Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 227: Visitor

  Chapter 227 Visitors

  Man Bao went to the house of Mr. Bai next door confused.

  Lord Bai’s subordinates also knew Man Bao very well. Hearing that she had come to find Young Master Tang, he put him in.

  Man Bao ran to the front hall, and heard voices inside before she even reached the place. She did not rush forward, but leaned on the door and looked in.

  Bai Shanbao saw her at a glance. No way, he was standing behind his grandmother, while his grandmother and Uncle Bai were sitting on top, facing the door.

  A familiar round head protruded from the door, it was difficult for him to pay attention.

  Bai Shanbao blinked at her and told her to wait first, and he would look for her in a moment.

  Man Bao also blinked at him in reply.

  The guests who came were three gorgeously dressed men. They were talking to Mrs. Bai with their backs to Man Bao, but it was strange that one of them seemed to have noticed something, and turned his head back.

  There is nothing by the door.

  Man Bao squatted behind the door, held it down and bumped into her kitten, and hugged him happily.

  The little girl who was chasing over didn't dare to move forward, and waved at her again and again.

  Man Bao hugged the cat and ran over, "Miss Sister, is this cat yours?"

  "This is the old lady's. I was about to bathe it, but he didn't like bathing, so he ran away. Miss Zhou, would you give it to me?"

   "Oh, okay." Man Bao reluctantly gave her the cat. Seeing that she really liked it, the little girl smiled and said, "The little lady can touch it again."

   looked back at the person at the door and retracted his gaze. What he didn't know was that Liu, who was sitting on the top and smiling and talking, retracted his gaze calmly.

  Bai Shanbao didn't want to stand here to listen to the adults. The main reason was that what they said was boring, so he took a careful look at his grandmother, and saw that she hadn't noticed, so he slipped out quietly.

  Liu saw it, but said nothing.

  The guest sitting at the bottom seemed to know that Bai Shanbao went out because he felt bored, so he didn't say anything.

  Bai Shanbao slipped out of the door, and saw Man Bao was kicking the cat, and immediately ran up, "Why are you here?"

  Man Bao said: "Mr. said that your grandmother was sick, so you didn't go to school, but you lied to us. Grandma Liu was obviously fine."

  Bai Shanbao said: "It was my grandmother who said she was sick, but my uncle sent someone to find her, saying that a visitor from home wanted to see us, and my grandmother was fine again."

  He looked around, and whispered in Man Bao’s ear: "I think my grandmother is trying to be lazy, so I pretend to be sick."

   "Then why should I ask you for leave?"

  Bai Shanbao scratched his head, "For the sake of truth?"

  He said: "For example, if I pretend to be sick, I will put a hot towel on my forehead, so that my mother feels that I have a fever when I touch it."


Man Bao stuffed the notes to him and said, "Hey, this is the morning's notes. Mr. said, not only do you have to copy all the notes, and you can't leave your homework. You said, does the husband know that Grandma Liu pretends to be sick? on purpose?"

  Bai Shanbao: "..."

   "Do you want to go back to class this afternoon?"

  Bai Shanbao thought for a while, shook his head, glanced at the front hall and said, “I don’t know what’s wrong. My grandmother seems to be very interested in the guests coming this time. I may accompany my grandmother to the village chief’s house in a moment.”

   "Who are these guests?"

   "It is said that the court sent to count the disaster situation. If the disaster is severe, the court will have an additional subsidy. It seems that everyone has it, and the subsidy is based on the household registration."

  Man Bao wowed and said: "Really, there are 21 people in my family."

  Bai Shanbao also recovered, "Yes, then your family can get a lot of subsidies."

  Man Bao was ready to move, "I'll go to the village chief with you. It's best to listen to it."

  Bai Shanbao responded and took her hand to return to the front hall, but the people in the hall came out first before they entered.

  Liu took them out and said with a smile: "My old sister is not feeling well. Since it was sent by the court, I will take you to find the village chief."

  The head of the person's eyes flickered slightly, and he smiled and said, "Thank you very much, old lady, then."

  It is the time for endless rest. Man Bao is full of energy and wants to go with him.

  Bai Shanbao dragged her into the hall and took a few snacks before running after her grandmother and them.

  The two children have snacks in both hands, and they gnaw at the same time and whispered behind them, "Mr. afternoon is going to tell us a story. Are you really not going to school?"

  Bai Shanbao hesitated for a moment, "I think about it, and I have to ask my grandmother."

  Man Bao nodded.

The group rushed to the village chief’s house. The three said that they were from the court and wanted to do disaster statistics. Qili Village was reported to have been severely affected. After they checked it, they would report it, and the court would give subsidies based on their hair. That is, everyone on the household registration can receive subsidies.

  This kind of subsidy method is unheard of by the village head, but seeing the other party in a Chinese suit and wearing a saber does not seem to be a liar.

   And they didn’t ask him for money?

  So the village chief asked excitedly: "Really compensate according to the household registration?"


  "Daughter-in-law and underage dolls also make up?"

  The other party seemed to be a little impatient, but he nodded, "Yes, so you lead us through every house, we need to check it."

  The village chief immediately laughed and laughed, and said happily, “That’s simple, let’s count from my house first. By the way, do you want to see people?”

  The other party pondered for a while and said: "If you are at home, of course you have to see the person best, even if it is written in the household register, what if there are errors or omissions?"

   "Oh, sir, don't you dare to say that. The people in our village are very honest, and over-reporting the population and paying taxes, why do we over-reporting?"

   "So some underreporting?"

   "No, no, neither," the village chief thought they were fools, but explained with a smile on his face: "This child can be divided into dingtians after he becomes a child. Who will underreport?"

  No matter over-reporting or under-reporting, it is impossible for them.

However, because the three of them wanted to see people, the village chief brought in the eldest son and said, "Go, talk to Mr. Zhuang, and ask the children in the village for half a day, and ask the second child to call back all the people in the field. They must be counted for a while. This is related to subsidies."

  The two sons answered, and ran out.

  Bai Shanbao and Manbao looked at each other, so they don't have to think about going back to class, but they still held hands and ran into the school.

   Dazhu’s nephew went to ask for leave for them, the husband must gather the students to announce that Man Bao can’t be absent.

  When Mr. Zhuang called all the nearby children back into the school, he found a person sitting next to Man Bao. He was slightly surprised, "Bai Shan, isn't your grandmother sick?"

  (End of this chapter)

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