Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2243: Doubt

  Chapter 2243 Suspicion

  Man Bao and the others waited in the small town for a day, but the guards rushed to catch up, and at the same time they brought back a letter from General Meng.

  Bai Shan and the others put it away after seeing it, then rectified their luggage, and went into the desert the next day.

  Manbao and the others have camels. In addition to putting some heavy goods, they also climbed up and sat for a while with curiosity, and then began to feel distressed, "So heavy, are they tired?"

   "It doesn't seem to be a lot of food prepared for them..."

  Heavy rain rode aside and rolled his eyes and said: "They are so big, what's the tiring of just a little cargo of camels?"

  However, Manbao refused to sit down, and got off the camel to continue riding.

  After all, the horse only takes them one, but there are still a lot of goods hanging on both sides of the camel.

  The group of people headed west without a slow speed. They were very careful along the way. After all, there was a group of horse thieves in the dark, who didn’t know where to stare at them.

  Although Nie Canjun has been sending scouts to check back and forth, no one was found following him.

  Man Bao spent points for Keke to scan, and no people were found, they could only speculate that those people were not near them, at least not close to them.

  Unfortunately, the information is not well circulated. Otherwise, I can ask General Meng if there is any question from those two people.

  Alas, Ms. Mo and her can still contact her at any time through time and space. They just can’t communicate with each other after a few days.

  Man Bao felt the sun was getting shining, so he got out of his horse and got into the carriage.

  Others also changed to the carriage, ate some tea, and started talking while looking at the yellow sand outside. The heavy rain didn't know why they could talk so much, as if they couldn't finish talking every day.

  But when traveling in the desert, the most feared thing is loneliness except for the lack of water. They are not alone anymore.

The marching team was disconnected from the outside world. Not only did Jin Kui'an and the others who rushed to Shazhou City from the desert once more quickly could not find them, but Batur, who arrived in Shazhou City one day earlier than Jin Kui'an, also couldn't find them. .

As soon as the three of them arrived in Shazhou City, they first went to the restaurant they were familiar with in their small town to inquire about the situation. They originally wanted to ask if they knew Zhou Man and their team, if they knew they were still in the city. , When is the best time to leave if you are away, so that they don't have to go to the Yamen.

  Although the mayor said that they were doing good deeds this time, they could ask openly, but...

  Thieves are all afraid of the government. Of course, they are not afraid. They just don’t want to see the officers and soldiers and are not willing to say hello to them. So why go to the government to get news from the restaurant?

  As soon as they entered, the shopkeeper of the restaurant said: "You really came to find someone, they left after heavy rain."

  Batur froze for a moment and said: "I know they are gone, they should have returned to the town now, the shopkeeper, do you know the convoy they sent into the city during the heavy rain? Are they still in the city now?"

The shopkeeper looked at him inexplicably, "What are you talking about? I mean the heavy rain and they followed the convoy and did not say that they returned to your town. He said that they took the order from the convoy and wanted to send them to the Western Regions. I know how much money was charged, but I think they are very happy, it should be a lot."

  Batur and all three of them were stunned.

  The heavy rain actually followed Doctor Zhou and the others?

  Batur took almost an hour to figure out the matter. Not only did he know when they left, but he also knew that Da Yu bought a lot of things from Shazhou City to sell in the Western Regions.

  It is said that before the heavy rain left, he claimed that when he returned from the Western Regions, he would go to Suzhou or Liangzhou to marry a Han daughter-in-law. His money should be enough.

  The other two partners looked at Batur together, "What should I do?"

  Batur wiped his face, "Kurban, go back and tell the mayor that the two of us will chase them. There are wolves chasing them. We must find them before they catch up."

  But in fact, there is no need for anyone to go back to notify the mayor and he also noticed the abnormality, because he thought that he should return to the town and there was no news of the heavy rain.

  If it’s a delay on the road, it’s okay to be two or three days late than he expected, but it’s been seven or eight days, why haven’t people been seen?

  The mayor thought of Zhou Man’s stay in his small town, his back stiffened, “It won’t be self-defeating, are they still staying somewhere in the desert?”

  The butler said: "Impossible, there are not many people in this desert, what's so fun?"

  Although there is no oasis as big as their small town elsewhere, it does not mean that there is no oasis. There is still water and people in other places.

  Who knows if Zhouman will stay as if staying in a small town?

  The mayor began to ponder, but couldn’t sit still anymore, and said: “Hello brothers, split into three teams and go out to find someone. Forget about Zhou Man and the others, we have brother No. 20 in it, we are just running into...”

The mayor had a sudden stop, and leaned back on the chair, touching his chin and thinking, "They shouldn't be afraid when they really run into it. They are people in the 70s and 80s, but they have a hundred people in Zhouman. Except for the dozen or so handless chickens, everyone else should have seen blood at the cutting edge, plus the heavy rain..."

  The butler smiled and said: "It's steady!"

  The mayor nodded, “As long as they don’t have other manpower, it’s stable.”

  So the mayor received the order from the export again, and continued to stay in the small town for the elderly to wait for the brothers to come back.

  At this time, the person who was going to deliver the letter to the mayor hid at the gate of Shazhou and watched Jin Kuian and his party enter the city. Only then did they pull the horse out of the city quietly, and walked back on the desert road with fresh water.

General Jin Kuian knew it as soon as they entered the city. "... Said it was a caravan, but they didn’t even have a car. Every horse brought something. The soldiers at the city gate quietly touched it when they checked. Grain is something like wheat bran, but they pay the tax for entering the city according to the cloth."

"There were seventy-nine people in total, all of whom brought weapons. As soon as they entered the city, they found an inn to live in. The humble servant kept looking for someone to stare at. Only after they lived, one person came to them, and seemed to be familiar with them. Humble estimates, they should be what the Doctor Zhou said."

  General Meng frowned and asked: "They didn't ask for news outside?"

   "No, I am buying water right now, and some people are going to the gate to get paperwork. It seems that they will leave the customs tomorrow. General, do you want to detain their paperwork and take them for questioning?"

  General Meng pondered for a moment, and then shook his head slightly, “Don’t give them the paperwork. Check whether they are inside the customs or enter the customs outside the customs. Let He Cishi send someone to check their goods.”

  "Will you be surprised?"

   It’s the end of the month, the book friends who still have the monthly pass look at me, roll around and ask for the monthly pass

    , I’m telling you the good news. When December enters, it will be full of treasures. Pay off the debt a little, so let me get more monthly tickets.

     The next chapter is around 6pm



  (End of this chapter)

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