Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1369: End and start four

  Chapter 1369 End and Begin Four

Mrs. Liu said: "Back then Ziqiben released your book. Thanks to your staying with Shanbao over the years, now you can set things right. What happened 13 years ago has come to light, and Ziqi’s enmity has been reported. NS……"

Da Ji knelt down and said, "Old lady, let the younger one follow the young master."

   There was still passion when he was young, and he wanted to go to the world, but for more than ten years, he has been with Bai Shan and has long been used to it.

  Besides, at this age, he can't turn around and go to the world, so if he really wants to go back to farming, he might as well just stay with the young master.

  Lao Mrs. Liu nodded and said, “This is natural. Shanbao needs more protection when he goes out to study in the future.”

She said: "This does not conflict with the book you put you. I have heard that you want to send Bo'an to martial arts and let Shuping study. Isn't he as old as Shanbao? You can think about it after two years of study. It’s better for him to take the exam or examiner if you let him out."

  Daji said nothing.

Mrs. Liu returned the book to him, saying: "After returning to Longzhou, I went with Liu Gui to change to a good book. This time Man Bao also took her two nephews to Beijing to study. I mean, Liyang. The school on the side is not comparable to the capital. After you go back, take your wife and children to the capital, so that it is convenient for Shuping to study and your family can be reunited."

Daji hesitated for a while, and Mrs. Liu smiled and said: "Go ahead, our Bai family is mediocre. In the future, Shanbao will need help in the officialdom. If Shuping can enter the government, the two children will be able to help each other in the future."

  Daji didn’t even dare to say it, but he still remembered it in his heart. He took over the book of registration and the deed, knelt down and knocked the old lady two heads, bowed and retreated.

Early the next morning, Da Ji took the carriage out of the village. Bai Shan, Man Bao, and Bai Erlang took the people to the entrance of the village together. Er Ji’s coffin was tied to the carriage, and there were white flags hanging on the carriage to remind people to avoid. .

  Bai Shandao: "We are waiting for you in the capital."

  Good luck, "Master, Miss Man, Master Tang, take care."

   After that, he jumped into the carriage, flicked the whip, and the carriage slowly moved forward.

  Liu Gui and three other servants drove two other carriages to keep up.

  They will first go to Lizhou, change to a boat, and go directly to Qinzhou from Lizhou, and it takes only one day from Qinzhou to Liyang County, Longzhou.

  Lao Liu had asked someone to charter a boat in Lizhou in advance. Because they had brought a coffin, they had to pay for the charter, and they had to pay three times more than usual.

  Ice cubes are also bought in Lizhou and delivered directly to the ship for later use.

  The three of them stood on a small high **** at the entrance of the village and watched the three carriages slowly walk away until they disappeared. Then they turned around glumly and went home.

  Today is the seventh day of the new year, and they will also leave tomorrow, only one day away.

   Back under the big banyan tree, the three of them stood slightly, and Bai Shan said, “I’m afraid that the copy of the medical book for Daohe will not be finished.”

  Although they didn't give Erji a guard, they felt uncomfortable, so they didn't write a single word yesterday, so naturally they didn't copy it well.

  Man Bao directly waved his hand and said: "It's okay, give him the original manuscript, and copy you back to Doctor Liu, and I will fill in the back."

  This is also a way.

  The three of them went back and took the books and manuscripts with them, then ordered one of the people in the family and drove to the Taoist temple.

  It didn't take long for the sky to light up at this time. At this moment, everyone is still at home to celebrate the New Year. There is no one on the way up the mountain.

  The door of the Taoist Temple was open, but it was also empty inside. When the three of them crossed the high threshold to enter, it was quiet.

  The three were accustomed to them, and first worshipped Lord Baitianzun in the main hall, and then went back.

  The Taoist priests are also celebrating the New Year. The weather is so cold. Of course, everyone gathers together around the brazier to warm up and chat, and eat something from the believers by the way.

  Tao and Daoxu are naturally with the masters and uncles. As for the front hall door is wide open, they are not worried.

  No one will go up the mountain to steal from the Taoist temple. If they do, they are either crazy or starving to death.

   Shouqing Guanzhu and Tao and Taoxu said that if the former is the case, they can't care about a madman; if the latter is the case, it is saving lives and calculating merit.

  But Dao and Daoxu thought in their hearts that the masters and uncles were lazy, afraid of the cold, and felt that there was no one in the cold weather. They had to sit in the front hall and guard.

  Manbao and the others were familiar with Tao and the wing where they often grilled. Looking through the window, there were quite a few people in it.

  Bai Shan knocked on the window, and he heard Shouqingdao say: "A guest is here, Shoucai, go and wait for the guest!"

   Shoucai said: "Study, I'm on duty in the morning, it's almost noon now, it's up to you to go."

  The three people outside the window looked up at the sun together, God’s noon, how good is the morning tomorrow?

  Sincerely, I finished the morning meal and didn’t want to move. He said, “Daohe, Daoxu, you have grown up. It’s time to learn how to treat guests, you go."

  Man Bao couldn’t help it, knocking on the window and saying, "It’s us."

   Dao and Daoxu, who had to get up, sat back and said to the window: "Come in, it's so cold outside."

  Bai Shan saw that they really didn’t want to come out, so he had to pull up Man Bao and turned to go forward. He saw a moon gate. After entering, he turned again, which happened to be a vegetable field. The three of them turned a turn before they got to the gate.

Daohe had already opened the door, and when he saw the three of them, he smiled and said, "I guess you also came to the door these past two days, but I didn't expect it to be today."

  Bai Shan gave him the baggage in his hand and couldn’t help complaining, “Can’t you change the door of this room? Or you can open an extra door over there.”

   "It will be humid like that," Daohe said, "Anyway, this wing is used for stacking firewood, and only in winter it will be fired in it, so be it."

  The attitude of the three people towards the life they can live by is totally incapable.

  It’s not the first time that they mentioned the opening of the wing. It’s a pity that they are willing to walk a little longer each time and never open the door.

  Sometimes when they get lazy, when believers come to worship, they only talk to people through the window, and they are not willing to go to the front to greet them.

Daohe asked them to sit down and have a fire together. Shouqing looked up at them for a while and asked, "Why, are there any new bereaved people in the village?"

  The three became curious. They looked down at their bodies. They didn't wear burlap. How did he know?

  Shouqing did not explain, but just let them sit down, then turned their heads and said, "Go and cook them a bowl of soup."

  Strict response, then reluctantly got up from the stool and went to the kitchen.

Dao He had already opened his bag and read it. He first opened the plain cover, only the book with the word "Medical Book" written on the cover. He scanned it in ten lines, and was pleasantly surprised, "There are many illnesses written on it. "

  Man Bao nodded, "I have listed two to three prescriptions for each disease. You can refer to it later."

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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