Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 232: catch

  Chapter 232 Seize

  Bai Shanbao's eyes glowed with excitement, "Da Ji turned out to be so great!"

  Man Baodao: "I want to fight with Daji Xuefei on the roof."

   "No, you can't learn, I can learn." Man Bao is already wild in the fight, and then learn from her, then he can beat her in the future?

  Manbao still has to fight, Keke said: "Host, while everyone is not paying attention, you go and take the electric shock stick back?"

   "No, I will be charged too."

   "No," Keke said, "Use a stick to pull away the human hand. You can hold the end of the switch. If you are still scared, the host can consider buying a pair of insulated gloves."

   is not so critical anymore, Man Bao’s stingy attribute is back again, shook his head and said: "No more, I want to save some points."

  She dropped Bai Shanbao, squeezed back to the kitchen by herself, and after looking for a stick, she went to pull the one who fell to the ground.

The fighting on the roof was wonderful, everyone's eyes were fixed on it, especially the old Zhoutou who shouted from time to time, "Oh, my tiles, come down and fight, fight under the head, don't be on the roof. Hit..."

  Everyone's attention is more concentrated.

  Man Bao squatted on the ground and pulled his hand away with a stick. He didn't reach for the electric stun stick. Instead, he pulled it out with a stick and then reached for it.

  She turned the switch off, took another look at the two people who fell on the ground, and asked Keke curiously, "Why can this stick knock people out?"

  "It’s not a stun, it’s a corona. Do you know lightning?’

  Man Bao nodded fiercely, "I know."

   "The electricity in an electric shock stick is like lightning. It will stun a person if it strikes it."

  Man Bao trembled, "But lightning will kill people."

   "No electric shock stick, at least this electric shock stick in the Encyclopedia will not. It is equipped with a safety system. Although it has a lot of power, it will only stun people."

  Man Bao breathed a sigh of relief. When she was about to discuss with Keke how to stun the man on the roof, she saw that the eyelids of the people on the ground trembled, and she seemed to open her eyes.

  She was taken aback, and subconsciously pressed the switch, and then pressed it on his hand.

  The two people on the ground shook twice, their heads softened, and they passed out completely.

  Man Bao was pleasantly surprised, "It's really easy to use."


The man on the roof happened to watch this scene and couldn’t help but yelled twice, almost crazy. He brandished his sword and greeted Daji’s vitals. At this moment, he could not wait to take the whole village The villagers were killed.

  He was really uncomfortable. He was hit by a direct confrontation with the villagers, and he was hurt by hot water.

  Especially Xiao Qian’s barrel of hot hot water. Now there are blisters on his face and hands. This kind of discomfort almost drives him crazy.

   is also because of this, Da Ji can barely greet him.

  Liu also saw that Daji couldn’t beat the others, so he held the grandma’s hand and said, "You go back again, call more family members, and you must keep the people behind."

  Grandma was puzzled, "Old lady, this offends people like this..."

   Liu's stern voice: "Go!"

  Grandma can only bend back.

  Man Bao took the electric shock stick and ran back to Bai Shanbao to watch the excitement, thinking about how to throw the electric shock stick on him by the way.

  However, they are now moving, and they are far above the roof. Man Bao obviously doesn't have such skills, so he can only look up.

  The Bai family ran up quickly. They don’t have the aptitude, so naturally they can’t fly to the roof to fight with others, but they are more organized and disciplined than the villagers.

  Looking at the situation on the roof, the leader grabbed the village chief and asked, "Are there any bamboo poles?"

"Yes, on Tuesday, everything is lacking at home, but it is impossible to lack bamboo poles." Without the Lao Zhou family leading the way, the village chief took them directly to the utility room, which is full of bamboo poles, long and short. , Let you choose.

  The family members just picked one, dragged it out, stood in the team, and took time directly below to give that person a bamboo pole.

  He couldn't avoid it, and was pulled to his calf by a bamboo pole, and his feet were unstable. Daji took time out and kicked him off the roof.

The chest hurt from being kicked. He slammed on the ground. Before he could stand up, he was surrounded by villagers with sticks. This time they were smart and pressed the stick directly on him to make him stand up. Not coming.

  And a Jiading kicked off the sword in his hand and suppressed him.

  Daji jumped down and found a rope to tie him very firmly.

  Threw the three people into a pile, and then everyone looked at the three people in silence.

  I just watched the fight and excitement, and forgot to think about it. What should I do after catching someone?

  Even the village chief panicked, "Are they real?"

  In case it is true, then...

  Lao Zhou's head also felt guilty, he thought it was fake, but it was indeed the official who investigated the case back then...

Mr. Zhuang was very sure. He walked to the only sober person and said: "Even if they are really officials, the purpose of coming here is not pure. I have never heard of a place where people can give subsidies according to the head of the person. Otherwise, you Tell me first, where do you work?"

The man took a sip, staring at everyone with a vicious look, and said with a sneer: "Wait, dare to take us, the court will definitely sentence you to be a robber, and then the entire Qili Village will be razed, and you will also run away. Can't drop."

  The villagers became flustered when they heard the words, but Mr. Zhuang smiled and said, “I’m relieved to hear you say such things. It seems that you did come here for another purpose.”

  The village chief quietly went up and asked Mr. Zhuang, "Mr. Zhuang, if they are really officials, are we okay if we arrest them?"

  Mr. Zhuang calmed them and said, “It’s okay. They don’t even dare to reveal their identity. We have enough reasons even to go to the Yamen.”

  The village chief breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at the three of them worried, "Then how to deal with this, send it to the Yamen?"

  Mr. Zhuang took a look at the sky and said, “It’s late today. If you want to send it, it will be sent tomorrow. You have to detain people first.”

   "Then this..." The village head looked at Lao Zhou's head, apparently asking him what he meant. It was because of the talents of the old Zhou family who caught him.

Lao Zhou is not embarrassed. He was feeling distressed about the broken tiles. Seeing the village chief looked over, he nodded and was about to respond when a voice suddenly sounded, "If you don't worry, it's better to be at my house first. "

  Everyone looked in surprise, and saw that Liu had walked up at some unknown time. She was looking down at the three people tied together.

  Two of them were still dizzy, but one was still awake. He looked at Liu and seemed to have expected something. He opened his mouth and shouted, but Daji's eyes were quick to stuff a rag into it.

   He almost vomited out disgusting, but it made the rag a deeper layer, scared fear appeared in his eyes, and he struggled.

  (End of this chapter)

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