Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2351: show off

  Chapter 2351 Show off

  Zhou Liru found a box, held it and ran to find Man Bao, "Sister, this is what you are looking for."

  Man Bao happily took it and opened it to them, "Look at it."

  Neither Mingda nor Changyu could hold back a "wow", their eyes were bright and looked at the gems in the box. They were two large gems, much larger than the ones in their boxes.

  Changyu picked up a red one and said in amazement: "You can fight the phoenix crown."

  Man Bao nodded again and again, "Yes! That's what I thought when I saw them. You can set it on the phoenix crown when you get married."

  Changyu: "You send us? Forget it, you love money so much, and you are poorer than us, how can you want something from you?"

  She said generously: "How much did you cost when you bought it, I bought it at the price."

  Man Bao smiled and said: "That's precious. I asked the merchants in the Western Regions. They said that such a brocade requires at least 100 horses to get it."

  Don't talk about Changyu, Mingda's mouth was open.

  Changyu reluctantly put it down, and said regretfully: "Forget it, I can't buy it temporarily."

  The princess is also poor.

Man Bao stuffed the ruby ​​into her hand, then stuffed another blue one to Mingda, and said with a smile: "For you, I found these two gems from the bandit's den. They were messy at the time. , Duan Cishi is not familiar with these, so I chose it first with me."

  Changyu held the gem and couldn’t help asking, “Don’t you want to get married? Why don’t you keep it for yourself?”

  Man Baodao: "Such a big gem needs a lot of luxurious crowns to match it, I can't wear it."

  Mingda couldn’t help but burst out laughing, and after collecting the gems, he asked, “What else did you take from the thief’s den?”

   "That's too much," Man Bao said excitedly: "On this trip, my assets tripled, not counting the fact that I brought some things to the Western Regions to make money."

   Changyu sighed, “No wonder so many people like to run to the Western Regions, even if there are many thieves over there, they can’t stop them.”

Man Bao thought for a while and said, "It's not a lot of people. We ran into a caravan along the way. The surname was You. It was very poor. He was robbed by horse thieves halfway. Selling it is enough for travel expenses and pensions for the fellows who died in the war, without losing money."

   Mingda whispered: "You can still not lose in this accident. This is a great fortune."

   "We also thought he was lucky, but unfortunately he had already left when we returned to Shazhou, otherwise he would be happy when we came back on the same road."

Man Bao also took them to see her collection and the goods they brought back from the Western Regions. She took them to her room first, took out big boxes and opened them to them, "I just picked them out and liked them. Yes, I want to keep it for my own jewelry in the future, or keep it for my children and grandchildren, or use it as a gift in the future."

  Mingdal, "Do you want to be so far away?"

   "Of course," Man Bao said happily: "This makes people who have no long-term worry must have near-term worries. If you think further, they will not even have distant worries."

   Then led them to the storeroom to look at the boxes piled inside. Seeing the contents, Mingda and Changyu were speechless, "So many gems and spices?"

Man Bao nodded, "Da Bo Li and Xiao Bo Li are at war, and there is a rumor from the Western Regions that our Da Jin is bad, so the business route is cut off at once. There are a lot of bandits on the road, and many merchants from the Western Regions are stuck. Xizhou, I can't go back, and I can't live without it."

"We brought a lot of cloth back then, and basically exchanged things with them," Man Baodao said, "There are also jade and gemstones in Qiuci, Xizhou. They are even cheaper. As long as you have gold and silver, you can buy them, not to mention. We also brought some tea and cloth at the time. After going there, I learned that in the Western Regions, tea and cloth are harder than gold and silver."

  She said: “You can buy things with gold and silver, but you can buy things with tea leaves and beautiful silk brocades.”

   Changyu's eyes gleamed when she heard it, and she asked, "Does your family really plan to take the Western Region road?"

  Man Bao shook his head, "The Western Regions are too far away. It takes a year to go back and forth. Even if the business routes are now open, it is very dangerous, and my fourth brother is not familiar with the business on the grassland. How can I go to the Western Regions?"

  Changyu doubts, "You can go, why can't he go, a big man? Is it because the money is not enough? It doesn't matter, I have it."

  Mingda said: "Sister, if it was a money issue before, but now do you think Manbao is still short of money?"

Changyu followed her gaze and looked at the things in the warehouse. The things here are actually far less valuable than the things in their private warehouses, but these are all commodities, which can be realized, and turning into gold and silver is a big deal. The pen is gone, so Manbao and the others are really not short of money.

  True speaking of gold and silver, Man Bao might be richer than Chang Yu.

  Changyu could only look at Man Bao faintly, with plain sorrow in his eyes.

Man Bao smiled and said: "You have to eat one bite at a time, and you have to walk step by step. Your business is not like I went to the Western Regions for a business trip. Not only do I have Nie Canjun and soldiers to protect me, I also have officials along the way to take care of me. The bandits can also ask the governor to come forward and suppress the bandits. The caravan is much more dangerous on the road. Even if you want to go to the Western Regions, you have to come step by step. I will talk about it when my fourth brother gets familiar with it."

  Chang Yu heard her soften her tone, and quickly asked: "You promised me to conspire with your fourth brother, bah, did you cooperate?"

  Manbao and Mingda couldn’t help but become happy. Manbao nodded and said, “I agreed, but when will you marry and open your mansion?”

  Changyu even thought of the time, "The winter solstice will be over at the earliest."

   Always filial piety.

  With this calculation, there are still ten months left.

  However, it takes so long to get married, but in private, you can discuss the marriage first and get things ready.

  The three people gathered in the room and whispered whispers. At noon, the kitchen prepared a special sumptuous banquet, which was directly placed in the open house in the garden behind.

  Four tables were set up, Man Bao and the others invited the princess to sit at a table alone, which was more comfortable.

  Bai Shan ran to Mrs. Liu's table, mumbled for a while, and then ran back to talk to Man Bao: "I have discussed with my grandmother Uncle Zhou. We will arrange the family banquet for April."

   "Huh?" Man Bao looked up suspiciously.

  Bai Shan explained: “I’m going to take the exams of the Ministry of Rites and the Ministry of Civil Affairs, and I won’t be in a hurry to entertain my relatives and friends after I get the exam.”

  Man Bao only then understood and nodded without any comment.

  Feasting relatives and friends is lively, but it is also very tired, and the meals at the banquet may not be as good as the usual meals, so she does not have much expectation for banqueting relatives and friends.

But Bai Shan added two more expectations, because Mrs. Liu said on the table just now, "Well, when he has passed the examination of the staff department, he will also mention the marriage of the two children with his family. At that time, I just told my friends and relatives that I chose a good day to invite them to have a wedding wine."

   See you at nine in the evening

    Manbao: I am so rich



  (End of this chapter)

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