Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2032: Leave

  Chapter 2032 Leaving

When Man Bao took Zhou Liru to Jishitang, Liu Sanniang and Zheng Gu and Zheng Shao were already waiting inside.

  The Luo family and his wife are waiting together, and if there is no problem after Man Bao saw it today, Mrs. Luo will be handed over to Liu Sanniang.

  The other brothers of the Luo family had gone back a month ago, but Luo Dalang stayed with Lady Luo.

  To live in a house that he still rented, Zhou Wu Lang found him a job in the grocery store next door, and occasionally went out to carry a bag when the grocery store was out of work.

The money earned is saved, and they barely have enough room and board to buy some medicines, but Man Bao does not charge their consultation fees, and occasionally Ji Shitang will give them discounts on Man Bao’s face, so the couple will spend two months in a month. He hasn't even spent all the copper money he brought before.

  Although every day is trembling, but seeing his wife getting better day by day, he is still very happy and feels that his persistence is correct.

  Man Bao finished the pulse of Lady Luo. Now she has stopped lochia, but her body is still very weak. Starting today, she will change two sets of needles and prescriptions.

  Man Bao not only taught Liu Sanniang and Zhou Liru, but also Zheng Gu and Zheng Shao who stood by.

  She said: "Even if the patient resists the male doctor's acupuncture in the future, he can still use the medicine, so you have to study this disease seriously."

  Zheng Gu and Zheng Shao happily responded.

  Wait for Man Bao to prescribe the prescription, and then took the prescription they prescribed and gave a pointer. Then, Doctor Liu went to give Lady Luo an acupuncture needle.

  Because today is the new needle method, Man Bao has been standing aside and staring at him. After pulling out the needle, Man Bao touched the pulse of Lady Mo Luo and nodded in satisfaction.

   "Okay, let's go back after taking the medicine."

  Lady Luo can now put on her own clothes, and even walk a few steps down on her own. She nodded and got up and put on her clothes.

  Luo Dalang took the prescription to grab the new medicine, and then thanked Zhou Man again and again, and then left with Lady Luo on his back.

   Liu Sanniang walked with her hands clean and asked: "Master, will she recover in two months?"

  Man Baodao: "Please follow the doctor's advice, it may take less than two months. It is a pity that her family is poor, otherwise she can eat some eggs and meat every other day, and she will recover faster."

  Now Luo Dalang is very generous in eating food for Lady Luo, but he only ate two eggs in two days and only meat once in three days.

  While Man Bao was busy with these patients, Prince Gong was finally leaving Beijing.

  He is going to return to Luozhou with his wife and children. He has already set the departure date. It was better to leave after the Lantern Festival, but Princess Gong happened to catch a cold that night, so it was delayed until now.

  Changyu came to ask her to go with him to see off Prince Gong. The treasures were very curious, "Should I see off King Gong?"

   Long hesitated: "Send it. It will also be sent to the gate of the palace. Didn't you always treat the third brother's leg injury? This time I go to Luozhou, I don't know when I will see you again."

  If Chang Yu used to say this, Luozhou is not very far from the capital, but it is far away. As long as he is favored, his father would always call him into Beijing during the holidays.

  But this time is different. This time King Gong left, and his father probably won't call him back on his own initiative, so he can only be recalled to the capital because of the empress's major event.

  From Changyu’s point of view, she naturally hopes that the father and queen will be long and peaceful.

  That’s why she said, I don’t know how long it will take to see this.

  In this era, separation can really be a farewell.

Man Bao thought for a while. Although her relationship with King Gong is not good, it is better to send him a delivery for a long time, so he asked Changyu the time and promised to send him at the gate of the palace the next day. .

  Man Bao is going to go. As Mingda’s future husband, Bai Erlang, he will naturally also go to send it.

  Bai Shan thought for a while after seeing him, and simply walked with them while he was not in class.

  When they arrived, Prince Gong was saying goodbye to the emperor Yiyi. In fact, he still wanted to return to Luozhou.

  Now he has lost the qualification to fight for position, his legs are lame again, and staying in the capital is like going to jail, so although he is reluctant to bear his father, Prince Gong still said goodbye with tears in his eyes.

  King Gong said goodbye to the emperor, but he was more cautious when he faced the queen.

  The queen sighed at him slightly, and reached out to touch his hair. Not only Prince Gong but everyone else was taken aback.

  The queen touched him like he was when she was a child, and sighed: "Remember to write to us when you come back to Luozhou."

   said again: "The queen only wants you to be safe and healthy for the rest of your life."

  King Gong nodded in response.

  Man Bao and the three people finally stepped forward, just handing over the prepared Cheng Yi, and then wishing King Gong a smooth journey.

  King Gong was surprised when he saw them, obviously he didn't expect that they would come to send him off, he hesitantly took what they were holding, turned around and handed it to the next person and nodded slightly.

  Everyone just said a word.

  It's getting late. They will leave the city after they leave the palace. It's not early, and Prince Gong reluctantly got on the horse and left.

  The prince personally sent people out of the city.

  Watching the convoy walk away, looking at the Prince Gong who was only one step behind behind the Prince, Bai Erlang couldn't help but whispered: "Your Majesty asked the Prince to send the Prince Gong, won’t they fight on the road?"

   "No," Bai Shanda: "The prince sent the prince to the vassal vassal to leave is a customary rule.

  Until the carriage disappeared, the emperor turned around to return to the Taiji Hall with the hand of the queen. He glanced at Zhou Man and the three of them. He nodded in satisfaction, "The three of them still miss the old love."

  Although I don’t have much contact with Prince Gong, I have come to give people away.

  The queen glanced at the emperor who was hiding his ears and robbing the bell. She didn't think Zhou Man and the others were reminiscing about old feelings, only that they knew how to be polite.

  Man Bao and the three people lowered the first and waited for the empress to walk away, and then ran forward to take Mingda and the two of them to talk.

   Bai Erlang nervously looked at Mingda, whose eyes were red, "King Gong, who is reluctant to leave?"

  Mingda shook his head, “It’s good for the third brother to return to Luozhou, but I think I might not see it for many years, so it’s a bit sad.”

   "What's the matter? He can't go back to Beijing. If you want to see him, go to Luozhou to see him."

  Man Bao also nodded, "That is, I can play in Luozhou by the way."

  Mingda couldn't help but laugh, wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes, and said, "Should I stop by to Luozhou for fun, or stop by to see the third brother?"

   "Anyway, it's almost the same meaning, just do both."

   Long hesitated: "I don't know what's delicious in Luozhou, the third brother has forgotten to ask him after coming back so long."

  This kind of thing has always been a concern for the subordinates. Changyu would not have thought about this kind of thing before, but now he has already asked and considered it actively.

  The five people walked back. Mingda and Changyu made an excuse and planned to take a detour to the East Palace to see the princess and the little emperors.

  The Empress didn’t stop them, the girls are all older, so naturally they can play by themselves.

    postponed until eight o’clock in the evening, see you



  (End of this chapter)

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