Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1336: Do you believe it

   Chapter 1336 Do You Believe

  The four people talked lively, Daoxu ran over from the front hall, happily said hello to the three of Man Bao, grabbed Dao He and took a sip of the tea in front of him.

  He wrinkled his entire face in so much pain, he didn't care, put it down and said: "I said that my throat is about to smoke, brother, why are you so leisurely here?"

   Tao and Tao: "I talk less with Master."

   Daoxu gave a "cut", and then looked at Man Bao three people happily, "Is the capital fun?"

  Man Bao nodded, "Not bad."

Daoxu was envious, "I wish I could go to the capital too."

   Tao and Tao: "Guanli has no money."

  It costs a lot to travel far, and not everyone can go out.

  Bai Shan said: "If you want to go, you can start with us. We have carriages, and we have a caregiver on the road, but do you think about where you are going when you get to the capital?"

   Daoxu said in a daze, "I mean, I'm not going to go."

   Daohe also refused for him, “When he learns his skills, he can naturally go out. Now he just wants to go, and the masters will not let him.”

   Speaking of this, Man Bao went in to find Qian’s and took the packaged book to Daohe, “This is the book you were looking for earlier. We found it in the bookstore in Beijing.”

   Road and took it, opened it and looked at it and asked: "How much is it?"

  Man Bao did not say no, so he quoted directly, "Two and two."

Dao He nodded, took the book and got up and went back to the house to get her money.

   Daoxu was stunned, "What book is so expensive? It's almost eight dollars a book."

Bai Shandao: "An analysis of "Zhuangzi", an annotation of "Book of Changes", and an article of "Heaven and Human Induction". This is still a manuscript. We found it in a pile of old books. If we buy it and print it Engraving, an analysis of "Zhuangzi" costs two taels of silver."

  So it is said that books are expensive, two books can be exchanged for one cow.

  Especially this kind of books that are not very popular, because the cost of the first edition is too high, the price is usually higher, and some commonly used books are cheaper.

For example, the engraved edition of "Zhuangzi" only costs nine dollars per copy, and various analytical versions are available, because the translators and annotations are not the same, and the prices are different. I can't even see it.

  The two translations and annotations that Bai Shan and the others found are still in the market, so they are not too expensive. Some isolated translations and annotations may sell for thousands of taels.

  One book can change a house in the capital.

Dao He gave Man Bao the silver, Daoxu touched his arms subconsciously after seeing it, and said, "Brother, do you still have money?"

   said and shook his head, "No more."

  He glanced at Daoxu and said, “Don’t always take money to buy food, but also save some. In the future, you won’t have to reach out and ask the masters for pen and ink.”

Daoxu turned his eyes to look at Man Bao, he hehe smiled and said, "Man Bao, have you had anything strange recently? I heard some wealthy people in the county say that you are still treating the nobles in the palace, yes. not real?"

  Bai Shan frowned, before blocking Man Bao and said, "What do you want to do?"

Dao He poured himself a cup of tea and smiled: "Don't pay attention to him, he likes to make some fascinating things now."

  Tao Xu disapproved, saying: "Man Bao and I are mutually consummate. Brother and Shoucai have all said that our cultivation is not only to perfect ourselves, but also to perfect others, but also to perfect everything in the world."

He pointed to Man Baodao: "People outside think that she is the reincarnation of a fairy, which is good for her, for their family, and good for our Taoism. This is not only the perfection of others, but also us, and even more perfection. The layman outside?"

  Man Bao pointed to his nose and asked, "What does this have to do with me?"

  "Why is it irrelevant?" Daoxu quickly said: "Don't you know, since the reputation of your fairy reincarnation spread, the incense of our Taoist temple has been more vigorous?"

  Man Bao nodded, she knows this, but isn’t that all years ago?

  "Since your biological father's deeds spread, the incense of our Taoist temples has grown even stronger, and even spread to neighboring counties. There is also the great master who has paid money to pledge to donate a statue of Tianzun..."

  Man Bao's three people opened their mouths in surprise. Why would the rich still believe this kind of panic?

  Bai Shan thought about it carefully. In fact, there is nothing bad about Man Bao’s reputation for the reincarnation of a fairy. She was with Uncle Zhou by her side.

  After all, it was because of Aunt Qian’s that this matter spread.

  Bai Shan's eyes drifted, and he began to ponder. It seems that the people of the Zhou family are not completely unaware of the strange thing about Man Bao.

  He raised his head to look at Daoxu, then looked at Daohe again, and asked with a smile, "You two don't believe that Man Bao is the reincarnation of a fairy?"

  Tao and Dao Xu:……

  Both of them are three years older than Man Bao, and both of them were picked up and raised by masters from outside.

Speaking of it, the two of them have known Man Bao for longer than Bai Shan. Before she could walk, Qian held her up to worship Laojun, and asked their master to help him see the doctor. They also watched. I have asked for a symbol in it.

  So, who doesn’t know who, who grew up as a child, who believes she is the reincarnation of a fairy?

  The main thing is, what do they do?

  They themselves are Taoists, OK, even if they are reincarnated, they are also reincarnated. Where does Zhou Man look like a Taoist fairy?

   Daoxu was choked, and there was nothing to say for a while, Daohe was silent for a while and then smiled at Bai Erlang, and asked: "Bai Cheng, do you believe that Zhouman is the reincarnation of a fairy?"

   Bai Erlang looked at Man Bao and shook his head in disgust, "I admit that she is smarter than me, but she can't be a fairy."

He pointed to Bai Shan and said, "If she is a fairy, isn't Bai Shan who is as smart as her a fairy boy? There are still many people in the capital who are as smart as them. There are too many reincarnations, right?"

   Dao and then smiled at Bai Shan, this is how they feel.

  Man Bao mumbled: "I didn't say that I was the reincarnation of a fairy."

  Bai Shan said to Daoxu: "Look, you don’t even believe in yourself. How can you make people outside believe that Man Bao is the reincarnation of a fairy? I believe you have great merits in Taoism and can take care of the fairy on behalf of the old gentleman?"

  He said: "You want to use this to make money, it's difficult!"

  Man Bao frightened him, "Be careful, wear a gang at the end, you are beaten by someone."

"It's fine if you are beaten. Don't hurt Man Bao." Bai Shan said solemnly: "If you want people to believe that Man Bao is the reincarnation of a fairy, first you have to believe it yourself. Bao is the reincarnation of a fairy."

   Daoxu was stunned, "I, I just want to make some pocket money."

There are only a few sources of income for Taoist temples, and their view is even more limited, because Shili and 8 villages are very poor. In the past, except for giving some food when everyone came to worship, most of the time they made some money by doing things for people. I still have to cultivate myself.

    The next chapter is around 6pm



  (End of this chapter)

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