Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2398: Not as good as Baishan (April monthly ticket plus 26)

  Chapter 2398 Inferior to Bai Shan (April monthly ticket plus 26)

  Man Bao nodded after thinking about it, and commented fairly: "It's not as good-looking as Baishan."

  A group of women laughed and pointed to Mrs. Tang and said, “If you ask her if Master Tang is good-looking or Master Yang is good-looking, she must also talk about Master Tang."

  Mrs. Tang curled her lips.

  A lady sighed: "If it were me, I would definitely say that it was Master Yang, but the beholder was in the eyes of the lover, so ah, what this affectionate person said is unbelievable."

  Man Bao asked curiously, "Ms. Han and Mrs. Han are ruthless?"

  The table is quiet.

  Ms. Tang paused and burst into laughter, reached out her hand and nodded Man Bao’s forehead and Madam Han smiled: "Tong Yan Wuji, Madam Han don’t care about her."

  Ms. Han smiled slightly and said, "What do I care about with her? This is not wrong."

She raised her head over there, and gestured to Man Bao to look, "No, the Lord Han you mentioned is there, but he can no longer be regarded as Lord Han. He was banned from an official position because of a mistake last month. He is now called Han. Lang Jun will do."

  Man Bao: ...the world is changing so fast, she didn't react for a while.

  Ms. Tang stretched out her hand and patted her back and said: "Okay, I know you are wronged, but you don't know. She was locked in the imperial house for the previous month. Where can I know what happened outside?"

  Someone smiled and said: “Even when she is outside, it’s difficult for Lady Zhou to notice. After all, she is busy on official business. Wherever she is too busy like us, things in the capital will be fresh.”

  Ms. Han said quietly: "So you all look new to my family's affairs."

The ladies slapped their faces, comforted her, and apologized to her. Both Man Bao and Zhou Liru looked dumbfounded, and they lowered their heads and silently touched a piece of snack to eat, and took a sip of tea by the way.

  When Mrs. Tang finally finished socializing, they took the two of them and sat down at the storyteller's pavilion. They breathed a sigh of relief.

  Ms. Tang deliberately found a corner to talk to them in a low voice, "Why are you only here, and Mrs. Liu didn't come?"

  Ordinarily, Liu Huan and Bai Shan have such a friendship, and Bai Shan now has a knighthood. The Liu family should give Mrs. Liu an invitation alone.

  Man Baodao: "I sent the post, but Grandma Liu had decided to go to the mountain fast for this half of the month, so she didn't come. But Bai Shan is the head of the household, and he came the same."

  Ms. Tang was curious, "Fasting now?"

  Man Baodao: "Isn't this going to be clear? And Bai Shan has to take an exam. Grandmother Liu said that fasting is good for the blessing of God and Buddha."

  Mrs. Tang: "...oh."

  Man Bao sat obediently on the chair, holding a cup of tea and asked, "Mrs. Tang, did Tang Xuexi not come? We didn’t seem to see him when we ate."

  Ms. Tang looked at her and said, "Did you not find out? Today is not a day off."

  Man Bao stared, "That..."

  Ms. Tang faintly said: “It’s all for taking leave or absenteeism to eat. Others can absent from work, but he is not good at absenteeism. I heard that there was a case in some place, so he went to investigate the case."

  Man Bao was satisfied, "I also asked for leave."

Mrs. Tang chuckled and laughed, and said: "When we first ate the table, we said that you rarely showed up after you came back this time. Some people wanted to ask you to come to the clinic and couldn't recruit people. Finally, we could only ask Doctor Liu to help. ."

  Ms. Tang said that she looked at Zhou Liru who was sitting aside, and asked with a smile, "How is your niece doing? Maybe she has been a teacher?"

  Man Baodao: "Where is it so fast, has she only studied for a few years?"

  She said: "We have to study in school for a few more years before going to the teacher."

  Ms. Tang: "Isn’t it just five years of study? She has the foundation, and three or four years are almost the same, right?"

  Man Bao shook his head, "That's just a little bit of flesh-and-blood fur, like her senior brothers and sisters, it will take at least four or five years."

Whether it is Liu Sanniang or Zheng Gu and Zheng Shao, they have been immersed in medicine since they were young. No matter how many things they have learned or not taught them, at least they have been fascinated by them. What they know is that Zhou Liru can't compare it now. of.

  Among the four disciples, the one who is the most powerful and the best learner is actually Zheng Gu and then Liu Sanniang.

  Ms. Tang nodded slightly, and whispered: "Because of you, there are quite a few female patients who have consulted with female doctors in the past two years. Many of them have come over from other places deliberately, just wanting to see you."

  Man Bao asked, "Ms. Tang also has relatives and friends who want to see me?"

  Ms. Tang smiled slightly and lit her forehead and said: "You are really a clever ghost, yes, you are not one or two."

   "But you were busy as soon as you came back. You were always in the palace before, and when you came out, you went straight to the imperial house. I'm not going to beg you."

  Man Bao: "I took four days off in the first half of the year, why didn't you tell me?"

Mrs. Tang smiled slightly and said: "You just came out of the imperial house. You must be very tired. How could I go to the house to beg at that time? Actually, I shouldn't be begging you now, but they are not very well. That's why I want to beg you."

  Man Bao hesitated for a while, and asked, "What is the disease? If it is not very private, I can recommend Doctor Ding and Doctor Tao, or I can ask Dr. Liu to take a look."

  "You know, I’m now in the imperial house. It’s normal for me to go in for ten and a half months and not come out. This time I may have to stay for a month. At this time, it’s a little inconvenient to see a doctor."

  Is it possible to come out today because of the banquet, or because it was Liu Shangshu’s banquet, Xiao Yuanzheng agreed to let her come out.

   As the guests at the table had speculated earlier, they needed Liu Shangshu’s support at this time. It was something Xiao Yuan wanted to be able to bring the two parties closer together by participating in the banquet.

  I think it’s impossible to ask for leave because of seeing other patients.

  Ms. Tang thought for a while, and whispered a few words in her ear.

  Man Bao frowned slightly, "Oh, so, have you invited Sanniang to see it?"

  Ms. Tang nodded and sighed: “It’s just because I have seen it. I have been getting the needle and taking medicine for eight days, and there is not much effect.”

  Man Bao weighed it up and nodded, "Then I will leave early in the afternoon and have a look with my sister-in-law."

  Ms. Tang immediately smiled and nodded, "Okay, I will call you to leave together at that time."

  Discuss important matters. Mrs. Tang can see that she doesn’t like to listen to books, so she keeps looking at the lotus pond and smiles: “Okay, I won’t bother you to see the beauty, go.”

  Man Bao stood up on tiptoe and glanced over there. It was too far, and his vision was a bit blurred. Zhou Liru whispered, "It's not Girl Fenghua."

  Man Bao stood firm, and said to Mrs. Tang: "No hurry."

  Mrs. Tang: "...Is that guy named Fenghua so pretty?"

  Man Bao and Zhou Liru nodded together.

  Since the person he likes hasn’t been on the court, Man Bao will care about other things leisurely, “Why is Master Han being sacked?”

"The prostitute, I got into a fight with someone in the Chunfeng Tower. The matter was violent. The Yushi who was squatting outside just saw it, and he got into the court," Mrs. Tang smiled: "It's not just dismissal, he is also fined. Less money."

  The money was fined by Lord Tang.

   The second day of ten thousand days, hahahaha

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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