Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2390: Steal blood

  Chapter 2390 Stealing blood

When the morning glow appeared on the horizon, Xiao Yuanzheng stretched out his hand and patted Zhou Man's shoulder, and said: "The strong medicine in the kitchen has been warm, so I asked Dr. Liu to grab a pair and give it to the kitchen. If... Pour them down in time."

  This time, Man Bao had no objection and nodded.

  Under the premise that there has been a death, Man Bao also changed his mind. Although the sequelae of the strong medicine may be larger, at least people can save their lives.

  Man Bao lowered his eyes and thought, and went through all the patient performances she had seen since the vaccination, but still did not find the problem.

  It is clear that the scabs are about to heal, how can it suddenly get worse?

Xiao Yuanzheng also looked at the more and more brilliant rays of light on the horizon, recalling the patients and data they had seen during this period, and said after a long while: "After breakfast, one person will guard the two of them, and the rest will be all the patients. Go over it again, re-arrange their residences, put them together in similar situations, and do a good job of recording their data."

  Man Bao responded.

  Xiao Yuan just got up, patted her on the shoulder again and said: "Good boy, don't be sad, smallpox, a thousand years of stubborn illness, it is not that we can be completely cut off."

  Man Bao dropped his head and said nothing.

  Xiao Yuan was turning around and went into the ward to look at the two patients, leaving Man Bao to think for himself.

  Man Bao thought for a while, he got up and went to the next ward. There was only one person in it, No. 121. At this time, his face was blue and his whole body was cold.

  The needle on his body has been pulled out, and he is lying quietly on the bed at this time, waiting to be sure that he is indeed dead from smallpox, and then the whole person will be burned and turned into ashes before being sent back to his home.

  Man Bao walked forward, took his hand and looked at it carefully, and finally took a look outside. Keke thoughtfully said: "No one is outside."

Man Bao took out a set of tools from the space, pierced his hand and took two drops of blood. After sealing it up, he took two acne rashes on his body with a clip, sealed them together and put them in the teaching room. .

  Manbao and Kekedao: "Send an email to Teacher Mo and ask him to help check these two things."

  Keke responded and sent an email to Teacher Mo according to Man Bao's meaning.

  Man Bao took a step back, looked at No. 121 carefully, and finally pulled up the quilt to cover his face.

  She even tucked the quilt for him.

"what are you doing?"

  Man Bao was taken aback by the sudden sound. She raised her head and looked over. She saw a person standing at the door with her back on her back. She looked up at the past and could only see her figure, and she couldn't see the face for a long time.

The person at the door walked two steps in, frowning when she saw her covering the person from head to toe, and said, "The kitchen has prepared hot soup and rice, and Xiao Yuan is asking you to go over to eat. I will be busy for a while. "

  Man Baocai sees that it is Grand Doctor Lu.

  She gave an "Oh" and turned to go out with her.

  Today, all patients are not allowed to go out, and they need to sit and wait in their own rooms, so there are only a few of them in the huge open space, and a few soldiers who are instructed.

  Man Bao stepped forward, and Doctor Liu motioned to her to wash her hands, change her coat, and come back to eat.

  Man Bao turned around and went to clean his hands. When he came back, Xiao Yuanzheng and the others had already begun to sit and eat.

  Man Bao sat down in an empty seat, took two sips of a bowl of soup, and asked, "Who stayed behind?"

  Xiao Yuan's righteous way: "Doctor Lu, please."

  He said: "Now the two patients have not had much reaction, and it is still calm. Doctor Lu is just going to sleep. The three of us are busy first and wait until noon to see the situation."

  Man Bao nodded.

  She and Doctor Lu are both people who have been busy all day and night. If the patient's condition does not deteriorate, then it will be her turn next, if...

  None of the four can rest.

  Man Bao finished the soup, his stomach became warmer, and he had a little strength on his body, and then he started to bite a steamed bun.

  They had checked all the patients last night, but today they checked all the patients together.

Xiao Yuanzheng said: "A room with acne scabs, a room with the same number of vaccinia vaccine, a room with a worsening precondition, and a room for patients with similar conditions. Doctor Zhou writes quickly, you come to make notes, and be sure to make it clear Now, we have to write a paper and report it."

  Man Bao responded.

  So the three people searched one room by room. They checked it out last night. In fact, everyone knows it. Checking it again today is just another screening and confirmation.

The first 180 people who were vaccinated, Manbao and others have done statistics before, and the number of acne is basically between one and six. Only a small number of people have more than six acne, but there are only 15 acne at most. .

  Man Bao turned over the record and said: "There are twelve people in total."

  This ratio is indeed not very high.

Xiao Yuanzheng and they checked one by one. During the day, they should see more clearly and more intuitively. Many people's acne scabs are about to fall off. Xiao Yuan is reaching out and pressing it. It is indeed healed. If this is in Xiazhou At that time, you can put it out and go home and raise it by yourself.

  Xiao Yuan was talking about the following signs. Grand Doctor Liu and Man Bao looked at them, and after they were sure that they were correct, Man Bao recorded them, and then these people were transferred to the outermost room.

  Xiao Yuanzheng said: "You are almost healed, the person who got the sign carries his own bedding to live in the outer room, and let the room inside to the person who is still suffering from acne."

  They had no opinion on this, and immediately took the quilt and went out, one of them turned around and asked them, "Big, sir, our acne is all cured, is this considered alive?"

  Xiao Yuanzheng did not promise them this time. Instead, he said: "You should live out first."

  They left a little nervously.

  At noon, Grand Doctor Lu came over and said to them: “The two of them have a high fever. I looked at the chest and back and started to have acne. There are also on the neck, and the face seems to be growing out.”

  The three of them paused their rounds and ran back to see them.

  Both of them are still awake, even in good spirits, maybe because of a fever, their eyes are divine, and they seem to be glowing.

  Seeing so many doctors visiting them, they couldn't lie down for a while.

  Xiao Yuan was raising his hand to stop them from getting up, stepping forward to touch their pulse, and after looking at them one by one, he motioned to Doctor Liu and Zhou Man to look.

  Have seen it and checked the bodies of the two again. Xiao Yuanzheng said to Man Bao: "Give them a needle, and we will give them another prescription."

  Man Bao went up and gave them a needle. After finishing the piercing and remembering the things in the classroom, she wanted to pierce their fingers again and take some blood, so she quietly looked up at Xiao Yuanzheng and the others.

  The three were standing at the table at the door, discussing prescriptions.

   See you at four in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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