Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2355: Yin Yin exhorted

  Chapter 2355 Yin Yin exhorts

  So people made arrangements like this. Man Bao handed the four Xicao to Wusao, and asked her to take the arrangement, and gave the Xicao to Zhou Lijun to teach her, and the other five were sent to Mrs. Liu.

  Lao Mrs. Liu was silent for a while and then smiled and accepted. Before they were about to speak, Bai Shan and the others came back from the outside chattering. Man Bao immediately greeted them and ran out to look for them.

Mrs. Liu sighed, thought for a while, still let the cakes and xihua serve Manbao, and also called the two little girls in Manbao's house, May and Jiulan, and said: "You four will take care of them together. Miss Man, which daughter outside does not have two or three girls around? You Miss Man is still working outside and will only get busier, so there will only be more and more things in this room, not less."

She said: "In the past, I was thinking about not letting the children spoil bad habits, so I let them do many things by themselves, but now they have grown up and have developed temperament, it doesn’t have to be the case again. Come here, things in the house will only get more and more, so you don’t have to fight, there will be times when you are busy in the future."

  The four immediately lowered their heads to respond.

  Lao Mrs. Liu said: "While there is still time, the four of you will learn some skills from the stewards in the house. You will learn not only needle and thread, but also things in the kitchen, and you will need it in the future."

  She trained for a call, and after arranging the locations of all five people, she let them go down.

  When only Mother Liu and Zheng were left by her side, she said to Zheng, "You will be in charge of this mansion from now on."

  Zheng looked at her mother-in-law in surprise, isn't she always in charge of the house?

  Lao Mrs. Liu said faintly: "I mean, in the future, you have to make up your own mind butler instead of listening to me."

  Zheng's heart was instantly guilty, and he picked up the veil nervously, "Mother, why did you suddenly talk about this?"

  Lao Liu sighed: "How many days can I have? From now on, this house will still be left to you."

  Zheng shook her head again and again, but she couldn't figure out, "Isn't there still a lot of treasure?"

  She whispered: "Didn’t my mother say, I will listen to Shanbao and Manbao for future family affairs?"

  That's what she said, but Man Bao doesn't seem to be in charge of general affairs. Didn't she even arrange for five maids to lead people to find her?

  Lao Mrs. Liu thought for a while and said: “You still have to listen to Shanbao and Manbao in major matters, and leave all the external matters to them, but you still have to take care of the family matters.”

She said: "You have also seen that Man Bao is an official outside, and the time spent at home is no more than two hours a day except when he sleeps. During these two hours, he has to eat and read books, handle official duties, and where is there time for handling. The household chores? So you have to take care of everything in this family from now on."

  Zheng nodded blankly.

Mrs. Liu put down half of her heart, and half of her heart was holding, because she suddenly remembered one thing, Man Bao is now compiled by Grade 4, which seems to be much higher than the official grade of grandson, even if the woman gets more and more behind It's difficult to get promoted, but with the ability of full treasure, you will definitely get promoted later.

  It’s not difficult to do the household chores at home. There are people in the family, so they can share it for her, but...

  Lao Mrs. Liu asked Bai Shan to talk to him at night, and asked: "You want to release it after the examiner?"

  Bai Shan nodded, "I will put it out if I have a suitable place."

  He said, "Looking at Brother Yang Xuexi and Brother Tang Xuexi, you will know that they will learn to deal with government affairs first, and then return to Beijing after waiting."

  Lao Mrs. Liu asked, "If you are outside, don’t you have to be separated from Manbao?"

   She frowned, "How can a husband and wife be separated? It's still so far away..."

Bai Shan smiled and said, "Grandma, don’t worry, I have discussed with Man Bao early. If I release, she will also seek an official position. When we are together or nearby, we won’t be separated. very far."

   "...Which official is she going to release?"

"Is it the official position of the Imperial Medical Office," Bai Shandao: "Last year, the Imperial Medical Office started to move to the local government. Now several of her disciples are in the local government, but it’s not very smooth. They wrote back and said that they sometimes even The patients can’t see it because the local pharmacy is a little wary of them, and the poor people who need help don’t trust the imperial medical office, so few people go to the imperial medical office to see a doctor."

He said: "The important duty of the Imperial Medical Office is to deal with public medical incidents, but Guotai Min'an will not suddenly have a seasonal epidemic, so I will be busy during the summer, and then I will relax later. Someone in the DPRK is already proposing. The Imperial Medical Office has been cancelled."

  Lao Mrs. Liu was astonished, "How many years are this, why is it canceled?"

   "So we thought, if Man Bao applies to work in the local medical office, Tai Hospital and Xiao Yuan will not be blocked, as long as Your Majesty is willing to release people."

  Lao Mrs. Liu understands that the Taiyuan Hospital is unwilling to abandon the Taiyuan Medical Department, so I want to ask Man Bao to rescue it. As long as one place succeeds, other places can live according to that place again.

   But, "Can the emperor agree?"

It’s not that Mrs. Liu is boasting. Although Man Bao is young, she is well-known for her medical skills. Now she is more famous in Beijing than Xiao Yuanzheng. Even when she went to the Western Regions last year, people occasionally asked for medicine. Come up.

  Will the emperor let her go?

  Bai Shan confidently said: "We know what we know with affection, and when we move with reason, your majesty will definitely agree." No, there are Bai Er and Princess Mingda.

  He felt that it should not be difficult to persuade the emperor. The hard part was how to convince the prince, who was much harder to persuade than the emperor.

And Man Bao has always been the imperial physician of the Imperial Palace. Now, the closest imperial physician in the Eastern Palace is also Man Bao. Since she returned to Beijing, the prince has summoned her to have her pulse checked, and the hospital also followed the prince’s instructions. , And hand over to Man Baolai to do the big inspection once every ten days.

  So Bai Shan is worried about the Prince.

  He was anxious and asked Mrs. Liu curiously, "Grandma, why did you suddenly remember to ask about this?"

Mrs. Liu glanced at him and said, "I want to ask where you want to go out. When the time comes, we will make arrangements in advance. If we, the big family, go there, we must have a safe place to stay. "

  Bai Shan nodded in agreement, "You have to go ahead and take care of it."

  Lao Mrs. Liu laughed, and said to Bai Shan: “When the time comes, I will look at the situation and stop going, let your mother take care of the back house for you.”

  Bai Shan was taken aback, and asked: "Why?"

  Lao Mrs. Liu said: "The Bai family finally returned to the capital. Someone must come to maintain the relationship here. In the future, you will be outside and there will be more contacts here when you need to get to the capital."

  "While I can still watch it for you, I will help you watch it for a few more years, Shanbao, you have to stand up for it yourself."

  Bai Shan nodded moving, and leaned on his grandmother’s shoulder and said, "Grandma, don't worry."

    See you tomorrow, spin happily, turn around and fly away, la la la la



  (End of this chapter)

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