Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1376: envy

   Chapter 1376 Envy

  Bai Shan turned around and handed it to the guard behind him.

  The guards quickly refused, and Bai Shan said: "Eat, run all the way, you won’t be hungry."

  They are not sitting in a car, and riding a horse is very exhausting. Besides, it is still cold, and they have to withstand the wind and cold, so they will be hungry faster.

  Even the three of them are hungry, they must be hungry faster.

The stall owner cut up five patties quickly, chopped the meat and stuffed them in. Maybe they really look good. The stall owner accidentally cut the opening of the patties as big as possible, and then put them in as much as possible. Stuffed meat.

  The stall owner greeted them enthusiastically to sit down and eat in the store, and said: “We have mutton soup here, it’s not expensive, and a bowl of five cents.”

   is cheaper than meatloaf, which costs nine cents apiece.

  Bai Shan took out a string of copper coins and counted forty-five to him.

The stall owner counted nine and put them in the basin, and then counted nine and put them in. The three of them stood in front of the stall and looked at him and counted them five times. I feel a little embarrassed.

  He focused on counting money just now, but there is no way. He is not very good at counting. If he is distracted, he won't remember how many he has just counted.

  Bai Shan couldn’t help but gave the stall owner a thumbs up, “You’re good at counting.”

The stall owner immediately became happy, "Thank you for your praise. My mother-in-law said the same. She usually collects the money by the side. If she doesn't come, I can only collect it like this, otherwise the cake will make mistakes. "

  He can't count too many counts, but it is still possible to count within ten.

  Bai Shan took the opportunity to ask, "Brother, is the street next to this Erhu Street?"

  The stall owner felt that Bai Shan had called his eldest brother shorter, but he still nodded, “It’s Erhu Street, why, Lang Jun’s relatives and friends live here?”

  Bai Shan nodded and said with a smile: "My cousin has a separate courtyard here, his surname is Bai, do you know?"

   "Oh, it's the white master's house, right? I know, I know, the eldest master of the Bai family just came to buy meatloaf."

  When the three of them heard this, their eyes lit up, and after saluting with the stall owner, they led their horses into the street next to them.

  Erhu Street is smaller than the main street, and there are only shops in the first half of the street, and there are no shops in the back.

As soon as    came in, Bai Erlang's memory was awakened, and he said with Bai Shan very sure: "Yes, this is the street, go inside, the third to last is my other courtyard."

  Bai Shan peeled the paper bag down, took a bite and said, "I know, the stall owner just said it."

  Man Bao was not in a hurry to go to the other hospital, smelling the aroma in the paper bag, and peeling the paper bag to eat.

  White Erlang sighed, and walked while eating. The three ponies followed their masters obediently, seeming to smell the fragrance, and arched them with their noses.

  Manbao gently pushed away Chiji's head, and said, "You can't eat this, I'll give you beans for a while."

  The three of them walked forward slowly, and after eating the meatloaf, they put the paper bag in one place and handed them to Baijiro to hold them together.

  In the past, Baijiro would definitely jump his feet to express aggrieved, but today he forgot his way, a little guilty, so he held it silently without resisting.

  The three people ate a big meatloaf without feeling hungry, so they decided to walk over slowly.

  Especially Bai Shan and Man Bao, the two of them only hold horses in their hands, the ropes are turned in their hands, and they are humming softly, very happy.

  Walking through an alley, Bai Shan glanced in, then turned his head and smiled with Man Bao: "I just saw a person who looked like Brother Daodong."

  As soon as the voice fell, Bai Shan felt that something was wrong, so he pulled the horse and went straight back to look...

Man Bao and Bai Erlang immediately retreated. The three stood at the alley and looked inside together. They saw Bai Dalang standing in the alley with his head down and talking to the little lady on the opposite side. The little lady opposite him was also lowering. Head and face blushing.

A girl and a boy guarding in the alleyway, the girl saw the three heads coming in and wanted to stop them. When she saw the clothes and cloaks they were wearing, she was a little afraid. Seeing three horses still behind them, I didn't even dare to speak to them for a while.

  She can only look back to remind their lady, "Miss..."

  Xiao Si was also taken aback, and subconsciously shouted, "Second Young Master..."

   Then at the gazes of Bai Shan and Man Bao, he became more embarrassed and whispered: "Master Tang, Miss Man..."

  The two people who were talking were also startled when they heard the sound. They turned their heads and looked over. When the little lady saw so many people in the alley, she subconsciously jumped behind Bai Dalang to hide.

  Bai Dalang also blocked her, but when he saw that it was Bai Shan and the others, he heaved a sigh of relief, "Second brother, cousin, junior sister, are you here?"

   Thinking of something, he became a little nervous, and quickly asked: "Uncle grandma and they..."

  Bai Shan said: "We are coming soon. Grandma and the others are still in the car."

  Bai Dalang breathed a sigh of relief.

  Bai Shan and the three people looked at the little boy in front of them, then went to look at the girl, and finally turned their eyes on the girl behind Bai Dalang, showing a look of enlightenment.

  Bai Dalang felt bad when he saw their look, and quickly said: "Don't think about it, this is Miss Cheng Er, we, we..."

  He flushed slightly and said: "Our two families have already agreed on marriage."

  Miss Cheng Er nodded with a blushing face.

  Bai Dalang let Xiaoyou and the girl step aside, and when the three of them came in, he turned to introduce them sideways, "Second Miss, this is my brother, this is my cousin Bai Shan, and this is my junior sister Zhou Man."

  Miss Cheng Er raised her head blushing and curtseyed to the three of them. It was the first time that the three of them had seen such a shy person.

  Hakujiro looked puzzled, "Brother, why are you hiding here and talking?"

  Bai Dalang coughed lightly: "I'm leaving tomorrow, so I have to talk to the second lady."

   "Then you should go home. There is neither tea nor seats in this alley. What a rude."

  Ms. Chenger's face is even redder.

  Man Bao pulled the corner of his clothes to make him speak less.

  White Dalang also gave Shirajiro a secret glance, thinking he didn’t want it?

  But there are father and mother at home, Miss Cheng Er came to talk to his mother basically, they did not have the opportunity to be alone.

  Besides, they just agreed on the marriage, so Miss Cheng Er came to the door, and she couldn't help but seem not enough in the eyes of others.

  The situation of the two of them is not like Bai Shan and Man Bao.

Speaking of this, he glanced enviously at Bai Shan and Man Bao standing side by side. This is a good thing since he was a child, even if Bai Shan goes to Lao Zhou’s house every day to find Man Bao, or Man Bao goes to Bai’s house every day. No one would be surprised to find Bai Shan.

  Everyone will take it for granted.

Bai Shan met Bai Dalang's gaze, but misunderstood it. He nodded to him quite understandingly, and said to Man Bao and Bai Erlang: "Let's go, and we have to tell our cousin and cousin that the convoy is coming soon. "

  He turned his head and said to Dalang Bai: "Brother Hall, you should greet Miss Cheng Er first, let's go first."

  Bai Dalang always felt that he had misunderstood.

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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