Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2446: invite

  Chapter 2446 Invitation

  The time to see Wang Ruile this time is not tight at all, because Liu Sanniang is going to be a errand in the palace, and Man Bao passed by alone calmly.

The people in the Tang Mansion were still stunned when they saw her, and then they smiled and showed her the way, "Why are you here at this time? Our wife also told me to make your favorite meatballs at noon, thinking about you coming over at noon. It can be used."

  Man Baole said, "Do you all know the things in the backyard?"

  After the music, he explained, "I take a break, so I don’t have to rush to noon, so I came here earlier."

  People sent her to the second door, and the aunt of the backyard who came after hearing the news ran to pick her up, smiled and said: "Miss Man, our wife is waiting in the guest house."

Man Bao went all the way and didn't see the Ma family's servants until she entered the main room of the guest house and saw Wang Ruile sitting on the soft bed. She didn't see the Ma family's servants. She glanced at the two next to Wang Ruile. The girl, as well as the familiar Tang Mansion girl who was newly replaced in the room, raised her eyebrows and looked at Mrs. Tang, "Do you want me to have a needle alone today?"

  Do you want to cover up for you?

  Ms. Tang nodded on her forehead angrily, "Weird, you can show her if she can go far."

  Man Bao took out the pulse pillow and curiously said: "Going away? Are you going back? This is not okay, you still have to take medicine for at least four months."

  Mrs. Tang: "It didn't take long to go to Yongzhou. I'll be back in three or two days."

   "It's a two-hour drive, what a far door," Man Bao waved his hand: "Go, go, just don't get cold."

She smiled and said: "It just so happens. Tomorrow I will go to my Zhuangzi to live for a few days. I may also go to Yongzhou. My Zhuangzi is not very far from Yongzhou. If you have any problems with your body, just send someone to the Zhuangzi to find me. ."

  Man Bao asked: "When are you going to Yongzhou?"

   "Go in the afternoon." Mrs. Tang thought of something, and suddenly smiled at Man Bao: "Since you are going to Zhuangzi, you might as well go directly to Yongzhou tomorrow. I will invite you to dinner and some things to give you."

  Man Bao heard that there was something to send, and immediately asked: "What is it?"

  Ms. Tang smiled and said, "I won’t tell you, you will know when you go tomorrow."

  Man Bao thought for a while and nodded, feeling that it would be fine to go, anyway, her Zhuangzi is not far from Yongzhou.

  Wang Ruile is recovering well, now it’s no problem to go out, but he can’t be overworked.

  Man Bao gave her a needle and changed the medicine before leaving.

  As soon as she left, Wang Ruile asked Mrs. Tang somewhat puzzledly, "How did the eldest sister call her?"

  Ms. Tang said: "Just in case."

  Wang Ruile understood. After a moment of silence, she asked, "What about the child?"

  Ms. Tang said slowly and rationally: “Don’t worry, the father said in a letter that the child will stay at Ma’s first, and they will serve it with both hands.”

  Wang Ruile is relieved now.

  Man Bao went home happily.

  Bai Erlang was still asking for leave, and was sitting leisurely in the flower room drinking tea. When he heard that Man Bao was going to Yongzhou, he immediately said, "I want to go too."

  Man Bao looked at him, "Aren't you going back to study without a holiday?"

  Bai Erlang: "What kind of books are you reading? Chongwenguan is also very busy now. I heard that they are going to re-select a group of people to accompany the prince to study. Last time, three of our attendants were absent from class."

  Man Bao asked: "Is that Mr. busy?"

  "Mr. Fortunately, the busiest person is Kong Jijiu. He wants to teach the prince to govern the country, and he also teaches us. Hehehe, because he is busy, we have less schoolwork, so it is very easy to ask for leave now."

  It’s just that when he gets busy, Kong Jijiu likes to assign endorsement and copying homework. This time they asked for leave, Kong Jijiu directly assigned them a lot of endorsement tasks.

  Bai Shan asked him, "How many days can you ask for leave?"

  Bai Erlang shook his fingers and sighed, "It depends on when they choose a good person. You said that Chongwenguan has added so many people back and forth. When it comes to the prince’s companionship, wouldn’t it be half of the time?"

   "It depends on whether half of the people who have passed the Jinshi Mingjing exam," Bai Shan said: "How many have only been tested now?"

  Anyway, Shiijiro’s free time is not a few days away. He decides to go to Layin or go into the water and ask for leave with him. He is more likely to be granted a holiday.

So in the afternoon, Chongwenguan received a leave letter from Bai Erlang and the others. The reviewing attendant thought about it. It happened that he had a lot of classes in the past two days, thinking that he would be off in a few days, so he simply granted them a holiday. .

  When Kong Jijiu knew about it, Bai Erlang and the others had already cheered and went directly to Yongzhou like a happy one.

   Liu Huan packed up his baggage and walked with them. His reason is very good, "When I choose an official position, there is no time for me to be so comfortable. Grandma, please tell my grandfather to let me go."

  Guo directly waved his hand and said: "You go, you don't have to talk to your grandfather."

  She smiled at Liu Huan and said: "Get along well with Lord Zhou, she is an elder, listen more to people..."

Liu Huan shuddered, and stepped back to look at his grandmother, "Grandma, what's wrong with you lately, why do you always say strange things? Bai Shan and I are classmates, and Zhou Man is also considered half a classmate, she Most are seniors in my officialdom, how come they are elders..."

  Guo thought for a while, but decided to tell him, “Your grandfather and I asked you to marry her niece, that’s the little girl named Liru.”

   Liu Huan widened his eyes.

  Guo continued: "But they refused."

  Liu Huan's eyes became wider.

  He doesn’t want to go to Yongzhou anymore, how can he meet people?

  Guo knew what his grandson was thinking at a glance, and said: "People think that our family is too high, so I thought, this daughter-in-law will have to fight for it yourself in the end."

   Liu Huan: "Me, how can I fight?"

   "Please please some parents, don't you have a good relationship with Bai Shan Zhouman and the others? Get along well first, by the way, do you like the little lady of Zhou's family?"

   Liu Huan flushed, and he was speechless for a while. He didn’t know whether he liked it or not, but he didn’t hate it, but... "People refused."

"Stupid boy, she probably doesn't know about this. It was her family who declined, saying that our family does not match. This is because I feel sorry for the child. I am afraid that their daughters will come to our house and be wronged, so please treat me well. People are girls, they are naturally willing."

   Liu Huan complained a little, "Grandma, why don't you tell me in advance of such a big thing?"

   "I also asked tentatively. I haven't mentioned anything about the eight characters. I told you. If it doesn't happen, are you still embarrassed to see someone?"

   "It didn't happen now, then how did you tell me?" It would be nice to keep hiding from him, he didn't want to know at all.

  Guo’s hatred that iron cannot be made into steel, said: “That’s because grandmother really likes it, and thinks they refused, and you can also fight for one or two.”

  Originally, Guo and Liu Shangshu thought that if the Zhou family agreed that it would be best, they would tell the children at that time, and then proceed to the next step. There are still many steps behind, if they don’t like it, they can still give up the marriage;

  If the Zhou family refuses, then there is no need to tell the child, just let it go.

  After going to Zhou’s house this time, the Guo family thought about it and became unwilling. The more he looked, the more he felt that his grandson was suitable for Zhou Liru, so she told Liu Huan to let him fight for it himself.

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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