Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2305: expand

   Chapter 2305 Expansion

  Bai Shan was also shocked, and asked, "Do you want to test with smallpox rash?"


  Man Bao made sure that everyone’s acne had subsided and went to prepare smallpox scabs and asked them to try whether they would still get smallpox.

  This is the last step. When Man Bao brought the prepared smallpox scab, the six were sitting together, all looking nervously at the bowl in her hand.

  I heard that it was a acne that came out of a human body. They didn't touch it before, as long as they heard that there was smallpox, they wanted to stay far away.

  But they have been in contact with cow acne, and they will come in contact with people now...

  Thinking about it this way, the six people are not very nervous, and they all waited in line.

Man Bao put the adjusted cotton cloth in their noses for them, and she said: "Let it go until the evening, and then take it off after six hours. Usually the result will be known in three to five days, but we usually leave people behind. It depends on the situation in ten days. If you don’t get smallpox after ten days, it means that the vaccination is successful and you will not get smallpox in the future."

  The six people swallowed after hearing the words, and asked: "Then, what if the previous cowpox didn't work?"

  Man Bao's eyes condensed, and he said, "Then you will get acne again, and this time it will be much more dangerous."

  This is equivalent to human pox. This Manbao has experience, but their bodies are not as good as those prisoners before.

  Thinking about this, Man Bao also became a little nervous, and said to Bai Shan: "Will we not have enough medicinal materials?"

  Bai Shan said: "There are some in Xizhou City, and you have bought everything you need."

  Man Bao sighed, "Yes."

  Both of them waited nervously for the result, making Shirajiro who came to visit them a little nervous, and asked, "How are people now?"

  Man Baodao: "Very good, there is no response yet, but it's only the next day now, wait a few days to see."

   Shirajiro pondered for a while and said: "If it succeeds, the subsequent experiments will be faster, right?"

  Man Bao nodded, “The vaccinia scabs are readily available, so you don’t need to wait again. This time, the second batch of tests can be done after confirming.”

  And because of the previous experience, the second test will definitely be faster.

  Hakujiro happily said: "Then we must be faster than the army. Yesterday we received a good news. General Ashina went down to the three cities of Kucha and has already approached the capital of Kucha."

  Man Bao asked him, "We are faster than the army, what do you want to do in the rest of the time?"

   Shirajiro laughed and said: "I heard that when it gets colder, it may snow on the desert, and the snow on the sand dunes is particularly beautiful."

   When Bai Shan heard this, he lifted his spirits, “There is little water in the desert, so it’s not easy to snow, right?”

  Snow is the same as rain, and there will be less rain after winter.

  "Mr. said, he said that he watched the sky at night and felt that there should be rain in the Western Regions this year. If it gets colder, won't the rain turn into snow? It will definitely snow."

  Bai Shan turned his head and said to Man Bao: “Otherwise, let them build a yard next to it. Anyway, it was built with yellow mud, and the speed is very fast, so the speed of the experiment is faster.”

  Manbao: "Can the people of the Duhufu agree?"

  She didn't have any comments. When she was too busy, she called Baijilang and the others to help.

  But we still have to wait for this trial to prove that cowpox is really useful before we can start the next trial, otherwise, if it’s useless, then...

  Man Bao shook his head, temporarily suppressing this thought.

  Bai Shan has already said in deep thought: "I should agree, I will take Liu Huan to ask."

  He said: "I have had a lot of contact with them recently, maybe because General Guo had told us before he left, they were kind to us."

  Plus Liu Huan, the problem shouldn’t be a big deal, just two yards, just two days of work, and the things added in the house are not expensive.

  He said: "I heard that General Ashina and the Ministry of Household are going to have the second batch of grain and grass."

  So even General Guo, he won’t offend Liu Huan too much at this moment.

  Even if they are thousands of miles away from the capital, they can't sue Liu Shangshu at any time, but the fox is enough.

Sure enough, Bai Shan took Liu Huan to the Duhu Mansion and wandered around. After a round, he came out. Not only did he add two more yards to them, he also asked them for a lot of rice, noodles, vegetables and meat. The chickens raised in the yard changed again. There are too many old hens who will place orders.

   Several sheep grazing outside the yard have also been added.

  No way, Bai Shan wants a lot of meat, saying that the soldiers who will be sent there will have to raise them for a period of time. There are six people in one yard, and eighteen in three yards.

   Eighteen people have two meals a day, which is quite a lot. He asked more, it must be fresh meat every day.

  Duhu Mansion is too lazy to give them fresh meat every day, but where there is smallpox, is it so easy to get in and out?

  So I just drove a dozen sheep to them, let them watch and kill by themselves.

  Nie Cenjun, who is in charge of guarding the patients, turned his lips at the sight, and said with Bai Shan: “They are lazy, but we can kill them ourselves, and we can also use lamb bones to stew the soup, which is even more delicious than lamb.”

  Bai Shan simply handed over the tasks of killing the sheep and herding the sheep to Nie Cengjun, and he went to the barracks to pick 18 people, and first made do with living in the two newly built yards.

  Man Bao took Zhou Liru to prescribe medicated diet for their pulses, and began to nourish their bodies.

   Eighteen people thought they were going to dye smallpox when they came, but they didn’t expect to have to eat some delicious food for a few days. They waited nervously while eating, standing on their toes every day to look at the yard next door.

  The yard is not easy for people to enter, and the people in it cannot come out. I heard that they are getting acne.

   Eighteen people swallowed, and when the soldiers came to deliver the food, they couldn’t help asking, "Brother, are the people in the yard next door still alive?"

The soldiers guarding them knew that they were not prisoners, but soldiers like them, and they were disabled now, and they couldn’t ask to return to their hometowns, and the soldiers who guarded them were very kind to them and said: "Living Well, if you don’t believe it, just stand in the yard and shout over there."

   are all yellow mud houses, they are not soundproof at all, and you can hear a fart in the yard next door.

  They just came, and after eating every day, they were in a daze in bed. They didn't even dare to speak too loudly, otherwise they would find out early next door.

  Eighteen people listened, paused for a while and asked, "Can you shout?"

The soldier put down the food and bowls and chopsticks and said, "Yeah, yes, wash the dishes after you have eaten, Master Zhou said, you can go out for a walk, except that you can’t get close to the yard. You can go nearby. We put the sheep. On the hillside, you can help us see if you are okay."

   "Not brothers, aren't we here to dye smallpox? How can we just eat?"

"What dye smallpox, it is planting smallpox!" The soldier emphasized: "Master Zhou loves you very much. You have to grow your body before planting it, so that you can hold the flower that day. Anyway, there is no result on that side. Take care of your body, and wait until they are well, and your body is well taken care of before it's your turn."

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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