital from Taichang Temple, the emperor’s thoughts have been stored for four months, and the leaders of the court naturally knew that with Xiao Yuanzheng on their backs, courtiers had discussed this matter with the emperor, and there were objections. Yes, naturally there is support.

  There are various reasons, but it is undeniable that if the Taiyuan Hospital wanted to develop as described on the envelope of Zhou Man Baishan, it would no longer be under the hands of Taichang Temple.

  Because of the Taichang Zhangling Temple group worship, ritual system, astronomy, number of clothes and crowns, there are not many changes in the past, it has its own scope.

  If the Imperial Medical Department expands too much under its hands, it will inevitably take up its own resources and energy. Then Taichang Temple will lose its own value. To avoid the end of the epidemic, curbing the development of the Imperial Medical Department is the most correct way.

Therefore, the Imperial Medical Department should develop into the way described by Zhou Man and Bai Shan Bai Chengzhezi, not only to train a large number of medical personnel, but also to open the medical department to every county in Dajin, then it needs more power. Just work.

  After four months of psychological development, coupled with the excellent results of vaccinations in the hospital during this period, the ministers are actually mentally prepared.

  It’s just that everyone has been waiting for an opportunity.

  The emperor is also waiting.

  I thought I would have to wait until they were vaccinated to reach 10,000, and when it was decided that the vaccinia law could be promoted across the country, I didn’t expect the timing to come so soon.

  The emperor immediately decreed that the Taiyuan Hospital was separated from the Taichang Temple, and the Imperial Medicine Department was established, which was at the same level as the Six Departments of Shangshu.

  At the same time, the Imperial Hospital was established in the palace, and the Imperial Medical Office under the jurisdiction...

This has reversed the current order. Now it is the Imperial Medical Office under the Imperial Hospital. The Imperial Medical Office is a teacher of no grade. When it was established, it was only rude to let the Xiao Yuan be in front of it, and at the same time, the Xiao Yuan was in charge of the local doctors. Department……

  He was in front of the Imperial Medical Office. In fact, just like the teachers like Zhou Man, he only took an extra payment, and there was nothing left.

   But now it’s the other way around, but...

Xiao Yuanzheng’s eye circles turned red. He was so excited that he never expected that he would be promoted to the third rank one day. This was incredible. He did not have the qualifications to abandon medicine and go to literature. He always thought he would be a fourth grade The courtyard of the product is coming to an end.

  Xiao Yuan was about to cry, then he lowered his head, knelt on the ground with a plop, kowtowed the emperor sincerely, and shouted: "The minister will live up to your majesty's trust."

   After kowtowing, she felt very empty next to her, so she slightly raised her head and looked at Zhou Man, whose eyes were shining, and stretched out her hand to pull her, causing her to kneel down too.

  Man Bao was stunned for a moment, and then knelt down, following Xiao Yuanzheng's manner, and said loudly: "The minister is willing to smear the ground for your majesty. It's only after death."

  Xiao Yuan was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but glanced at Zhou Man enviously. He felt that it was still very good to study with a literati, at least speaking better than him.

  The emperor also thought that Zhou Man spoke nicely. He smiled happily, and raised his hand and said: "Get up, this matter will have to be reviewed by the Ministry of Education, you two should go back and prepare first."

  Promotion of a person is no small project. After all, the tasks to be undertaken will be different, let alone the promotion of the entire department.

  First article, they have to have their own office in the imperial city or elsewhere, right?

  Some affairs can no longer be mixed with Taichang Temple.

  Not to mention that after the department is upgraded, the configuration and responsibilities of various officials will also change, and naturally, the salary will also change.

  However, this is not something the emperor can solve alone. The two departments of Zhongshu Province and Menxia Province have to discuss together, or discuss them in detail.

Xiao Yuanzheng happily knocked his head again and left, Man Bao also knocked his head, and then got up to go with Xiao Yuanzheng, but the emperor stopped her and said, "The queen may not see you for a long time, and I miss it very much. Come and see the queen with me in a while."

  Man Bao was at a loss, didn't she just go to the queen in the morning to ask for a peace pulse? Why hasn't it been for a long time?

  Man Bao returned to the palace. Some of the problems in the harem were not serious, but there were some unspeakable problems that made the concubines uncomfortable, so they summoned her to ask for peace pulse.

Since I was going to ask for the Ping An pulse, of course it started with the queen, so in the morning Manbao went to see the queen first, and by the way, he showed the princess who asked for peace there, and touched the pulses of Mingda and Changyu, and then She walked around the harem, and she went in almost every concubine's palace.

  If Xiao Yuanzheng hadn't suddenly called someone, she would still like to take a look at some Zhaorong yards.

  So, it's not that she hasn't seen the queen for a long time. I'm afraid the last time we met, she was closer than the emperor saw the queen.

  Although he was infinitely complaining in his heart, Man Bao still didn't say anything, and silently stepped aside.

  The emperor looked at the ministers, holding tea, and acted to show that they could leave.

  So Wei Zhi and others got up and quit.

  As soon as they left, Bai Shanbian also got up with the written will, and stepped forward to give it to the emperor.

  The emperor read it again and felt that Bai Shan's words and sentences were very much to his heart, so he nodded slightly and said, "Send it to Zhongshu Province."

  Although Bai Shan has already drawn up his decree, this decree is not small. It is destined to be a draft. The Zhongshu Provincial Government will definitely study it again, otherwise it will be bad if it is beaten back by the subordinate province.

  Bai Shan responded. After taking the draft, he raised his head and glanced at Zhou Man slightly, then lowered his eyes and moved back.

  The emperor took the crown prince Gong Wang and Zhou Man to the apse. Well, there were also living men who had been inseparable from each other.

  In the Queen’s Hall, it was full of excitement. Coincidentally, the prince, Princess Gong and several children were also there.

  The living man found his familiar corner, and continued to squat with his notebook and pen, raising his head to look at the emperor's family without sorrow or joy.

  The emperor asked Zhou Man to sit down and asked her, "I want to give you full authority over the Daming Palace, maybe you can do it?"

  Man Bao was taken aback, and asked: "Should the Xiao Yuan be in charge of this matter?"

  The emperor said: "The Imperial Medical Office wants to be upgraded. The Xiaoyuan must be very busy. I think you are quite suitable."

  Man Bao:......she is more busy, OK?

The emperor thought in his heart that two-thirds of the emperor’s children and grandchildren who were vaccinated this time had to be handed over to a female imperial physician to handle it. It's a man, too careless, I'm afraid I can't take care of the girl's thoughts.

   See you at nine in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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