Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2381: Replace (April monthly ticket plus 21)

  Chapter 2381 Replaced (April monthly ticket plus 21)

The person who was grasped by Zhou Man shivered. Man Bao noticed his trembling, so he raised his head and smiled at him. Unfortunately, she was wearing a mask, and the other party could not see her smile, but saw her eyes bend. She thought it was a smirk, so she shook harder, her whole body was soft, she slipped to the ground, shaking her lips and said: "Spare, forgive, your lord, forgive..."

  Man Bao:...Is she so scary?

  Man Bao looked back at Xiao Yuanzheng.

  Xiao Yuanzheng frowned slightly, and some angrily greeted the steward on the side, "How do you choose the person?"

  If there is a problem with food and drink, forget it, now even people have problems?

The manager was in a cold sweat and waved to tell someone to drag him down, but Zhou Man raised her hand to stop him. She put one hand on his shoulder, staring at the trembling youth and asked: "Have you heard the order to go out these days? Bask in the sun, walk around?"

  The young man was taken aback, swallowed nervously, and nodded again and again.

  Man Bao asked briskly: "Have you seen the veterans and remnants living in the house over there?"

  The young man nodded, Man Bao felt his body relax a little, and continued to ask: "Have you spoken to them?"

  The young man replied in a low voice: "I have said it."

  Man Bao: "Then you should know that they all had acne. Have you seen the acne marks on their bodies?"

  The young man hesitated, but nodded.

"Since you have seen it, you should know that there are not many acne from vaccinia. Look at them, some are old enough to have gray hair, some have missing arms, broken legs, and have disabilities. The healthiest ones also have one or two. Injuries, although they are soldiers who go to the battlefield to kill the enemy, their health is really not as healthy as yours, so they can survive the smallpox vaccinia, and you are naturally easier."

Man Baodao: "We are not trying to get smallpox in the hospital, but to prevent more people from getting smallpox in the future. So our goal is to cure smallpox. You can rest assured. "

  I feel that the youth has relaxed a lot, although he is still shaking, he will not feel weak and faint.

Man Bao quickly put his hand on the inside of his arm. He only felt a pain, and then saw Zhou Man clip an object and put it on his wound. Doctor Liu, who had been waiting, immediately took a cloth strip and tied it up. .

  Man Bao stopped, and smiled with him: "It's okay, the blood will stop soon, and the cloth strips can be taken off after a while."

  It was very fast. When all six people in a room had been inoculated with acne, everyone waited in the room to untie the cloth strips and threw the acne vaccine inside into a fine sack.

  Everyone just vaccinates all the way. This is not something that can be done in one day. Xiao Yuan is deciding to complete it in two days.

The used vaccinia was taken to a room for destruction. There was a stove in it, and a fire was lit early. The temperature inside was the highest at this time. Under the supervision of the imperial physician, all the vaccinias that had been resolved were thrown in and destroyed. .

Before the Xiao Yuan was leaving, he still told Zhou Man and Lu Taiyi to stay behind, "This thing is a big killer, you must keep an eye on it. Things can only stay within these three levels, not to mention outside the imperial village. You can't get out even outside the level."

  Man Bao and Lu Taiyi responded with serious expressions.

Man Bao instantly thought of Xiao Yuanzheng's operations and the various conspiracy and tricks in the books he had read before, so he lowered his voice and asked him, "Do you suspect that someone wants to steal the smallpox vaccinia to frame our hospital? "

  Xiao Yuanzheng: "...Emperor Zhou is really smart, if you don't mention it, I can't think of this."

  He was just worried that someone would steal this thing to harm others. As for the hospital, there is no such method.

  He went to a cashier asking for money, and the hatred was not so deep.

However, when Zhou Man said that, he also felt uncomfortable, so he said: "I have told the guards, including us, we must also search for things at the entrance and exit, and everything that seems to be smallpox vaccinia will be the same. It’s not allowed to take out, as well as our clothes, footwear and socks, which can only be entered, not exported."

  Man Bao was a joke, and asked: "Then our clothes..."

  "Burn it all." Xiao Yuanzheng said: "Do you think that room was only used to burn vaccinia? There are too many things to burn."

  Man Bao feels distressed, and after returning home, he talks to the cake Jiulan and said: "I knew I would bring a few sets of clothes. Two of them are pretty good-looking. I originally wanted to go out for a walk and wear them."

   Jiulan: "Lady, I see this progress, I am afraid it will be difficult to keep up with the outing."

  Man Bao immediately said: "Bah, baah, don't crow's mouth."

  Man Bao sat on the couch and looked outside and sighed, “I don’t know how the fifth brother is talking with Guan Shi. I will ask Xiao Yuanzheng tomorrow. I don’t know if Guan Shi will report to Xiao Yuanzheng."

  Weilang and the others had negotiated a long time ago. They came here in the morning, and they were one step behind Xiao Yuanzheng.

Because Xiao Yuan was greeted, they immediately met the last time the steward when they arrived. This time the conversation was much smoother than last time. There will be no more buyers' price increases, and the sellers keep lowering prices. Case.

However, this time is not a normal bargaining, because the other party agreed as soon as Wu Lang offered the price, and there was no struggle at all. There was no price increase, and there was no price reduction. Even Wu Lang and the quantity they could provide were not disputed. They mentioned. Just respond directly.

  Then they signed the deed in less than half an hour, signed and sealed the work directly, and the steward paid them a deposit.

  He personally sent the people to the entrance of the imperial village, and looked at Zhou Lang with a smile but a smile: "I really didn't expect that Lord Zhou is so powerful. He is a small person who does not know the gold inlaid jade. He was offended before."

  Friday Lang was puzzled, but he still immediately said: "My lord is joking, where is our small family backing?"

Zhou Lizhong on the side of    smiled and said, “No matter how big our backer is, it’s not as effective as an adult. The so-called county magistrate is not as good as the current one. From now on, our uncles and nephews still hope that adults will take care of them.”

  The manager was taken aback, and a moment later, he said in a daze: "Little Young Master Zhou is polite, I want to take care of the two, I'm afraid there will be no chance."

  Friday Lang and Zhou Lizhong were puzzled, and when they sent the first batch of eggs, broilers and vegetables as agreed on the third day, they realized that the steward had changed.

  Moreover, it was not just a change of manager. I heard that the manager of the docking hospital in Huangzhuang changed more than half. The two looked at each other, and they were a little confused.

After Liu Sanniang went back, she told them, "This is a trivial matter. The major matter is that the head of the Ministry of Internal Attendance has been changed. I heard that the internal waiter and steward responsible for the purchase have changed from the outside to the inside. If you are lucky, they are just transferred elsewhere. , Those who are unlucky are sent directly to various imperial houses to do coolies."

  Friday Lang opened his mouth and asked: "For what?"

   Liu Sanniang did not speak, why?

  Of course, it was because the person in charge of the purchase was too greedy, which made Xiao Yuanzheng unhappy.

  But she heard her grandfather mention it. At the very beginning, it was because of a bragging by Master, bragging about how good the village she ran in the village, and then...

Liu Sanniang shook his head, removed all the distracting thoughts from his mind, and said to the two of them: "Anyway, this matter has little to do with us. We don't want to participate in it, so we can just deliver the goods honestly. Those who are looking for supplies, the prices of those who previously supplied are also inflated, and Xiao Yuan is not very satisfied."

  Zhou Lizhong's eyes lightened slightly, thinking thoughtfully.

    see you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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